Chapter 38
The steady buzz of his cell phone woke Thorne in his hotel room. The woman in the bar had turned out to be a high-priced hooker, not an agent for the opposition. When she'd realized Thorne wasn't going to avail himself of her services, she'd moved on. After she left he had two more drinks. A pounding headache told him that had been a mistake.
He fumbled and picked up the phone. It looked like any other modern cell phone, but it was a product of the Defense Intelligence Agency's skunk works. It had satellite capability and was encrypted with unbreakable technology. No one was going to listen in on the conversation.
"Michael, this is Lewis. I have an assignment for you. It's priority importance. Are you clear to talk?"
"It's three in the morning and I'm alone in my hotel room. Yeah, I'm clear to talk."
"We want you to arrange a covert meeting with someone who's with the Russian delegation at the conference."
"You make that sound simple," Thorne said. "You realize what kind of security they have?"
"I'm sure you'll find a way. Her name is Anya Volkova. She's a Colonel, traveling as an assistant to General Stepanov. He's the First Deputy Defense Minister, which makes him a major player."
Thorne remembered the articles in Izvestia and Red Star.
"Volkova? The woman whose brother was killed in Syria?"
"That's her. It sounds like you already know who she is."
"Only what they've printed about her."
"She happens to be in a perfect position to know what the Russians are doing. She contacted the Embassy in Moscow. She wants to help us."
"She's a walk in?"
"That's right."
"Why would she help us? She's on the fast track. They've turned her into a national figure."
"We ran it by Psych to be sure. They say she checks the boxes and we should believe her."
"Far be it from me to argue with the head shrinkers," Thorne said.
"You really should stop making those derogatory comments," Carlson said.
"Are you going all PC on me now, Lewis?"
"I'm going to ignore that. She'll be staying in your hotel with the other delegates. Contact this woman and gain her trust. Her designation is OPERA. Set up communication protocols with her. Give her some basic tradecraft. She's an amateur. She'll make a mistake if she doesn't learn quickly."
"Has she given any indication she wants to defect?"
"Negative. We don't want her to defect. Don't mention it if she doesn't."
"What if something happens and her cover is blown?"
"If something happens, whatever we do will be time and situational dependent," Carlson said.
"You're willing to get her out if there's trouble? She'll need reassurance."
"Of course. You always were protective of your assets."
"Is there anything specific you want me to find out when I talk with her?"
"Stepanov's wife has ALS. It's possible Volkova is his mistress. That would be good to know, if true."
"You want me to ask her if she's sleeping with Stepanov? That's a great way to build rapport. From what I know of her, she doesn't strike me as the mistress type," Thorne said.
"Come on, Thorne, she's a woman. She wouldn't be the first to sleep her way to the top."
"You really should stop making those derogatory comments, Lewis."
"There you go again," Carlson said. "You can't help being a smartass, can you?"
"Something in you brings it out of me. Is that all?"
"There's something else. If we have a mole, it's possible he knows about your mission. You need to be careful when you meet with the source."
"You said there was no way that could happen."
"Yeah, well, I was wrong. Sorry about that."
Sure you are.
"Is that all?"
"Yeah, that's all. I expect timely updates. Don't screw this up, Thorne."
Carlson hung up.
Thorne got up and put on a robe. No way he was getting back to sleep now. He turned on the Keurig provided by the hotel, inserted a pod, and waited as it filled a cup. He sat down and sipped the bitter brew, thinking about how to make contact with Volkova.
The top floor of the hotel had been set aside for the Russian delegation, due to arrive later today. SVR agents were already stationed at all access points to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the floor. There was zero chance he could meet her there. It would have to be while the conference was in session, when all the delegates were down on the ground floor and out of their rooms.
Maybe it wouldn't be as difficult as he thought. In the days of the USSR it would have been impossible to approach her. Someone like her would have had KGB minders with her when visiting the West. The Federation was more open, at least on the surface. Life was better in Russia now than it had been under the communists. The old paranoia about people defecting to the West was still there, but it wasn't as much of a concern as it once had been.
There would be breaks in the conference sessions. The weather was good, people would go outside. That might provide an opportunity.
The conference could last for several days, or end quickly. There was no way to tell. Thorne doubted Moscow had any intention of agreeing to anything, but they might drag things out to make the West look unreasonable in negotiations. It's what he would do, if he were them. He would have to be patient and hope an opportunity presented itself to approach her.
Jenna had confirmed that there was a mole, and now Lewis had told him to be careful. Thorne had to assume the worst, that his cover was blown. If the Russians knew who he was and saw him meet with Volkova, she was toast. They'd take him off the board if they considered him a threat, neutral ground or not, and Volkova with him.
On a shit scale of one to ten, this mission had the potential to be a twelve.
It wouldn't be the first time.