Chapter 42

Thorne went back to his hotel and called Jenna.

"Michael. Where are you calling from?"

"My hotel in Helsinki. Listen, I need your advice about something."

"That's a first. What's the problem?"

"Actually there are two problems. Davidson called me and wants me to brief him about OPERA before I talk to Lewis. Something doesn't feel right about that. What's going on?"

"Have you talked to Davidson or Lewis?"

"Not yet."

"Did Davidson give you a reason why he wanted you to call him first?"

"He said Kramer wanted to be kept informed."

"Lewis would do that," Jenna said.

"That's why I called. It feels like a power play. I thought you might know something I don't."

"Davidson doesn't like Lewis. He may be trying to take over control of OPERA. She's a gold asset."

"Davidson is a bureaucrat," Michael said. "He doesn't know a damn thing about running assets. I might not like Lewis, but he knows his job. He knows the street. Then there's that second problem I mentioned."

"Which is?"

"OPERA insists on having me as her handler. She says she won't work with anyone else."

"Lewis won't like that. Or Davidson."

"It wasn't my idea."

"She's in Moscow, Mike. Whoever runs her has to be nearby. Normally it would be someone out of the embassy."

"I know the people stationed there. There isn't anyone qualified to run a high-level asset like this."

"Don't let Lewis hear you say that."

"You know it's true."

"When did that make any difference?" Jenna said.

"If they assign someone else, we'll lose her. She's frightened, and I don't blame her. She doesn't trust us, but for some reason she trusts me. If you'd been there when I talked with her, you'd know I'm right."

"If Davidson is making a move to take her over, he's not going to listen to you. He'll assign someone else."

"Davidson doesn't have a clue about what's going on out here. He'll put someone on it who doesn't know what they're doing and get her killed. The Russians find out she's talking to us, she'll be arrested. Jenna, we can't let that happen."

"You should tell Carlson about Davidson. Give him a heads up."

"Davidson will know I warned him," Thorne said. "It's not a smart career move."

"What career? You burned your promotion chances a long time ago."

Thorne laughed.

"You don't pull any punches, do you?"

"You knew that before you called me. Think about it. You warn Lewis, he'll be so pissed off at Davidson that he'll make sure you handle OPERA just to spite him. He'll go to Kramer. She'll back him up."

"Why would she do that?"

"You haven't noticed her management style? Julius Caesar had nothing on her. Divide and conquer is written deep on whatever passes for her heart."

"That's hard, Jenna."

"You asked for my advice."

"Yeah, I did. You could be right. I'll talk to Lewis. If Davidson is trying to take control, it makes sense he'd want to cut him out of the loop."

"What did OPERA tell you?"

"It's not good news. She says the Federation is planning something big. Maybe war with us. Something that involves their submarines. She said the units were secret. She hadn't heard of them before, and she knows everything about their military."

"Why does she think they're planning war? How did she find that out?"

"General Stepanov has bullied her into his bed. She's pissed off about it. She saw a file in his apartment."

"In a way that's good, about Stepanov."

"What's good about it?"

"It gives her real motivation. It helps me understand her. It authenticates her."

"I hadn't thought about it that way."

"Of course not," Jenna said. "You're not a woman."
