Chapter 49

The men of Russia's high command sat at a long, polished table, deep beneath the National Control Defense Center in Moscow. No surveillance network, no matter how sophisticated, could penetrate here. No one who wasn't in the room could hear what was being discussed. Between them, these men controlled enough weaponry to destroy all life on earth several times over.

President Tarasov was seated at the head of the table. Everyone in the room knew the pinched expression on his face meant he was angry. The generals and admirals waited for him to speak.

"General Kerensky. Why are we still fighting in Syria? Why haven't we used our bombers against these people?"

"It was thought the fighter/bomber squadrons would prove sufficient," Kerensky said, "but the Kurds constructed underground tunnels and bunkers that protect them from our raids."

"This has gone on long enough. Drop the Father on them."

A ripple of uneasy movement went around the table. The Father was the largest conventional weapon in Russia's arsenal, a thermobaric monster nicknamed The Father of All Bombs, FOAB. The destructive effect of one was similar to a tactical nuclear weapon.

The Father mixed powdered aluminum with high explosive and ethylene oxide, a combustible gas. When the bomb detonated, it ignited the oxygen in the air. The result was a gigantic fireball that vaporized everything in the area. The explosion left a vacuum that ruptured the lungs of anyone unfortunate enough to survive the initial detonation. It didn't matter if you were in a bunker under the surface. You died anyway.

It was a cruel, effective weapon of mass destruction.

Kerensky looked uncomfortable.

"Sir, at the moment the world sees our offensive in Syria as little more than a continuation of the difficulties in Syria that began years ago. If we drop the Father, we'll be accused of war crimes. World opinion will turn against us."

Tarasov slammed his hand down on the table.

"I don't give a whore's ass for world opinion. World opinion has belittled us for decades. World opinion thinks we are irrelevant. We are tolerated because of our nuclear arsenal. Without our missiles, we would have been overrun by our enemies years ago. What world opinion needs is a demonstration of our power and our determination to pursue our own destiny without the interference of others. Do you understand, General?"

"Yes, Mister President," Kerensky said.

"You will order the mission."

"Yes, sir."

"Does anyone else have an objection?"

No one did.
