She was so brightly beautiful that she hurt his eyes, and Dallas didn’t see the girl as trouble, but as someone highly desirable. Just now, she wasn’t the daughter of the loudest and most influential redneck on the school board; Kathy Collins was a girl with this slim, sensuous body and the challenging breasts.

She was the girl he had practically been forced to screw, and there was no way Dallas could be made to feel sorry for that.

Kathy stared at him for a long, intriguing moment, then dropped the purple fascination of her eyes and moved about his small apartment, looking about herself as he went to check the back window and door.

She said, “Your pad is like you, teacher darling, solid and very mannish, but groovy, too. You know, I must have been blind not to see what a guy you are, until you grew your hair and moustache. But it was kind of like you were in the uniform of the establishment, right? I mean, you were trying to look just like the rest of them. But when you turned individual and I really saw you the first time-wow!”

He moved uncertainly to his mini-bar. “I don’t know what to offer you, Kathy.

I’ve been programmed to see you as a child, and I know damned well you’re not, but I still feel funny about offering you liquor.”

She smiled over to him and lay the soft delicacy of one hand upon his arm. “A little wine, if you have any. I’ve been drinking wine for years, but I don’t need it to turn on, Dallas. Now if you had some good grass…“

“Sorry,” he said, “no grass, but here’s some Chianti.” Splashing the dark wine into a glass, he handed it to her, and felt a tremble in his fingers. “Does your dad know you do pot?”

She shook her head violently, “No way, man! And I don’t do it that often, really. It helps things swing at the parties, though.” Sipping her glass of sour wine, she made a face, crinkling her nose, pursing damp and delectable lips. “I guess I’m not used to sweet wine,” Kathy said.

Dallas poured himself a healthy slug of bourbon and downed it immediately, then helped himself to another glass which he swirled in his fingers. The jolt of alcohol warmed his belly and went to work on the threat there, loosened him almost as much as laying this delightful, girl had done. Damn, he thought; she had to be Craig Collins’ daughter, of all people. And she seemed to be everything her hard-nosed father wasn’t.

She was sweet and open; she was sexy and appealing, and she hail trapped him into being chaperon for an orgy, mostly in order to have him fuck her. And no matter that her old man was a guillotine hanging heavily aver the heads of the teachers. This gorgeous little chick could be everything a man wanted, and needed.

“Do you feel a little funny?” she asked, elfin face Intent. “I mean, should we be awkward or something? I know you’re the teacher and I’m the student, that you’re older,” the purple eyes held his, “and maybe you don’t really dig me because I’m so young.”

Dallas put down his glass and took her by the shoulders, so slim and supple, very warm to the touch, moving softly within his grasp. He said, “You’re a wonderful, adorable young woman; any man would be proud to be with you, anywhere, any time.”

“You, too?”

“Me, too.” He stroked her shoulders, her upper back, and she leaned in toward him, her small body touching his in various tingling places. “Kathy, I’ve been trying to keep my hands off you, fighting to stop watching you in class.”

She said softly, “You don’t have to fight any more.”

“No,” he agreed, and pushed down all the heavy things, all the warning signals that this was a foolish thing for him to do, that he was only complicating his life and putting his career in jeopardy. He shoved the alarms down behind his conscious mind and reached out for this shining girl.

“Wait,” she said, and stepped back so she could peel out of her mini. The dress wafted to the carpet, and her thin lace panties followed; she hadn’t been wearing a bra. Her small but marvelously sculpted tits stood up proudly, the little nipples already erectile.

It was better in the light. Now he could see all of her fantastic body; he could stare hungrily at every curve and at each enticing valley. Kathy’s skin was flawless, a creamy rose with a scattering of pale golden freckles. Her hair was thick and rich, a deep and alluring red, and the hair on her trim pussy was the same as that on her head.

Kathy was compact, sleek and graceful; her chin lifted and she thrust out her breasts. Although her body was in sweet miniature, it was all there, smooth and burnished to a high gloss. Hastily; he downed his second drink when she swayed to him, her hands out and reaching. Kathy’s fingers were hurried at his buttons, at his zipper. He helped her get his clothes off, his shaft rising to sudden attention, throbbing along its length.

They flowed together, their bodies arching avidly, her slimness crushed against his muscled thickness. She wriggled against him as their mouths met, as their tongues darted over each other thirstily. Their teeth raked gently, and her breath was his own blending and panting.

Together they sank to the floor, but when she tried to wrap her legs around him, Dallas moved her away. Kathy’s hands clutched for his rod, but he backed that from her, also. She moaned when his mouth sought her nipples, as he played the hotness of his tongue back and forth over them, pulling the entire pert tits into his mouth one at a time. His hands were busy upon the pure delight of her squirming body, and he paid homage to her breasts while caressing the rest of her flesh.

Slowly, his mouth moved away from her tits and down her rib cage, his hands found the magic softness of her thighs and slid over to her buttocks. Such a delicate shaping, what Erie little cheeks and the feathery cleft between them, Dallas fondled her ass as he licked down over her flexing belly.

Kathy clenched her teeth but groaned through them, her hands made into tiny fists that pounded the carpet beneath her heaving body. Writhing and shivering, she hiked her exquisitely haired crotch up at him as he slid down and down the sleek belly.

Dallas rubbed his cheek across that humid mound, touched the end of his tongue to the velvet inside of her thigh. She responded by reaching down and digging her fingers into his hair, by thrusting down while her crotch lifted up, and he knew that she had been eaten before. But he had no time for jealousy, because her torrid snatch was opening for him, and he went happily into it with lips and teeth and tongue, tasting her wild, silken flavors, knowing the matchless intimacy of her labia against his mouth.

“Oh yes, darling!” she murmured. “Oh yes, teacher, dear-groovy Mr.

Bradburn-Dallas, baby-oh yes, yes!”

He ate into her shuddering wetness, into the small, tight cavern that stroked against her teeth, and his exploring tongue found the button of her clitoris Kathy heaved spasmodically then, jerking her cheeks tightly together, her legs lifting so that she could cross them around his neck, fold them lightly at the ankles.

She tasted of hotness, of slippery things sweet and giving. Her labia writhed against his teeth, and he lapped greedily into her slot, hungrily at the slimy tissues. She lifted her crotch and humped it into his mouth, swung her ass back and forth so that she could feed him her lovely young pussy. Dallas ate of its blazing richness, tongued deeply into the trembling hood that guarded the clit, and sucked the clit itself out to where he could worry it with his teeth and lips.

“Ooohh!” she moaned. “Oh yes, darling! That’s the way to eat my cunt-eat me, Dallas, baby-eat my pussy!”

Her hands reached down and caught his hair, dug into his scalp and drew him violently into her heaving snatch. Wet and hairy, hot and juicy, it worked over his mouth, over his face, across his cheeks, and from time to time, buried his nose within its quivering folds.

His tongue was frantic, licking and piercing, curling to draw in her honeyed liquids, helping the suction build up, letting it go as the girl bucked madly.

Dallas’s hands caressed the smooth cheeks of her ass, his fingertips sliding across her feathery little anus.

He gave himself up to the feasting, to the way this lovely young girl squirmed against his mouth, as she fucked his face in the closest of intimacies. Eyes closed, he rocked Into her pussy, chewed and suctioned and lapped, riding the pounding of her pelvis, rolling with the swinging of her hips.

“D-darling!” she gasped. “I-oohh!-I’m coming, darling-I’m coming!”

His fingers dug convulsively into the cheeks of her sleek ass as her thighs tightened around his head, as her heels beat a tattoo on his back. He felt the surge of her orgasm as it shook the length and breadth of her tender cunt, as her climax seemed to loose an even hotter and sweeter flooding of inner lubrications.

Kathy Collins fell back then, momentarily spent, her flames dying and her legs drifting down from his shoulders. He let her melt softly onto the carpet, glowing girl, red golden girl so open and giving. His hands caressed her inner thighs, felt the wet silken mounding of her pussy, trailed over her heaving young belly and found the excitingly shaped perfections of her tits. The nipples were rigid under his teasing, and Dallas thought he had never seen such loveliness.

His shaft was as hard as those nipples, throbbing more with the hungry surging of blood within it as his balls pumped so insistently below. His hands continued to roam over her skin, searching the flawless smoothness, finding the velvet valleys and lingering there in awed adoration. Kathy Collins was such a beautiful girl, modeled small, but with exquisite jewelling; a fineness that fitted thigh to hip, that hinged the knee and sculpted the delicate foot.

He poised above her, watching her lashes rest against the curve of her cheek, seeing the damp humidity of her mouth and the graceful line of her throat. And nowhere could he find in that appealing pixie face, the stamp of her father.

Craig Collins should have been born with a hardhat welded to his bullet head, and probably had emerged with his fists swinging. The man was build powerfully, square-jawed and muscled, and not all his muscles were on his chunky frame; a lot of them were in his head.

Collins operated a successful string of cut rate hardware stores, and his headquarters was only a few blocks from the high school his only child attended. A widower, he appeared to have no vices other than a closed mind and a wide open mouth. It was too bad that he was the most influential member of a school board already shaky from a recent homosexual scandal in the junior high.

“Dallas,” Kathy Collins said to him, soft purple eyes open now. “That was the greatest. You were wild with me, but so, so tender, too. It was wonderful, darling. Now let me do it to you.”

Slowly, he spread his knees and slid up her legs, feeling the satiny brush of her slim hips against his inner thighs as he moved. What would redneck Craig Collins do if he could see his daughter now, naked and freshly sucked and now ready to give head to her teacher, especially the teacher that Collins was trying to have fired for growing his hair too long?

After the original shattering explosion, Collins would no doubt shout, “See, damnit! I told you that hippie bastard would contaminate all our kids! See, you should have listened to me when I first said fire the hippie son of a bitch.”

Dallas moved up the girl’s waiting body, his knees beside her chest now, looking down at the darling little tits, at the intense face with its torrid pink lips waiting, too. Her eyes stared up and locked with his own, passionate eyes, direct and unashamed, glowing with. a sensual vibrancy.

She touched his sack, her little fingers moving around and under it like quick butterfly wings seeking nectar, searching pollen. She stroked the underside of his cock as it loomed high above her, feeling along its length in soft fondlings that made Dallas tremble in excited response.

Of all the girls in his classes, of all the tight bottomed, braless titted kids who swung their asses at him and showed their thighs to him, he had to choose this one, the most dangerous one. They all meant trouble to a teacher, because most of them were underage and hotter than Chile Rellanos, and if he had a damned bit of sense, he’d still be avoiding them like the ticking tune bombs they were.

But no; Dallas Bradburn had to let his dick get hard for this special kid, this red-haired temptress with the sultry purple eyes: And of all places to lay her, here be was in his own apartment. Damn! Craig Collins would get him lynched first and legally dismissed from his job afterward, while he was still swinging from the crossbar of the football goalposts.

“Ummm,” Kathy Collins breathed, running her fingertips lightly over the shivering head of his stiff cock, and he just didn’t give a damn about her daddy or the school board or anything else in a screwed-up world.

There was only the beautiful, willing girl, and the new universe revolved about her now. He dropped his weight upon his heels and presented the head of his shaft to her lips. Kathy’s fingers curled lovingly around the pole, and her soft lips kissed the blunt tip.

He touched her cheekbones gently, looking down as she ran a quick red tongue around the head of his prick. The sensation was thrilling, tantalizing, and Dallas felt a shudder rake him, felt the sudden contraction of his aching balls.

All the classroom hours he had tried to avoid even looking at this sexy kid, all the tortured dreams that had brought him awake with a stiff rod and a dry mouth; everything pointed to here and to now, to this matchless kind of love they had made together and would continue to make. He gave her the head of his cock, fed it into the open lips and knew the wet, hot caress of her retreating tongue as she drew it into her mouth.

Dallas heard her sigh as she took in his shaft, as she buried the head far back upon the cushion of her tongue and brought her cheeks in to grip it. Her fingers continued to play around his root, to dip beneath the hairy sack of his balls, and to tickle along the underside of his pole all the way up to where it was surrounded by her avid lips. Eyes closed, rocking gently back and forth, Dallas gave himself to the sucking, to the dedicated attention this marvelous girl was paying to his cock.
