Surf fishing was lousy, but the ocean air cleared his head and made him ravenous. Climbing the slope wasn’t nearly as bad this time, and when he got to his campsite, he stopped short, listening.

There was noise beyond, over where loggers had left a clearing, and it was too much noise to be caused by one or two people. The logging road, he thought, the one that can around behind the mountain. Some dumdum and his party had come over in four-wheel drive vehicle, and now they were busy ruining the hell out of his day.

Dallas popped open a can of beans and set them on the camp stove, trying to think where he could split to, some other idyllic spot where he wouldn’t be hassled by people.

“That smells good,” she said from behind him, “but my egg salad sandwiches are better.”

He whirled. “Son of a bitch!”

“Wrong gender darling.” Eyes twinkling, Kathy Collins skipped away from him.

“We looked all over the mountain before we found your stuff. You said you’d be close to the ocean, and you said a national forest, and you wouldn’t come to the picnic and so the picnic came to you”

He could only stare; Kathy said, “Too bad you slept alone last night, The fresh air is doing wonders for the kids, they re planning quite an orgy and dear, weird Miss Snow has already zonked.”


“I’d give you egg salad if I can have some beans,” she said, and settled in beside him. Hell, he was glad to see her, as always. He was damned glad to see her, and appreciated the sensuous pressure of her thigh, the impudent provocation of her eyes Little Kathy Collins was a whole lot of female.

They ate, and he made hobo coffee, which she made a face at. They sat listening to the horseplay in the clearing just a few yards off, and held hands. He felt no older than sixteen, no older than this superb little woman because he was so at peace and so young, he didn’t turn his head when the brush snapped behind him.

“You sneaky bastard, the rough voice said.

“You rotten, child molesting son of a bitch.”

Dallas spun around, coming to his knees and staring. Kathy said in a squeak, “D-daddy!”

And Craig Collins said, “I’m going to kill you, you dirty bastard.”

Kathy screamed, and the impact of the sound probably saved Dallas’s life. Just as the rifle went off, he threw himself to one side and rolled. The coffee, pot went clang in the echo of the shot and jumped crazily from the folding stove.

“No!” Kathy shrieked. “No-no-NO!”

Collins fired again, but high. Rolling in the brush, Dallas heard the bullet slap a tree trunk.


He came up groggy, uncertain of direction, but combat reflexes had put a tree between him and the man who was trying to shoot him. He saw Kathy clawing at her father, saw the big man sweep her aside effortlessly.

Then Dallas saw something else. He watched the two kids slip out of the brush like the polished athletes they were, and Collins didn’t know they were there until too late. Joey hit him low and Eric hit him high, Craig Collins grunted in shock and the rifle flew out of his hand into the bushes when he went down hard.

The kids were fast and they were desperate, which made it easier for them to handle the big man. The breath had been knocked out of him too, but he was recovering by the time they got his hands tied behind his back, using belts and Dallas’s tent rope.

Dallas came walking up the slope again, a knot on his head where it had thumped a rock, but without a bullet hole. Faces popped out of the trees, and voices wanted to know what the hell. Joey hollered back at them that it was okay, but some of the kids kept coming while others drifted back to the picnic.

Angel and Blythe and Susan Lee, Marty Brooke and two other guys, another girl Dallas recognized as, Betsy Paulter. They came to see, to help, to do whatever they could.

“Now or later,” Collins muttered. “I’ll get to you somehow.”

Kathy started to cry, and Angel said, “Be ashamed man! I don’t know what we’re going to do about you, but it’ll be something. Come on, Kathy-don’t let him hassle you. He sneaked on by before anybody got a good look at him, but when the guys did, they chased after him. Just in time I guess.”

And Joey said, “You alright right Mr. Bradburn?”

“Fine,” Dallas answered, a little shaky.

“Sit down, and cool it,” Marty suggested, a Polaroid camera passing nervously from one hand to the other.

Angle saw it too. She said softly, “Hey, now.”

Dallas could see her mind turning over, could feel the idea germinate in his own head as well as hers. Angel was a sharp girl, and it was coming to her fast. He wondered if it would work, if the others would cooperate, because they sure as hell had to do something. Collins was beyond logic now, and if he didn’t try to press charges of statutory rape, he might still try to shoot holes in Dallas.

“Hey, now,” Angel repeated. “Since Mr. Collins here likes to collect pictures, he ought to be in some himself.”

And Joey Nottingham breathed, “Yeah, yeah that should do it. Hang him up so he can’t hassle Mr. Bradburn.”

Kathy said suddenly through her tears, “Damned right! Come on, I’m all for it, and I’ll do, the first with it too.”

“You’d better hurry then,” Angel said, “because I’ve got some swinging ideas.”

She began to slip out of her jeans, and said to Betsy Paulter, “Since you’re kind of new Betsy, maybe you ought to stand lookout, you and the other new guys.”

She was bare-assed when she finished talking, and she flung her thin shirt aside as if it had been choking her all this time.

Collins stared bug-eyed. “What-what the hell are you-Kathy! Kathy, stop that this instant girl-you-she…“

His daughter was only a fraction behind the black girl in getting undressed, and as Dallas watched, he saw Collins gaze fixed at Kathy, his face red and his mouth hanging open. The stasis held for only a fleeting millisecond, but it was long enough to read the shock in the man’s face.

Craig Collins was seeing his young, seductive daughter completely naked as he must have imagined her so many times in his mind’s eye. The jolt unnerved him, fanned powerfully through his system and held him cast, but only for that eye blink in time. Then he tore his eyes away from her gleaming body and forced himself to look down at the earth.

Angel said, “you just stay there awhile. You’re too shook right now, so I’ll start him off. Undress him.”

Collins’s head snapped up again. “You’ll what? Damn you, you little bitch…“

“That’s right, Mister Charley,” Angel said. “And I’m about to show you what a bitch I can be. But you know what? You’re not my daddy, and I know damned well what you want. And you’re going to get it mister. You know something else?

You’ll swing with it, all the way.”

Joey Nottingham laughed. “Sic him, baby.”

She grinned back at him as she worked on Collins’s shirt, but when he tried to kick at her, she said sharply: “Knock off that shit! One more kick and you’ll have the biggest balls in the state, but you’ll wish you didn’t.”

Marty and Eric got the man’s legs, and his pants came off easily, as did his shorts. His cock was hanging there flaccid, but it was an amazing length, even soft. Dallas looked up to see Kathy staring at her father’s prick.

Angel said, “Get that camera going, but wait until he’s wiggling good. That won’t take long.”

Collins choked it out, “No-no-not in front of… no, damn you!”

They held him down and Angel started to work on him. Collins had a chunky, hairy body, and she teased him without mercy, rubbing her hard nippled tits into his shaggy chest, kissing him on the mouth and humping her furry mound along his shaft. Dallas saw Collins attempt to resist but his body betrayed him, and slowly, slowly, that cock began to rise.

As it lifted, Angel moved down his writhing helpless body. With his hands tied behind him and his ankles securely held by school athletes, Collins didn’t have a chance.

“Wow,” Angel breathed in honest awe, as she dipped her face into his lower belly and saw the size of his swelling rod. “Look at that monster. Man oh man-I didn’t know a prick grew that big, but I’m not complaining.”

Collins made strangled noises as she licked his belly button and nipped the hairy insides of his muscled thighs. Angel played with that gigantic cock fingering along its distended veins, stroking the mammoth hardness. Just before she kissed the trembling head she said, “Focus that camera so you get his face in and what I’m doing to him. You can cut off the guys holding his feet. Okay- here I go!”

“Uh-uh-UH!” Collins groaned as she licked over his huge cockhead, as her quick and facile tongue lapped away the leakage of his pre-seminal fluid.

Dallas stared as the girl did a masterful job on the man’s monstrous prick, tantalizing Collins into near insanity. His belly rolled and his thighs trembled, and she opened her lips wide to take in that glistening knob.

Dimly, Dallas was aware of the camera clicking, and knew that pictures were being taken of this action. Collins could be neatly and permanently framed with such raw photos; mailed to his s board cohorts, copies of them could ruin forever in the community.

But the head job Angel was giving the man was tremendous, and evidently Collins had never had one before. He was heaving and biting his lips, and when he gave a sudden upward lunge, his balls jerked in a spasm.

Angel gulped and sucked, but the long withheld load of geysering semen was too much for her mouth and throat to take. It was a huge ejaculation, and the overflow spurted from the corners of the girl’s mouth, thick creamy globules that ran over her chin and down between her tits.

“Damn!” somebody said in a hoarse whisper, and Dallas silently agreed.

Angel jerked her head back, tongue licking at her lips. Huskily she said, “Kathy baby-now you take him. Quick while all that come is making his cock slippery. If it doesn’t stay greasy, you’ll never get all that hardmeat in your little pussy.”

The mail’s head was thrown back, and his eyes were rolling. His face worked, and he seemed to be trying to say something, but Kathy was walking toward the supine body of her father as if she were a robot programmed for that movement and nothing more. Dallas was fascinated by the hypnotic appearance of the girl, by the way she stared glassy-eyed down at the huge shaft.

She put one foot on each side, of him and stood swaying there while Eric focused the camera again. She lowered her body then, bending slowly at the knees. So small, Dallas thought, so very small and dainty. When she was kneeling, the head of her father’s heavy pole already, prodded into her crotch, nudged into the sunset color of that silky pubic hair.

Collins managed to grate out: “No, no, no…”

Kathy didn’t even hear him. Mesmerized, she used both small hands to take his prick and bend it down slightly. Then hiked her ass just enough and guided that huge cockhead into the humid entrance of her labia.

It wouldn’t go, Dallas thought; that ugly, swollen thing couldn’t penetrate such a mini-cunt, not without tearing the gorgeous little thing wide open.

Kathy murmured, “Oh daddy. Oh daddy. Daddy, daddy… “ She stuffed it into her body, used her hands to push it, her squirming ass to assist the entrance, her deftness and young strength to force in that big, bulb. Dallas swore he could see her labia stretch, distend, expand as the head inched into them. In and in, and suddenly Kathy gave an exultant cry.

“In me! Oh-oh WOW! It’s in my cunt! My daddy’s prick is moving inside my pussy, all hard and big and strong Oh-oh! it, love it!”

Eric took pictures. He peeled the backing from color prints and took some more while Kathy fucked her father. She put both hands on his belly and rolled the smooth beauty of her ass, easing that thick shaft around inside her packed little cunt, thrilling her clit with every small movement.

Eric took more pictures while Kathy rocked gently back and forth on the meat within her beautiful body. Her father kept his eyes closed, but his belly was rising and falling, and when the kids let his ankles go he drew up his knees and began to stroke up into Kathy s vagina.

“Fuck me daddy!” she said. “Oh, hunch that marvelous daddy prick up my cunt and fuck me until I scream Oohh! Ah darling-why did you wait so long?, Ahh-what a cock! So big and so hard and so beautiful… all this stiff meat-oohh! Keep fucking me daddy. Fuck me, screw me, lay me-ahh! I’m very close now-such a lovely prick-closer and closer, and-OH! I’m coming… coming-coming!”

Gyrating on his prong, Kathy humped and squirmed, and her father dug his heels into the soft earth so he could gain leverage to shove his prick to the hilt one more time. Then those king-sized balls flexed powerfully, and Dallas knew that the man was pumping another stream of come from the nozzle of that gigantic cock, but this time the flood of semen was raining into his own daughters young pussy.

They hung still, quiet, caught in a peculiar lack of motion into the silence Angel said, “Cut loose his hands. He’s screwed now, in more ways than one.”

Marty Brooke freed Collins’s wrists, and the man only brought his arms around to wrap them around his daughters slim waist as she sat up off the ground. His prick was embedded to the root within the girl’s stretched pussy, and it seemed as if the man meant to keep it there forever, Dallas thought.

For the first time, Dallas knew a twinge of, jealousy, for he realized he could never compete with what he had just seen. Incest was more voluptuous than any screwing he could offer, and he couldn’t hope to make up for the heft of that giant cock.

Angel touched him on the shoulder “Come on man; let’s leave them together. I think he’s got the idea now. If he fucks with you again, everybody in town is going to see those pictures-not only of me sucking him off, but of the school board president screwing his own daughter. And one hell of a job he did too.”

Dallas hesitated, still looking at the naked bodies holding each other. Angel said, “Hey now. I could use some of that big thing myself, but you and I can wait. They’ve been building up to this for years, and the least we can do is to let them work it out by themselves.”

“Sure,” Dallas said, and climbed to his feet.

They took his arms and led him away, off into the brush and through it to a clearing.

The girls were all there, except for Kathy, but young and shy Betsy Paulter was willing to take her place. Dallas was surprised to find he had such an aching hard-on, and he didn’t hesitate using it on the new girl. He was tender with her, gentle with her hesitancy, and somehow the thin, almost bony length her body excited him.

Once between her thin thighs, Dallas put his cockhead into he delicately.

Carefully he slid it home into the tight and narrow slit with precision. When he had it buried to the hilt in that blonde pussy, when she started to respond in little twitches and hunchings that were half ashamed, he saw that she had much to learn.

So he taught her-as a father might teach his daughter.
