“That was neat, how you handled him,” Kathy said breathlessly. “And it’s good to be able to talk out loud now that you’ve taken all the bugs apart. Your phone’s bugged to, but of course I won’t call you with anything important. It’s much more fun coming to you in person.”
Dallas toasted himself with a shot of bourbon, and splashed a little in another glass for her. She made a crinkled face and barely finished it, and he said, “We’ve sure as hell put a roadblock in their way. I don’t think they’ll stop trying to bug my place though; give them a day or two, and they’ll have new ones in.”
She frowned. “Even after you’ve found out they’re doing it?”
“I have, to try to think like Sladermann,” he explained. “And he’d figure that if I found one set, I wouldn’t be expecting another one. They’ll be in the same places, too-operating on the same precept. If I’m suspicious, I should look elsewhere for the mikes.”
“Wow,” Kathy said, looking cute and delicious, wrapped only in a fuzzy bath towel. “And they get all uptight when we stage a protest.”
He touched her cheek. “I’m a they, Kathy, by age and position, if not by inclination. And I don’t believe that way.”
She shook her head emphatically. “You’re so different. You’re like one of us, only older and neater. People like my father and Mr. Kingston and Sladermann-they know you’re not like them, and they hate you for it.”
“I’m not defending them,” he said, putting his glass down and taking her by the hand to lead her back toward the bedroom. “But I’m standing up for what I believe. And what time are you supposed to be home?”
She rubbed against him like a kitten, and the same kind of purr was in her voice as she, answered, “Daddy gets uncomfortable around me, especially if I don’t wear many clothes. So to keep me out of the house as much as possible, he pretends to believe me when I tell him I’m staying over with other girls, or I have to go to the library, or anything. We have time for something else, teacher darling.”
At the bed he said, “I can’t blame your daddy for eyeing you. You’d drive any man out of his mind, and if I was in his place, with you hanging around all the time, swinging that gorgeous little ass and poking those sweet little tits at me…”
She pulled him to the bed. “What? What would you do-daddy?”
“Well first,” he said, peeling away her towel and exposing her naked beauty, “first, I’d tear off your clothes and throw you on a bed like this. Then I’d tear off my clothes, and my prick would jump out hard and strong like this…“
Kathy was really into the game, her face hushed and her lips parted damply “Yes daddy- oh please don’t daddy-you’ll hurt me, but I want to obey you daddy-”
“I’d see that forbidden little pussy shining up at me,” Dallas said, getting into the mood of the acting because it seemed to please her so much. “And then I’d start kissing your body all over, because I’d want to eat you up.”
“Eat me up,” she panted, “Oh daddy, daddy eat me all up the way, you used to do when I was just a little girl.”
He kissed her tits, marveling at how hard her nipples were, licking over the rounded domes, and finally sucking them into his mouth in their entirety, one by one. She twisted under his wet caresses, gasping and trembling, her butterfly hands stroking his hair as he lifted his-face from a dripping nipple and began to drift down her belly.
Running his tongue around tier belly button, he was rewarded by the heaving of her groin and the spasms which raced through her warm flesh. But when he kissed down to her cunt mound, and ran his tongue lightly through the fluffy curls of her pubis, Kathy cried out in a high, thin voice, “Turn around, daddy! Let me eat you too. I want you to kiss my pussy-oh, how I want you to eat my pussy-but I have to take your big cock in my mouth. Please, daddy-oh, please!”
Breathing in the musk of her omit, the heady perfume of that hot and girlish pussy, Dallas found, hisself shaking with eagerness, but he did as she wanted.
Wheeling his legs around, he positioned himself for sixty-nine, giving her what she so obviously craved, a chance to suck his throbbing prick.
Greedily, she gulped at it, not pausing to play, but pulling the head directly into her hot mouth where her tongue raced over it with insistent hunger. Her fingers wrapped around the hilt, and her other hand reached around to his ass, digging nails into the eek.
His head was downward into her crotch, and he had to drop his chin in order to probe for her trembling clit with his tongue. Not finding it right away, Dallas licked up and down her dewy cunt lips, enjoying the flavors, reveling in the soft fondling of her pubic hair, in the shuddering of her thighs. His nose dipped to the cleft of her ass, and he spread his mouth wide to suck in her labia.
Growling softly, taking as much of her meat into his mouth as he could get, Dallas worried her pussy, tongued it and bit tenderly upon it and sucked its flowing juices. Kathy squirmed against him, with him, and her tongue went wild upon his cockhead, thrusting into the slot, lapping and curling around the edges.
Her cunt was rich with honey, bubbling with oils, and he loved it, loved It as he might if her pussy was forbidden to him by law and the mores of society It was sweeter that way, more luscious, and he ate into it as if he meant to swallow her down, to possess her completely and permanently by digesting her meats and her juices, absorbing them into his body and his blood.
It was doing and being done, at the same time, sucking and being sucked, giving as well as taking, and the blending, the frantic pulling and lapping, that made his head spin. Panting for air, his hands under the cheeks of her ass and lifting her succulent pussy to his face, Dallas burrowed deeply into the opening of her snatch, his tongue going crazy over her clit.
His cock shuddered as she pulled the head of It back into the pulsing hollow of her throat. Kathy wrapped her tongue around the shaft and used her fingers to massage his balls, sucking and drawing, letting go so it could slide back to the capture of her lips, only to siphon it back once more.
The cheeks of his own ass were flexing, and the cord that ran back from his balls stood out strongly when she moved one tiny fingertip to his anus.
Fondling there, she sent new and hotter blazes racing through his twisting body. It couldn’t last, couldn’t continue to intensify; no human body could stand that.
He felt her hunch madly against his mouth, raking her clit into his teeth as she hit her climax, reaching an orgasm that was surging and explosive. She clamped her thighs around his face and used her pelvis to batter savagely at his mouth.
In return, or at the identical moment, Dallas stretched out his legs and thrust deeply into her mouth trying to get the head of his erupting cock all the way down her gobbling throat. His balls jerked against her chin, and the power came pouring up the shaft to spew hotly from his glands.
Thick and purling, buttery and foaming, his come flooded her mouth, her tongue, her inner cheeks. Kathy sucked harder, more hungry than ever, anxious to get-the juices down her throat.
Did the tip of her finger slip up his ass? Dallas didn’t know, only that streaks of flame gathered from many directions to burn out his crotch, to set fire to his balls and make his cock pump more fluid.
Time stood still, or at least marked itself in slow, unsteady beats, for Dallas didn’t remember when he took his mouth from the steamy slipperiness of the girl’s cunt and lay his cheek there instead. He rested there, rubbing his cheek up and down into the frothy hairs, adoring the caress of it and the silken smoothness of her thighs.
Kathy moved first, lifting away from him, allowing his prick to slide out of her mouth, drained dry except for a damp kiss of parting. Gently, she came around on an axis, pivoting to change ends. She took her pussy from him, but gave him her mouth in exchange. Her tongue tasted of musky things, of his own semen, and somehow the tiny cavern of her mouth seemed hotter because of what she had just done with it, as if it had accumulated and stored the heat of her sucking and the lava temperature of his ejaculation.
He licked his tongue into her mouth, and she moved the lathered mound of her cunt over his prick, raked the hardened nipples of her breasts across his chest. Small girl, beautiful little girl, she lay on top of him, the fever of her sinuous body only lightly abated.
“That was wonderful,” she sighed. “You didn’t mind pretending you were my father, and that made It just great for me. You know, its but I never really thought I dug my daddy that way.”
“And now?” he prompted, stroking one hand along the warmly graceful line of her naked back, feeling the tops of her cheeks and the dimple there.
“Now I don’t know,” she said. “I still don’t dig his politics, but I think I can see where I’ve been teasing him along. I mean, I kiss him harder than I ought to, I guess-and I accidentally let him see me coming out of the bathroom with my robe hanging open. Or I lean over him when he’s sitting down, to sort of brush my tits across his arm. Yeah-I’ve been teasing my daddy something awful. I wasn’t really planning on having him screw me.”
Dallas said softly, “Not consciously, perhaps. But you’ve been taking the place of your mother for a long time in every other way. You’re his housekeeper and sometimes his cook, and you take care of him in most ways. But not in the most important way.”
She moved restlessly against him. “I see what you mean. And the more I think about it; the less I figure it’s such a crime. I like to fuck, and I’m already doing things that the establishment says are wrong. Like fucking Joey-mustn’t screw a black; that’s a no-no. As if his cock was different, or something And going down on Angel, or Blythe, or any of the girls. like that too, and I dig having, them do it to me. So what’s all that wrong about screwing somebody in your own family? Love is love the way I see it, and when I really love somebody, I can show it best by fucking him. Or her, as the case may be.”
Dallas fondled the cheeks of her ass, and she hunched gently against him. He said, “I couldn’t agree with you more, but society doesn’t see it that way. Not yet. In time, all things change, and so will most of these sexual hang-ups, although Puritanism is taking a hell of a while to wear off.”
She lay quiet for awhile, then said thoughtfully, “I didn’t realize what I was doing to him, getting bun all heated up when he couldn’t do anything about it or thought he couldn’t. But that doesn’t mean I go for his attitude, or that I won’t fight him any way I have to: As for screwing him, tit have to think that over. Not having any sex may help him to be like he is, but I’m not at all sure I can-oh hell!”
Kathy sat up. “I have to go home now. I parked my 10-speed bike back in the bushes, and it will only take me a few minutes to get back I’m all mixed up Dallas, and nobody can help me, only me. But I’m not copping out on you and the school board. I’ll tell the kids about the bugging and everything, and we’ll see what we can think up.”
He kissed the tip of her nose. “You’re a wonderful young woman, Kathy Collins.
I love you.”
“Of course,” she said, slipping into her jeans, “and I love you, too. Just lie still darling. I can find my way out the back. See you tomorrow.”
The warmth of her presence stayed behind for a long time after Kathy had gone, and he lay quietly on the bed thinking about her and the psycho-drama they had gotten themselves into. By acting out some of Kathy’s emotions, they had brought her true feeling for her father to the surface. But what had it all meant to Dallas Bradburn?
He turned over, smelling the faint attar of her perfume in the pillow. us enjoyment of participation could have the number of meanings that a shrink might gloat over. To Dallas it meant only that he had fun and was turned on. So he liked to fuck young and pliant chicks, so what? If he had a daughter or a sister who looked and acted anything like Kathy Collins, he’d fuck her too.
But there were some other things to think about, such as the reaction of Harry Sladermann when he learned his man had been caught. The poor bastard might be pretty sick by now, or higher than an astronaut’s hat. Would Sladermann tell Craig Collins of the fiasco? Probably not According to what Kathy overheard, her old man was already peeved with his detective.
Good old Harry. would plant more bugs, use more muscle, or perhaps up his offer of money. If the man kept planting dope, he’d get away with a bust. Thinking about that, Dallas decided to move, to hole up in some motel for a few days for his own protection.
Hell yes. He’d call Sot and have the house legally sealed. If someone broke in to plant heroin or the like, Dallas would be covered. He could keep an eye on his own car, or play tricks with lengths of black thread and/or wax so he’d know if a door had been opened or the hood tampered with. Maybe he could rent a car and leave the Volks in a garage, or ride a 10-speed like most of the kids.
It would be difficult for someone to stash dope in a bicycle.
Tomorrow, he thought; it could all be handled tomorrow, because Sladermann wasn’t going to react quickly. The man would have to think things over first, then set machinery in motion. If Collins didn’t fire him, and that was an even better idea. First thing, in the morning, he would call Mr. Collins and be an anonymous fink telling of the goof-up over at Bradburn’s house. He could pretend to be the guy who had to eat the grass, pissed off because he’d gotten into trouble and trying to get back at Harry Sladermann.
Dallas rolled over again and felt around to turn on the radio. Its music was soothing, and he smiled himself to sleep where he dreamed of Kathy Collins and the black girl and the long, slim girl with the silvery pussy, and of the little Korean girl who loved to take it up the ass He wasn’t particular they were all his students and all fine screwing.
And maybe be could get some of the weight of his back tomorrow.