Next day, the school board pulled three books from the school library: Catcher in The Rye, Thirteen Stories, and Listen To The Warm.

While he was still in the principal’s office, waiting for the great man to see him, they appropriated Ulysses, all of Caldwell’s works and discussed how toyanic The Merry Wives of Windsor without killing the rest of Shakespeare’s plays.

Kingston finally refused to grant him an audience, and Dallas went storming down to the library where kids were gathering like storm clouds in the hall.

“Collins-why hurt the kids just to get at me?”

The big man grinned at him, confident now, having licked all the previous wounds and backed up by a file of graphic photos that showed the hippie teacher being a regular hippie.

Dallas gestured helplessly. “Those books? We’re removing them because of their prurient content, and the effect such pornography will have upon the tender minds of our children.”

Dallas gestured helplessly. “Those books? They’ve been acceptable literature for years, and they’re good. Look…”

“No! You look, Bradburn. We say they’re dirty books, and we have the right.

Like we have the right to decide you can’t teach that crud in your class.”

Dallas swallowed hard “Shakespeare, McKuen, Salinger.”

“We have to protect our kids,” Collins said. “Now suppose you get out of here so we can do our jobs. If you don’t like it, file a letter with the principal and he’ll send copies to every member of the school board. That’s due process, isn’t it?” Fuming, Dallas plunged out into the hail, striding blindly somewhere, anywhere. He turned into his classroom through force of habit, and sat behind his desk with his fists clenched. They hit low, the bastards, and he should have expected that finding the chink in his armor, they banged an arrow right through it and caught him right in the guts.

The kids needed those books, but Collins didn’t give a damn about anything but his own swollen ego, and he ran the board. What had Dallas been thinking about a frame of reference? Collins had caught him out of his own, and nailed him for the weakness. He could go crawling to the man and beg for the return of the books, and Collins might make a deal-if he cut his hair and shaved his moustache and resigned, all humble and properly apologetic.

“Mr. Bradburn-please!”

He looked up from the depths of his despair and saw his English class watching him, all in their seats and quietly intent He hadn’t even noticed they were there. “Yes, Kathy-?”

“I said, we’re all with you. If you want us to go out on strike right now, we’ll do it. We’ll shut this school down tight!

Smiling sadly at her, at them all, lie shook his head “For how long, guys?

Easter vacation is three days off. Then the school closes anyway. A lot of pressure can be put on you at home during that time.”

Defiantly, she said, “We’ll wait until we get back then! They’re not going to do this to you-to…”

“To you, is the important thing,” he said. “Those are all good books, wonderful books, and you shouldn’t have them taken away from you at this stage of your education You’re not children now, but young men and women, and you should decide what you like to read, what opens your minds, what helps you to see life through a good writer’s perceptions. That’s what bugs me more than the school board hassling me because of my hair.”

Joey Nottingham stood up beside his chair. “I don’t dig what they’re doing, so I’m cutting out, right here and now.”

Dallas said, “If this was football season, you’d carry some weight; they’d have to listen to you and Eric and the other jocks. You’re not heavy right now, Joey.”

“Then they got us by the-they got us?”

“Let me think it all out,” Dallas said. Kathy Coffins stood up too. So did Blythe and Angel and little Susan Lee. Kathy said, “Just so long as you don t even consider copping out to them, Dallas-ahh, Mr. Bradburn. Don’t let them make you quit, no matter what they do.”

“I’ll hang tough,” he promised.

Somehow, the day dragged through, and he squealed tires getting out of parking lot when it was over. By the time he got a can of stew cooked, he was fairly well smashed and the bourbon bottle was empty. The phone rang and he answered it.

“Bradburn, you in the market for some film?” It was a voice coming through a broken nose, Harry Sladermann.

“Stick ‘em up your ass,” Dallas said. “What they hell do they prove, moral turpitude? let’s see ‘em stand up in court, cause that’s where they’ll have to be shown.”

Sladermann sighed. “That’s what I thought, but he thinks he’s got something.

He’s got some prints with a damned thin fixative on them, but he doesn’t have the negatives.”

“He fired you,” Dallas said.

“Paulie was a sick weirdo the other night,” Sladermann said, “Walked right off the pier and puked all over the guys pulled him out. Paulie’s the poor guy you made eat that sandwich.”

“Poor Paulie,” Dallas said. I got a pot of stew on.”

“You ever want a job,” Sladermann said, “don’t take mine. Hey, Bradburn-I hope you didn’t bust all those mikes? I figured the thin fixative will fade those prints in about a week, no more. That’s a pretty good trade. Those bugs are expensive.”

Dallas had to laugh. “I’ll leave ‘em in my VW; the school-parking lot.”

“Yeah,” Sladermann said, and the phone clicked.

The stew he ate took the edge off his high, and Dallas considered going out for that long delayed case of beer. He was still considering it when somebody scratched on the back door. Hell, he thought, he had come right back home instead of cooling it in the motel. But since Sladermann was off the case, and the bugs were removed…

Or were they? It would be just like that sly bastard to soften him up with a phone call like that, feed him all that crap to dull his suspicions.

Insistently, the scratching sounded louder at the door. Dallas said, “The lock has been picked so often that it doesn’t work anymore. Come on in.”

They were quick, ducking inside and shutting the door. Angel Matthews and Blythe Jackson stood looking at him. “We thought you’d be lonely,” the black girl said.

“You’re right,” he said, grinning limply at them. “I’d offer you a drink, but I dranked it.”

Blythe moved closer. “Kathy couldn’t come. She had a hell of a fight with her father and he locked her in her room. We also thought you could use a change.”

“I appreciate your thoughtfulness girls,” he said. “But I just don’t think I’d be any good tonight. So many things on my mind…”

“Bullshit,” Angel said, and began taking off her jeans.

They got him into the living room and left a table lamp on. He sat back on the couch feeling no pain and trying to submerge the dirty trick that bad been played on the kids that day. This would be only the first dirty trick, he knew.

Between the school board and the principal, his teaching courses would be chopped into bits He’d be a figurehead, a parrot mouthing mane platitudes that no reasonably intelligent kid would listen to. He could visualize monitors sitting in the back of his classes, taking notes and objecting to his lectures.

“Come on man,” Angel said, the velvet of her dandy sinuous body softly intriguing, her sleek legs moving with slow invitation, her tits high and proud. “Get out of your head and into life baby. You just sit there and watch until you get hard and ready. And when you do, join in-you dig?”

He saw them come together on the carpet, the long, willowy body of Blythe Jackson, all silvers and pale whites; the black satin of Angel, splendid and compelling… They sat holding each other, their mouths meeting, their tongues slipping in and out. Their tits were together, black and white, and they rubbed nipples back and forth in sensuous movements.

Their hands drifted everywhere, caressing hips and bellies and thighs, lifting to cup each other’s breasts, to finger the eagerly rigid nipples. They dug each other and showed it by every exotic action.

Sinking lower together, they stretched out, and the black girl’s knee slid m between the pale thighs to nestle against Blythe’s silver-mossed cunt where it thrust gently. Angels head, furry in its natural Afro, dipped between the other girl’s tits. Her red tongue darted questioningly over the mounds, the nipples, while her hands fondled ass cheeks.

Blythe said, “Ob baby-oh Angel, darling I’m so hot, I’m burning up. Love me baby-make love to me.”

Angel licked down the sleek body, down the rib cage and reached the fluctuating belly. She nibbled there awhile, and Dallas watched the white girl’s body writhe and heave. Blythe’s knees lifted, and her thighs spread far apart. Angel slid farther down, hiking her own glossy ass high as she kneeled to get her face into her lover’s pussy.

Moaning, Angel burrowed her mouth into the lavish hairs of Blythe’s cunt, nuzzling deeply there, licking and sucking Blythe threw back her head, her mouth wide in ecstasy, her hands holding the other girl’s head, her hips rolling in joyous reflex, her belly trembling. They had forgotten he was in the room, and Dallas found himself becoming interested in spite of the load he was carrying, despite the harassment that had been on his mind all day.

He saw the girls wiggle together, saw Blythe carefully change ends until their heads were buried between each other’s thighs. They clung and licked, squirmed and sucked, murmuring into cunts, caressing asses.

Slowly, Dallas stood up and, dropped his robe. He moved, toward the interlocked girls; his prong stiffly out-in front, the head of it flexing anxiously for a taste of cunt The girls were so beautiful, so lascivious there together, eating pussy and loving it. The sight turned him on, stirred desire in him more than he could have believed. He wanted part of that action, wanted to get into those sweet, hot pussys, or into those hungry, hot mouths, and it didn’t really matter which one.

He kneeled behind Blythe, looking down to where Angel’s face was being ridden by the pale thighs. Taking his iron-hard shaft in one hand, he inched closer until he could bend the knob down and touch it into the wet, hairy cleft from behind. The purplish glands slid across a black nose to nudge a platinum cunt.

Shifting position to allow him room, Angel shoved up on the other girl’s ass, forcing Blythe to lift herself just enough. His cockhead nestled into and Angel licked them both, his prick and the girls pussy lips.

It was thrilling for him, and he stroked there for a few highly erotic moments, his balls swinging gently into the natural hair-do, his hands resting lightly upon the upper modeling of Blythe Jackson’s beguiling ass.

But there was more to experiment with, and he crawled around to the other side so he could stick his cock against the furry black mound of Angel while Blythe lapped them both, and that was just as good.

They untangled, the girls coming apart so that he could blend with them. Their delectable little cunts were sliming with their juices, and Dallas took a handful of both as they smiled hotly at him. Angel took his prick in hand while Blythe sucked one of his nipples.

It was too much for Dallas; he had to get into one of those cunts, and when he turned, Angel moved her arched body with a graceful, purely feminine motion, her thighs spread and her shaggy black pussy tilted up for him.

The head of his prick drove impetuously into her cunt, drilling deeply into the slick hole, going all the way home to the roots. He rested there momentarily and flinched when Blythe pushed her head between his thighs with her face up.

Startled, he looked down to see the open mouth reaching for his balls.

Shivering, he saw her take them into her lips and felt the adoring suction there as he moved with short strokes into Angel’s cunt.

Dallas’s entire body went tense at the far out sensation he was getting, his scrotum being sucked and tongued while his prick slid hotly and greasily back and forth in-the tight holding pussy. It was a wild and crazy feeling, and he luxuriated in it.

Blythe opened her lips again letting his balls out, but she kept her tongue busy as he thrust again and again into the sizzling emit The tongue raked wetly along the length of his cock when it came back out of the pussy and followed the slippery pole to his balls, over them to the crack of his ass when he pushed it home again.

Rapture flashed through him, and Angel panted, “Keep it up man. Hang in there with my cunt until you come. Let her lick you, suck you-suck us both! Oh wow mister-I’m not far from getting my nuts. Hang in there teach baby!”

He couldn’t speed up his strokes because of the girl licking and sometimes nipping at his prick and balls, so Dallas held his pace, continued the steady beat even while Angel’s pussy went crazy around his cock, twisting wetly and snapping hotly at-its entire length.

“Oohh man!” Angel cried: out. “Oohh teach! Blythe suck his balls-I-I’m going to come-to COME!”

Her cunt hammered brutally into his crotch, grabbing at his moving prick, and Blythe dug her fingertips into the cheeks of his slowly heaving ass as she pulled his balls deeply into her mouth and chewed lovingly upon them.

Pow! He went off like a cannon. Pow! Pow! Pow! Each, jet of his semen was like a bullet tearing into the searing clasp of Angel’s pussy. His bullets of come were thick and heavy, splattering her vagina and banging stickily-into her womb.

Blythe continued to, suck his balls, to tickle them with her active tongue, and now her bands were fondling his ass, the fingers sometimes trailing into his crack. He thought he was never going to stop coming, and it was a wonderful feeling.
