Kathy Collins said, “The sons of bitches. They might have killed you, baby.”
And Joey Nottingham added, “Yeah-four dudes hammering on you, that can do you in man. You were lucky to get away. Who do you think put them on you?”
Dallas winced as the girl dabbed antiseptic onto a cut eyebrow. “Craig Collins, I think. Sorry, Kathy.”
She blinked down at him, her fine young tits brushing his head as he leaned back m the chair “You think my daddy really-yeah; I guess he would, at that I apologize for him, Dallas.”
He touched her arm. “He’s a great man; he created you.”
“That’s sweet,” she said, “but it doesn’t change the facts. First the coach gets set on you, and now this. Oh, wow. How dirty can they fight?”
Joey grunted. “Real mean, I guess. Did you bust any of them up man?”
Dallas nodded; the girl’s hands felt cool on his bruised face. “A couple, I figure. It was all pretty confused for awhile. But why did you kids show up here?”
“NO sweat,” Joey said. “We slipped in around the back. Kathy wanted to come to your pad, and she wanted me to come with her. I hid the T-bird three blocks away.”
The girl said softly “I wanted you teacher. I didn’t get to swing with you last night, and I wanted you today, to kind of make up for it. And Joey-well, I thought the three of us might make-it together, since you haven’t tried it that way; two guys and one chick, I mean.”
Joey said, “But if you’re too beat up man?”
Dallas sat up carefully. “I hope I’m never that beat. Give me time for a couple of quick drinks, and I’ll be right with you. But maybe it would be better if we go to the bedroom, and after-we can hook up the bugs again. If we didn’t find them all, we’re in trouble.”
Kathy said, “Teach, you are something else. I mean, with all the crap coming down on you, here you are, still willing to ball with us. Your house is hugged and those bastards hurt you, and yet you want to make it. Somebody is probably watching your house right now, but you don’t give a damn.”
“Oh,” he said, “I give a damn, all right. But I care for you kids more. So let’s make it. Wait-I’ll turn on the stereo for cover noises, and let’s check out all the locks, all the doors and windows.”
In the bedroom, he sat naked on the bed and watched the girl peel down, seeing her tits bob into view, their deep pink nipples hard and eager. Her flat belly and small hips were beautiful, and he was always intrigued by the lovely red curls of her pussy hair, the shape of her sleek young thighs.
He was gambling with everything, Dallas knew, betting that some slobs wouldn’t break into his home while he and the kids were screwing, betting that that they’d temporarily disarmed all the microphones, and that nobody had seen Joey and Kathy sneak inside. But what the hell, he thought, seeing the boy step out of his shorts with that slim, black cock rising; it wasn’t all that often that a man got a chance like this. So to hell with the snoops.
Kathy came to him and he opened his knees, sitting on the side of the bed. She passed into them, and her sweet, firm tits were just the right height for his face to nuzzle into them. Her feathery emit pressed into his belly, already making slow, wiggling movements.
Arms around his neck, she pressed his mouth tightly into the soft giving of her warm breasts, and Dallas rubbed his mouth over them. He drew a nipple into his lips and played his tongue over it, luxuriating in its girl-flavor, in the quivering of it. She stroked his hair, running her fingertips over his scalp, making soft, crooning noises.
His prick was hard and swollen, stretched to its full length and to its expanded girth, the head throbbing and sticky on its tip. Kathy dropped one hand from his shoulders and caressed his cock, then bent it forward, pressed it down so that he could slide it between the silken promise of her thighs.
The head lifted and probed the cleft of her delicate ass, snuggling against the tiny asshole it could never enter. Dallas fondled the cheeks of that fragile ass, her haunches tickling the palms of his hands and setting the tips of his fingers on fire.
“Ease back Dallas,” she panted. “Wiggle back on the bed so I can climb on top of your gorgeous prick.”
He needed no further urging, and when he was stretched out, she poised above his supine body, one knee on each side of him, the gleam of her pussy calling to his prick. But even though she handled his stiff cock, she didn’t set it into her snatch yet. Instead, she nodded to Joey Nottingham.
The boy climbed on the bed also, staying on his knees, his body polished ebony, his young shaft poking the air. Kathy Collins cupped his balls in one upturned palm, and her pink tongue slid out to caress her lips with a hungry, sensuous motion.
Dallas’s eyes widened. She meant to fuck him while she went down on Joey, taking a cock into each end of her lovely body. His prick pulsed violently, and a hot wave of need whipped through his body; using a girl this way, sticking the meat to her cunt, to her mouth-that turned him on.
Kathy maneuvered his cockhead gently, and as he reached up to hold onto the slender cheeks of her ass, she inserted the knob end into the juicy lips of her eager pussy.
He watched her slide tenderly down on it, and felt the magic hotness of her vulva close around his hard rod, felt the dainty tickling of her pubic hairs and the wondrous softness of her cunt lips. When her belly came all the way down, when her tender young crotch was seated upon his pelvis and the length of his prick was buried to the root inside her pussy, Dallas took a deep breath and glanced over at the black boy.
Kathy had her lips pursed, and was blowing teasingly upon the sable head of Joey’s shaft. Interested, Dallas could see the clear white droplet gather on the slit, and he watched the globule of pre-seminal fluid tremble there. But not for long, because Kathy leaned over and licked it off with the red flick of her tongue.
Shuddering, Dallas clenched his hands upon her fine ass, and the girl responded by lifting it slightly, only to bring it back down with a squirming motion that wrung out his embedded prick; that ground his balls into the, feathery crack.
She continued to tantalize Joey with quick dartings of her active tongue, wrapping it around the throbbing cockhead, lapping down the shaft to the furry dark balls and back up again.
“Wow, mama,” Joe breathed. “Come on, Mama.”
Rolling her cunt from side to side, making his meat scrape her clitoris, Kathy paid attention to Dallas while she also concentrated upon teasing Joey. She slid her cheek along the head of the boy’s prick, muzzled it with her nose, rubbed it with her chin.
Suddenly Joey caught her hair with both bands, dug in his slim, strong fingers and jerked hr face toward his cock. Thrusting with his shaggy pelvis, he bumped the head of his prick against her lips until she opened them wide. Then he drove his shaft into her red mouth, plunged the hard black meat into her mouth until his cockhead reached the back of her throat.
Kathy said, “Ummm!” and started to suck. Dallas could see her cheeks dip in and out, see her throat work as she did things with her tongue and lips, did them to the boy’s cock. And Joey kept working his belly, continued to move his prick back and forth, making slow wiggles and gentle strokes. He was actually fucking the girl’s face, Dallas thought.
And the girl screwed Dallas just the same, grinding his steely cock with the velvet muscles of her tight vagina, working up and down and around with sinuous movements. He clung to her ass, cupping the elegant little cheeks, thrusting no Into that enchanted diminutive pussy with faster and longer strokes.
“Eat it mama,” Joey was saying, caressing her head and feeding his meat into her suctioning mouth. “Chew up my prick, sweet mama-ooh! Yeah, that’s right on-right on Kathy? Make me come-pull it all out of my balls, chick. Oh yeah ooohh!”
She was half turned toward Joey, and Dallas could see the cameo outlines of her jiggling tits, could watch the mini-nipples rub against the black kid’s corded thighs or dip into his balls.
Kathy made wetly sucking noises, gobbling sounds, and she rolled the base of Joey’s cock between her palms as she ate him furiously now, trying to devour his shaft, attempting to get it all the way down her throat and into her belly.
Joey’s balls pressed against her chin, and he moaned low, in his heaving chest as he pumped the cock in and out.
Dallas hurried his own thrusting, trying to catch up so he could come at the same time. He felt the writhing, of the girl’s pussy as her movements turned savage, turned jerky; Kathy was on the verge of her own orgasm too. Shoving his cock up her wetly clenching pussy as far as the shaft would go, Dallas grunted and fired his load, pumping it into the narrow slit with all the force generated in his aching balls.
“Here, mama!” Joey gasped. “Oh here, baby I’m coming, corning in your hot mouth baby!”
Kathy shuddered between them, twice impaled upon their hard pricks, a helpless ecstatic girl pinned by their shafts, soaking up their semen as they flooded her with the creamy release.
Joey’s balls jerked upward as he released his juices for the girl to gulp, to swallow. Dallas shivered at the height of a sharp climax, and his semen was a fountain that rinsed the walls of her pussy from one end to the other. He packed her vagina with his thickly boiling stuff, and she rolled her ass to help him get more into her little hole.
Sighing, Joey sank back upon his heels, drawing the length of his wetly shining prick from her still avid mouth, and Kathy’s lips kissed after it. She licked her lips then, and smiled like a highly sensuous kitten. Turning her face, she smiled down at Dallas too, including him in her moment of feminine triumph.
When she lifted her steaming pussy from the upright pole of his cock, he saw a dribble of semen slide glistening down the pure white thigh, and stared at the puffy inflammation of the girl’s scarlet labia. Panting, he dosed his eyes for just a second, and when he opened them again, she was standing beside the bed, holding out a water glass half filled with bourbon and ice.
“In case you need a little fuel darling.”
Gratefully, he accepted the gigantic drink, and sat up to down half of it. He offered it to Joey, but the boy shook his head. “I don’t drink, Mr. Bradburn.
And I’m in training anyhow.”
They all broke up over the incongruity of that remark, and Kathy chuckled, “Finish your drink teach; you’re going to need it.”
“Now?” He stared at her and drained the whiskey, making a face. “Hey, I don’t think I can go again so soon. That was a hell of a load I just let go, and…”
“Sure you can screw some more,” she said, her proud little body moving gracefully as she hiked herself back upon the bed. “I’ll guarantee that baby.
Suppose you just sit there and let me show you.”
And Joey said, “Bow-wow, Kathy?”
“You know it man,” she answered. “Here, I’ll point my ass at you, and-hey Joey, you can try sticking it into my asshole again, if you’re real careful and I can wet the head for you. Not too deep though, okay?”
“Okay,” Joey agreed “I can grease it up by dipping it into your pussy mama. I mean, Mr. Bradburn filled it with come.”
Dallas leaned back and put his hands down behind him for bracing. Looking down, he saw that his shaft was only bent in the middle, and the liquor was hot in his belly now, pumping new strength through his veins. The girl was so damned lovely, he thought; no matter what move she made, or how she twisted her delightful little body, she was always beautiful and desirable.
She set herself on the bed with her knees apart and her shapely ass pointed up at the black kid. Joey inched toward her on his knees, his prick stiff and ready, although it had been sucked dry only minutes ago. Using one hand to guide it, Joey rubbed the swollen cockhead up and down into Kathy’s drippy labia, taking some of the residual lubrication for himself.
Watching closely, Dallas saw the boy prod the slim head of his, prick into the cheeks of that delicate ass, saw it find the tiny indentation and watched it shove, shove, until he thought surely that Kathy would get her toy asshole ripped open.
“It just goes In a little,” Joey warned her, and Kathy pushed back against the knob, saying, “Don’t give up yet; I’m stretching a little more, every time. Oh, Joey that feels so wild, so far out.
And she began to run her fingertips along the tensed flesh of Dallas’s thighs, feeling along them to the nesting of his balls, touching the bone of his penis.
Her hair fell forward over her face as she moved nearer to his prick, blowing warm breath on it, petting the shaft and head so tenderly.
“Going to suck you off teacher,” she murmured. “Going to give you some fine head, while Joey sticks his prick up my ass, or my pussy. I’ll make you come again darling. I promise I’ll make you come again.”
Her lips were hot, and her mouth ravenous; he flinched when she drew the sharpness of her teeth across the skin of his rod, and he felt the head of his swelling cock slide wetly across the roof of the girl’s mouth. She was above it, lowering her face, holding his thighs spread apart, passing her mouth up and down on the stiff trunk of his shaft, and her tongue was doing all kinds of tantalizing tricks over his glands.
“Got to take it out,” Joey said. “I’ll hurt you mama. Here-wiggle your ass some-oh yeah Kathy; now it’s going into your tight little cunt.”
Slowly, in a special voluptuous rapture, Dallas rolled his hips and felt his cockhead bump the cup of the girl’s throat. He gave himself up to the erotic pulling of her mouth.