Chapter 77

Thorne sent the files Anya had copied to Langley over a secure link from the CIA station in Tallinn. There was no sleep for him on the long journey back to Washington. By the time the plane landed, he was exhausted. Jenna met him at the gate.

"Hey," she said.


"Oh, Mike. You look like something out of a zombie movie."

"I'm going to take a hot shower and sleep for about a week."

"I know, but you can't. Not yet. Kramer wants to debrief you."

"We're going to Langley now? What a crock of shit."


"Don't be. It's not your fault."

"The files you sent?"

"What about them?"

"It's what OPERA said it was. A plan for a first strike scenario."

"I told you. She was the real deal."

"What happened at the border?"

"They came after us. They shot her. I killed them."

Thorne closed his eyes. There was no more talk until they reached Langley.

They rode up to the seventh floor and went into Kramer's office. Carlson was there, and Davidson. Kramer was behind her desk. They looked at him as he came into the room.

"Thorne," she said. "Take a seat."

"Michael," Carlson said.


Thorne sat.

"We received the files," Kramer said. "Tell us what happened. Start from the time you picked up OPERA in Moscow."

"This is bullshit," Thorne said. "You know what happened. We don't need to do this now."

"Watch your mouth, Thorne," Davidson said. "You're talking to the director."

"Fuck you, Davidson. I know who I'm talking to. Let me guess why I'm here. The Russians are making a stink and you're looking for a way to cover your ass."

"Mike," Jenna said. "No one's blaming you for anything. We know you're tired, but a lot of things are happening right now. Most of them are not good. The sooner you brief us, the sooner you can go home."

"Come on, Thorne," Davidson said. "Tell us what happened."

"Scott, enough," Kramer said. "Thorne, how did it start?"

"Mike," Jenna said.

He sighed. "All right. We were supposed to meet the next day."

"Who?" Kramer said. "You and OPERA?"

"Yes. I was already in Moscow, at the hotel. She called me and told me she needed help. She said she'd killed Stepanov and that she was in his apartment. She didn't know what to do. I told her to stay where she was and I'd come get her. It was the only option."

"Did she tell you she'd accessed files on his computer?" Davidson said.

"Not until later."

"You screwed up, Thorne," Davidson said. "You were specifically told not to extract her if there was trouble."

Thorne looked at him. Davidson flinched.

"Am I missing something here? She had the Russian plan for a sneak attack. If I hadn't acted as I did, we wouldn't have that information."

"You didn't know she had it. It hasn't been verified. You disobeyed orders."

"She gave her life to get it to us. What makes you think it isn't true?"

"It could be disinformation, meant to confuse us."

"Why are you such an asshole, Davidson? Were you born that way, or did you have to work at it?"

Davidson flushed, a deep red.

"You can't..."

Kramer held up her hand.

"Scott, save it. Thorne, tell us what happened after she called you."

"I needed transportation. I knew the FSB would track vehicle rentals, so I boosted a car. Then I picked her up."

"You stole a car."

"That's right."

"Then what?"

"Then we headed north and I called Lewis."

Thorne told them about reaching the safe house. He took them through everything that had happened, up to the point where the helicopter came after them.

"We saw the wreckage of the helicopter on the satellite," Kramer said. "How did you bring it down?"

"I used Stepanov's pistol. Anya brought it with her."

"You shot down a helicopter with a pistol?"

"I shot at the engine. I got lucky."

"How did OPERA die?"

"We were making for the border. There was this GRU Colonel and a Major who had been hounding her. They got out of the helicopter and started shooting at us. That's when she got hit."

"The Russians are making a lot of trouble over this," Kramer said. "They put two and two together and figured out who you were. They say you helped a murderer escape justice and killed three of their officers. They're demanding we turn you over for prosecution in the Federation."

"Of course they're going to say that. Do you think they're going to admit that the woman they'd turned into the face of their military stole their plan to attack us?"

"She was a traitor, Thorne," Davidson said.

"No, she wasn't. She was a patriot. She loved her country. I don't expect someone like you to understand that concept."

"Thorne, until we can verify the information on that drive, you are not to go anywhere," Kramer said. "Stay close to home. Don't leave the country. Is that clear?"

Thorne shook his head in disgust. "I don't believe you people."

He stood and headed for the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Davidson said. "We're not finished."

Thorne turned and looked at Davidson. Jenna saw the look on his face. She held up her hand and half rose from her chair.

"Mike. Don't do it."

Thorne's face was dark with anger. He took a deep breath, turned, and left the room. The door closed behind him.

Jenna caught up to him in the hall as he waited for the elevator.

"Where are you going?"


"How are you going to get there?"

"I'll call a cab."

"I'll drive you."

The elevator came and they got on. Jenna pressed the button for the garage.

"Jenna, you should get away from me. I'm toxic. They'll use it against you."

"Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself. You didn't do yourself any favors, walking out of there."

"If I'd had to listen to any more of Davidson's crap, I would have hit him."

"I saw that. He's a jerk, we both know it."

"I was going to hurt him," he said.

A few minutes later they were on the road to his house.



"You want to tell me about her? I can see it bothers you."


"Is it that obvious?"

"This is me, remember? They don't know who you are, but I do."

"I'm not sure what to say."

"When you're sure, will you tell me?"

"Yeah, I will."
