Chapter 43

Right after he'd spoken with Jenna, Thorne called Carlson and told him about Anya's demand.

"What the hell do you mean she won't talk to anyone but you?"

"Don't shoot the messenger, Lewis. I'm telling you what she said. It was her idea. She came up with it out of the blue. I told her that could be a problem, but she wouldn't hear it."

"Do you think she means it?"

"I do."

"It's not possible."

"Before you say anything more, there's something you need to know. Davidson called me."

"What did he want?"

"He wanted me to brief him about OPERA before I reported to you."

"He what?"

"You heard me. He wanted me to report to him first. I think he wants to take over control of the asset."

"Did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Call him first."

"No, I didn't."

"Why not?"

"You have street experience. I respect that. You know how to run agents. You know what it feels like to look over your shoulder all the time. Davidson doesn't know shit about any of that. He takes her over, she's toast. She's too important to lose because he wants to play spy."

"Brief me. Tell me how the meeting went."

Thorne told him. When he was done, there was a long pause.

"All right," Carlson said. "Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to go talk with Kramer after I finish talking with you. I'll recommend that we honor OPERA's request and assign you as her handler. That means you have to be nearby, but posting you to Moscow isn't going to fly."

"I could cover her from here, in Helsinki. It will keep me off their radar. It's a short flight to Moscow if she wants to meet."

"Let me think about it. You'll need a reason to stay in Finland. Something that will give you an excuse to go into Russia."

"Why not use my Canadian identity? I'm supposed to be in the import business. We could build on that, set up an office as a front."

"Like I said, I'll think about it. Listen, Michael, I want you to know I appreciate the heads up."

"Reminds me of that scene in Casablanca," Thorne said.

"What scene?"

"At the end, when Bogart is talking to the French cop. He says, 'I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.'"

"I wouldn't go that far," Carlson said.
