“Oh come now,” the man said from behind his shiny desk. “Your hair can’t be all that important to you, Bradburn.”

Dallas looked at the principal, then at the straight backed chair he hadn’t been invited to use; he stood loosely, and even smiled a little. “So it can’t be all that important to the school board, either, Mr. Kingston.”

The principal peered up through black rimmed glasses. “No member of the school board feels his career threatened. I am certain if they did, each and every one of them would accede to the wishes of the community-and immediately, I might add.”

Dallas continued to smile, although his lips felt a little stiff. “Has the community taken a vote on my hair. I wasn’t aware of that, Mr. Kingston.”

The principal grunted, looked at his desk to shift a ballpoint pen and a notepad from the left of his desk top to the right side. He lined up the pen precisely with the pad and said without looking up, “That’s not very humorous, Bradburn. You know very well what I mean, and I hope I don’t have to call you into my office again.”

“I hope not,” Dallas said.

Kingston glanced up. “Then you’ll cut your hair?”

“I didn’t say that,” Dallas answered.

A pompous man, Burdett Kingston was grey and short, but made up for his lack of height by having his big desk raised on a sort of a dais. His chair was high backed and majestic, and he had probably meant people to be awed by it, Dallas thought. But the maneuver had failed; the throne served only to dwarf the man in it. Nevertheless Kingston had power over his fiefdom, and if that power was less than absolute, it wasn’t because the man didn’t try to make it so.

Now he took off his glasses,, peered at them and put them back on again Dallas thought that most men would have at least pretended to polish the glasses, but not Burdett Kingston. Dallas blurred the man out of focus while waiting for the pronouncement that was certain to come, and saw in his mind the stripped, delicious body of Kathy Collins.

Such a loving girl, so willing to try anything, knowing and experimental. Her pussy was so tight, so hot and slippery, and she had learned to use it masterfully, discovered how to clamp down with its inner muscles while she rolled her belly and tried to drain every drop of semen from a cock, thrust balls-deep into its delightful depths.

The principal said, “Then I must ask for your resignation.”

“No way,” Dallas said strongly, surprising himself a little. “If you want me out of here, you’ll have to fire me-so I can take you to court.”

Blinking through his glasses, Kingston said primly: “You would stay where you’re obviously not wanted?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Dallas said. “I guess a few people want me.”

Like a sixteen year old chick with the most fabulous cunt I ever got into, he thought; like this red haired little princess who gave me a blow job last night that melted my backbone so she could draw it out through the head of my prick.

Kathy Collins wants me, if nobody else does.

“You’re making this very difficult,” Kingston complained.

“I mean to make it difficult,” Dallas said. “Will that be all for now, Mr.


“I suppose so,” the principal said. “But you’re going to find, that I can also be stubborn, Bradburn. I suggest you catch up on all your personal business, because I imagine that you will be very busy from now on-in your off time, that is. There are many little jobs that need doing around a school of this size.”

Dallas nodded. “Of course. But just remember that you have to keep me out of the public eye. The community may not like seeing a teacher with hair as long as his students.”

He heard a grunt behind him as he left the office, and the squeaking of the tall, chair as Kingston rocked to and fro in its leathered protection. Down the hall Dallas went, nodding to the football players heading for the gym, saying hi to kids that had never talked to him before.

Word got around school swiftly; everyone who was at all interested would soon know about his trip to Kingston’s office, and the reason why. The kids would back him-but how far? And was that what he really wanted, their approval, their identification? Maybe he was feeling old, and was somehow clutching at the young to keep himself n the mainstream of life instead of stagnating in its backwaters.

When he went downstairs and crossed the parking lot to his bug, she was sitting in the car next to it. “Hi, teach.”

Dallas glanced around guiltily “Kathy-it’s not smart to be seen like this, right out in the open.”

Her purple eyes smiled up at him, across at him as he ducked down into his VW, and she said, “Man, man-you look good enough to eat. To eat again, that is.

Wow! What a flue night that was, darling.”

“Kathy,” he said, more softly, “Kathy…”

“Did old Kingston give you a bad time? Are you going to cut all that gorgeous hair and shave your cute mustache?”

“Answering your questions in order,” Dallas said, “yes, no and hell no.”

“Good for you,” she grinned. “I told the kids you wouldn’t back down. I’m waiting here for Marty Brooke. This is his car; you know Marty.”

Dallas also knew an unreasoning stab of jealousy. Marty Brooke was a senior, a long and lanky kid who drew girls like freaks to a rock concert. But of course, Kathy hadn’t been a cherry when he got into her; she had been at a party that was turning into an orgy when they left together. And probably, if she had been a virgin, he’d never gotten the chance to screw her.

“Marty drives me around a lot,” she said then. “This afternoon, he’s taking me to a place on Ivy Street-1128. That’s away out on the edge of town, on a dead-end road, almost. There’s a way out, but not many people know about it.

It’s rented in this phony name, and we all chip in to pay for it. Nothing fancy, but a groovy pad where people can go when they want to swing. We keep it quiet there, even if it is a long way from any other houses, and we usually drive in the sneaky way, from the back and across the field. Remember the number, darling-1128. Here comes Marty now.”

Dallas tried again. “Kathy-look, I can’t just go out there…”

“Hi, Mr. Bradburn,” Marty Brooke said.

“Hi,” Dallas answered, and frowned when Kathy said, “See you-soon.”

He watched the clunker drive from the school lot, and caught a flash of red hair as it turned into the street. It was the damndest thing, but he felt his pecker rising, felt it pushing against his pant leg. The kids had a hideout pad, a place to swing. If he was ever caught in it, he’d be sent to jail on however many charges and outraged community could trump up.

Driving away, Dallas found himself weighing the question, as if he really had a choice. Admitting that there had never been, not since he let the girl fondle his cock in the dark of the party, he moved the bug through light traffic and pointed it to the hamburger stand where he, often had dinner.

Parked there, he gave the kid his order and watched her ripe hips swing away, wondering if he’d turned into an ass freak. He had been turned on, that was for sure; his entire body felt more alive than it had been since he left Nam, and that in itself had been a second birth. Only the marriage he’d had with Wanda didn’t get reborn, and it wasn’t that she had been shacking with some other guy while he was dodging Cong bullets.

Dallas could have accepted that; he’d swung with Viet whores whenever he got a chance, any time the outfit pulled back to a rest area. Which wasn’t all that often, he recalled, being a grunt Marine had its drawbacks, the main one seeming to be staying where the shit was flying until you got a sack of it in the head.

“Your goodies, Mr. Bradburn,” the carhop purred, intimating that her own goodies were much, much richer. He didn’t doubt that, and returned her grin, but no more. When she hesitated at the car door, he bit into his sandwich and busied himself until she turned away. He had enough girl troubles.

His ex-wife just didn’t dig hanging around until he completed his master’s on the GI bill. She wanted fun and kicks and whatever else the other guy could give her, so Wanda simply split. She didn’t even leave a note saying she was sorry.

And that, he conceded as he wolfed clown the hamburger and chased it with milk, was enough to give any man a solid kick in the balls. It had taken him damned near six months to reach out and try again with a chick. Mostly, that had been because he was tired of wet dreams and not all that eager to prove he was a stud again.

Besides, there had been the studies-tough, heavy going that he had to wade through in order to get his teaching credentials. His luck, of course, that there had been a plethora of English masters, and no junior college slots open anywhere on this coast. Therefore, the high school job, at a hell of a lot less pay than Dallas had been looking forward to.

But there was Kathy Collins; oh yes-a fringe benefit that far outweighed the affair he had been carrying on, more or less desultorily, with Selena Johnstone, science teacher. The trouble with Selena was that she approached sex with the same clinical outlook as she dissected frogs in her biology class. It made Dallas uneasy, as if his cock was being examined through a microscope, as if some giant scalpel might dart out of the ceiling and whack him off at the balls.

“Come back soon, Mr. Bradburn,” the cute carhop said, and thanked him for the usual tip. He assured her he would, and turned the VW for the far side of town, as he’d always known he would.

He found Ivy Street, a gravel lane with a scattering of small houses along its winding way, and drove slowly past clumps of trees. Number 1128 sat at the very end, off the road.

Turning into the bush-guarded driveway, he passed the front entrance of the secluded house and parked where the bug couldn’t be seen from the road. There was no other car nearby, and by looking around as he climbed from his, he could see the track across the field, the getaway outlet set up by the kids, in case their hideaway pad was discovered. He hoped it was a good exit; he’d hate like hell to slam the bug into a fence or some big, hard tree, should the fuzz spring a raid.

And speaking of big hards, he said to himself as he mounted the back steps, where was little Kathy Collins? She didn’t seem the kind who would put him on; she was as eager for screwing as she had made him. The girl had rekindled a flame in him, one that he thought might have fizzled out, and she was opening him up to himself, as well as to a sexual freedom he hadn’t known existed;

He lifted a hand to knock on the back door, but it swung open before he could reach the wooden panel, and he saw her piquant face framed there, saw the saucy laughing eyes and the tempting pouty mouth. Her hand darted out and drew him quickly inside.

She was against him then, pressed to him at thighs and pelvis, lifting herself on tiptoes to do so, pressed into his lower chest with the twin points of her firm young tits.

Her mouth lifted to his, sweet and burning, and a flash passed through his head of what she had done with it the night before, of how this hungry little bitch-princess had sucked on his cock. His tongue probed deeply, and hers writhed against it, her lips mobile and her teeth threatening to lance him.

“Wow!” she sighed, pulling back with obvious regret. “I really missed you, teach. All day long, I kept remembering all we did last night, and I had to keep my thighs clamped tight together because I was burning up. And when I bad to sit through English and watch you move around.”

“I know,” he said. “After awhile, I was afraid to stand up.”

She laughed, a bright, sparkling peal of happiness. “I knew you had a hard on.

I could sense it. But I’m glad you didn’t show it to the other kids; not yet, anyway. I’m greedy. I want you to myself for awhile, Dallas darling.”

“For just awhile?” He was just making conversation while he looked around.

Following her through the tidy kitchen, he went into the living room, another small layout that was neatly kept and cared for. Two couches and a low table just about filled the room, and the drapes were tightly drawn.

“Sure,” Kathy said. “You weren’t thinking of marriage, were you, teacher? My daddy would shoot us both, and anyway-I have a lot of swinging to do yet. Maybe later on, darling-when I’m like thirty or so?”

He laughed with her. “Sure, when you are a thirty year old bag.”

She was working at her dress, hiking the skirt and wiggling. He stared at the shapely small legs, the delicate lines tanned from summer just past, but not enough to overlap the rich cream and rose tones of her skin. She wore panties, but not for long, and they came flying out to land at his feet.

“Everything is locked up,” she said, drawing the dress over her head and showing him that she still wasn’t wearing a bra. “You don’t have to worry about getting caught here with me. I’m supposed to be grabbing a bite in town, then hitting the books at the library. Blithe and Angel will cover for me, if my father calls up there. So we have a lot of time, teacher dear. Nobody will bother us here tonight; none of the kids are coming around, so we can fuck all we want to.”

He peeled out of his own clothing, hurrying, his fingers clumsy and his cock rising to its full length and thickness. The head of it pointed at the sleek young body before it, pointed like a bird dog and throbbed a silent signal.

Kathy dropped to her knees, turned and presented her trim ass to him as she also placed her hands on the floor. “I haven’t had it this way from you, Dallas. Not the ass, since you’re far too big for that, but bow-wow, please sir-please, teacher?”

“You lovely little bitch,” he said, and dropped down behind her, avid as any dog sniffing a bitch in heat.

“Yes,” she agreed, and rolled her ass to entice him more.

Dallas didn’t need any urging; she was hot and ready and he was impatient for another screwing of her magnificent small body. Behind her, he slid close as she spread her knees, and took her by the hips. Caressing them, easing his hands over and around her beautifully modeled ass, he stared down into the silken cleft and the little brown dip almost hidden there. For the first time in his life, Dallas Bradburn really wanted to stick his cock into an asshole.

But since that was impossible, he did the next best thing and moved the aching head of his prick down by hand, guiding it longingly into the red pubic hair snuggled between the delectable thighs. Gently, he prodded with it, and Kathy helped him by lifting her ass, by reaching back between her legs to take hold of his shaft and steer it to the humid, shuddering entrance of her pussy.

It was a crazy, wild feeling when she rubbed the sensitive head up and down in her pubic hair, up and down into the wetly sliding lips of her young cunt, teasing him just a little. Then, as his fingers tightened upon that impossibly slim waist, and as his balls swung to touch electrically against her satin skin, the girl inserted the blunt tip of his cock into her juicy little opening shoving back and down upon it.

Slowly, his glands penetrated that rubbery wet hole, making the cunt lips spread themselves to take him in, forcing its way up into the sizzling heat of that softly willing body. In Dallas went, and in some more, while Kathy sighed and braced her hands hard upon the floor.

He was socked home in her pussy then, buried all the way into the clenching heat, shoved deeply into the torrid grip of her eager snatch. His balls swung between her veed thighs, and the cheeks of her exquisite ass were tight against his crotch. Dallas backed gently out, and; she squirmed as the swollen head reached her inner labia once more. With a sharply demanding wiggle, she rammed back, forcing his prick to slide full length into her cunt again.

That set the pattern, made the rhythm for their slow and sensuous fucking; he would pull out, and she would take back his cock. Dallas leaned down upon the small, perfect body, and as they stroked together, reached around to take her compact tits in both hands, to nuzzle into the deep scarlet hair that smelled of woman musk and silken depths.

“Lovely,” Kathy moaned. “Oh, yes-lovely prick so hard and thick. I love it, teacher-I adore your prick in me, and I adore you. Fuck me, teacher darling; screw me until I can’t breathe for being so turned on, and then fuck me some more.”

He fed her the meat she craved, pumped it more strongly into the tight clasp of her pussy, ground it around so that he was certain it was caressing her expanded clitoris. The girl humped it to him, rolling her hips and sucking in her belly at every long, hammering stroke.

“Yes, baby!” she panted. “Oh Dallas, baby you’re packing my body with your cock, filling my cunt with all that lovely meat, and I-I-I’m going to come, Dallas-come!”

He felt her pussy muscles bite down upon his rodding prick, felt the slippery juices flow heavier, and slammed his shaft home time and time again with increasing power. She moaned and heaved beneath him when his own orgasm hit, when the force of his climax exploded the hot semen far up into her cunt.

Squirting the thick, rich come into her pulsating vagina, he filled the narrow, tight hole with the stuff. Dallas clenched her ass, wiggled his cock once more into the foamy tissues, and felt another burst of semen rise from his balls. He couldn’t seem to stop coming, and it was good, so good that his breath rasped in his throat and his body vibrated from head to toe.

“Ah yes, darling,” she breathed. “Oh there, there-so far-out, so groovy. I can feel the head of your prick twitching, feel all that nice, hot semen in my pussy. You’re fabulous, teacher-just fantastic!”

He said throatily, “You’re pretty fantastic yourself, Kathy Collins. In fact, you’re the finest lay I ever had.”

She lifted her upper body, squeezing back into his lap, holding his cock prisoner within her cunt. Turning her head, site looked back over one shoulder.

“Am I really, Dallas? Am I really a better fuck that even those groovy Vietnamese chicks?”

He backed gently out of her, rolling her to one side as he did so; his prick left her vagina with a wet plopping noise. “Better than anyone,” he said.

She lay on her side, staring up at him, and said, “That’s nice.”
