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19620. The case against religion: a psychotherapist's view. The Independent.
October, 3-4; revised, Mensa Bulletin. September, 1970, No. 28:5-6.
19626. Rational-emotive psychotherapy. Paper read at annual meeting of American Psychological Association, St. Louis, August 31. 1962c.
Reason and emotion in psychotherapy. New York: Lyle Stuart. 19630. Constitutional factors in homosexuality. In H. Beigel (Ed.). Advances
in sex research. New York: Hoeber. 19636. Homosexuality: the right of a man to be wrong. Talk to East Coast
Homophile Organizations. 1963c. If this be sexual heresy... New York: Lyle Stuart; reprinted, New York:
Tower Publications, 1966. 1963d. The origins and the development of the incest taboo. Published with
Emile Durkheim. Incest: the nature and origin of the taboo. New York:
Lyle Stuart, \963e. Toward a more precise definition of "emotional" and "intellectual"
insight. Psychological Reports, 13: 125-126. 19650. Suppressed: seven key essays publishers dared not print. Chicago: New Classics House.
H36patiHbie npou3eedeHux Ajibdepma 3/viuca
19656. Sex and the single man. New York: Lyle Stuart; reprinted. New York:
Dell. 1965c. Sex without guilt. New York: Lyle Stuart; reprinted, New York: Grove Press.
\965d. The case for sexual liberty. Tucson, Ariz.: Seymour Press. \965e. Homosexuality: its causes and cure. New York: Lyle Stuart. 1965/ The search for sexual enjoyment. New York: MacFadden-Bartell. 1965g. An answer to some objections to rational-emotive psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy, 2.108-111. 1965A. The use of printed, written and recorded words in psychotherapy. In L. Pearson (Ed.). The use of written communications in ps\Thotherapy.
Springfield, 111.: Charles C. Thomas. 1965/V The intelligent woman's guide to man-hunting. New York: Lyle Stuart;
reprinted, New York: Dell. 19660. With J. L. Wfolfe and S. Moseley. How to prevent your child from becoming a neurotic adult. New York: Crown; reprinted us How to raisean emotionally healthy, happy child. Hollywood, Calif: Wilshire, 1972. 19670. Phobia treated with RET. Voices (Fall), 3: 34-40. 19676. Psychotherapy and moral laxity. Psychiatric Opinion, 4 (No. 5): 18-21.
19680. Is objectivism a religion ?New York: Lyle Stuart. 19686. Is psychoanalysis harmful? Psychiatric Opinion, 5 (No. 1): 16-24. 1968c. What really causes psychotherapeutic change? Voices, 4:90-97. 19680*. Sexual promiscuity in America. The Annals of the American Academy
of Political and Social Science, 378:58-67; reprinted in A. Birenbauam
and E. Sagarin (Eds.). Social Problems: Private Troubles and Public
Issues, New York: Scribner's, 1972. 1968e. With Roger O. Conway. The art of erotic seduction. New York:
D. W. Brown. 19690. Rationality and irrationality: their significance in sexual morality. In L. Kirkendall and R. Whitehurst (Eds.). The New Sexual Revolution.
New York: D.W Brown. 19696. A cognitive approach to behavior therapy. International Journal of
Psychiatry, 8:896-900. 1969c. A weekend of rational encounter. In A. Burton (Ed.). Encounter. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishing Co. 196901. Rational-emotive therapy in the private practice. Journal of
Contemporary Psychotherapy, 1: 82-90. \969e. How to get better instead of merely to feel better. Talk presented to
Southern Florida University. 1969/ A tape recording of a psychotherapy session. Institute for Advanced Study in Rational Psychotherapy.
1969#. Teaching emotional education in the classroom. School Health Review, November, 10-14.
19700. The emerging counselor. Canadian Counselor, 4: 99-105. 1970£. Rational-emotive therapy. In Leonard Hersher (Ed.). Four
psychotherapies. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. 1970c. With John Gullo. Murder and assassination. New York: Lyle Stuart. 1971. Growth through reason. Palo Alto, Calif.: Science and Behavior Books. 19720. Psychotherapy and the value of a human being. In J. W. Davis (Ed.).
Value and valuation: axio logicalstudies in honor of Robert S. Hartman.
Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.
\972b. Executive leadership: a rational approach. New York: Citadel Press. 1972c. The sensuous person: critique and corrections. New York: Lyle Stuart. \972d. The civilized couple's guide to extramarital adventure. New York: Peter
Wyden. 19730. Rational-emotive therapy. In Ratibor M. Jurjevich (Ed.). Directive psychotherapies. Coral Gables, Florida: University of Miami Press. 1973& Rational-emotive psychotherapy. In Raymond Corsini (Ed.) Current psychotherapies. Itasca, 111: F. E. Peacock Publishers.