Dallas got his licks in the next day, and had a peaceful, restful night in a motel because Sol Shapiro thought it was one hell of a good idea. Not even the kids could reach him, and Kathy had some reproachful looks for him at school.
He even thought he saw sidelong glances from the others, Angel and Blythe and Susan. But what the hell, he thought; a man couldn’t keep up with kids like that even though it was a lot of fun trying.
Of course he couldn’t know if Collins had fired his bird dog, not until Kathy brought him some news. So he acted as if the tail was still on him, and lived a fairly circumspect life Leaving school that afternoon, he suddenly remembered he had a date with the cute carhop at the drive-in.
It was something he wished he could avoid, but that would mean hurting the girl, and he didn’t want that. So he put off dinner arid showered at the motel, changing shirts and putting on a jacket. Promptly at eight he drove into the lot and sat waiting, uncertain as to whether he should walk into the place to pick her up, or what.
She solved the problem by skipping over to the car, and her name was Dee; she was still wearing her name tag. She had long, rhythmical brown hair and nice hazel eyes, and she was a tall girl with long, smooth legs.
“Hi,” she said. “Gee, you know I’m excited? I never thought I’d actually go out with you, Mr. Bradburn. Did you know I was in your class two years ago?”
“I’m sorry,” he said. “There are so many lovely girls in my classes, and I didn’t really start seeing them until lately. And my name is Dallas. Tonight, I’m not teaching English.”
He made it a good evening for her; they dined at a good steakhouse and had wine because nobody asked for her ID card. They caught a late movie that was interesting, and went to an ice cream parlor afterward.
Dee talked, but not too much. She relaxed enough to start being open with him, and he saw that she was a nice girl, full of fun and eagerness. Back in the car he said, “It’s getting late. I’ll take you home now.”
She hesitated, then said softly, “Yours or mine? I have a bottle of pretty good wine. It’s cheap, but it tastes okay.”
In the half light of the car he glanced at her. “Your place then. I’m staying at a motel right now, not in my house.”
As they drove along outside light touched her profile. She was pretty, with a full and sensuous mouth. She said, “I hear the traffic gets kind of heavy at your house.”
“Is that why you came out with me, because of those rumors?”
She swung to him, her knees brushing his thigh. “Oh no Dallas, I don’t want you to think that. I-I always had a crush on you, even in school I’ll admit that I got jealous, hearing how you were balling all, those younger kids when here I was, talking with you almost every day and you never asked me for a date. So I had to get pushy. Next street Dallas, turn right.”
He parked the VW in a dark spot before a small apartment building, locking it carefully before he followed Dee into the hall. She lived on the ground floor, in a tiny living-bedroom-with kitchen and bath attached. She had it fixed up though, using posters and prints and lighting to good effect.
Once inside, she said, “I’ll get, the wine,” but stood looking at him with her eyes getting bigger and softer.
So he stepped close and took her in his arms. She felt fine there, her long, curved length fitting against him well. Her big, firm tits flattened themselves against his shirt and her thighs molded to his own. Dee wasn’t bashful about wanting him, and when his arms slipped around her trim waist, she raised hers around his neck, giving him her mouth.
“Oh,” she said into his mouth, then she turned fierce and her teeth raked his as her tongue reached in and shuddered over his tongue. Her pelvis pulsed against his crotch and the damp heat of her mound penetrated his pants His shaft hardened and lifted, causing her to thrust more strongly-to him.
When she tore away her lips, she gasped, “The-the wine?”
“Keep it cold,” he said, and moved his hands over her hips, feeling the sleek modeling of her ass.
She wheeled from him to kick the divan into a bed, her hands fumbling at her blouse. “The light-please, I like it on, If you don’t mind.”
That didn’t tit. She was anxious to be screwed, but there was also a hesitancy about Dee, a girlish kind of shyness. He would have thought she would do better in the dark, especially this first time. Unbuttoning his shirt, Dallas watched her jerk at the zipper to her skirt, and saw that she had to fiddle with it before getting the skirt down.
His mind prodded at him, saying that something was out of beat, somehow wrong.
But his eyes followed the long, appealing length of her sleek legs all the way up to where the full thighs joined her torso. He could see the pouting outline of her cunt, snugged tightly by a pair of nylon briefs, and above them, her smooth belly with the indentation of her navel.
She was a good looking girl, built along racy lines that stopped just. short of being heroic. Dee’s tits were high and full, and when she, reached back to unhook her bra, they spilled out with dark nipples showing.
But the nipples weren’t erectile. He put out his hands and cupped them as the girl swayed toward him. Still wearing his pants, Dallas squeezed her breasts and ran his thumbs lightly over the soft nipples until they sprang stiffly under his touch. She was frightened he thought; she wanted to lay him, but she was scared of some thing.
“Come on,” she panted, dragging him down to the converted divan. “Oh baby, I want you so much.”
He went with her, not caring for the overhead light, but working at her panties until they slid down over her lifting legs Her fingers dragged at his zipper, pulled at his belt, and he leaned away to help her. The clothing came away, his shorts joining her panties and bra on the throw rug beside the bed.
He noticed there was a dark crack in the bathroom door, and he wondered if she always left it open like that, just a couple of inches. Funny he hadn’t noticed that when they first came in; the apartment was so small that anything unusual should have registered.
Dee was moaning softly now, her hips rolling sensuously from side to side in the age-old beckoning of woman to man. Her nipples were high and pointy, and the curly brown hair of her match seemed to give off its own heat. She was ready now, and he lowered himself to her writhing body without further preliminaries. He could make an epilog of fondling and stroking; just now, the girl had to be fucked.
Dallas set the rounded end of his cock into the waiting pubic hair, pushed down into the thick, clinging caress of it to find the wetness of, the receptive pussy lips. They were torrid and slick with her juices, and when he prodded exploringly at them, Dee gave a sudden strong hump that pulled the head of his prick inside. The shaft slid in deeply, easily although-she wasn’t loose, but had a small, firm vagina that held him lovingly.
It was just that she was so hot, so ready to take in his cock. When the head of it stopped reaching, Dee bucked her pelvis up, and those long, long legs hiked up to cross over the small of his back. Her crotch rolled up so he could get deeper into her vagina, and Dallas fed the meat to her in strong, penetrating thrusts. His balls bumped against the up tilted cheeks of her ass with every stroke, and she seemed to try to absorb them.
Her arms were tight around his neck, and her mouth ate feverishly into his, the teeth clashing, her tongue coiling and uncoiling like a hot, wet serpent.
“Ummm!” she groaned into his mouth, her breath gusting into his, throat. “Ohh, sweet man! Ohh, Dallas-that’s good-so damned good! What a prick you have darling-and how-you use It! Ahh! Give it all to me, sweet man. Oh, you horny, stiff cocked son of a bitch, fuck me hard-hard!”
She bounced violently against him, her pelvis going like a battering-ram, pounding his belly with the fierce hunger of her strokes. Dee’s legs encircled him, wrapped wantonly around him and tried to force him impossibly deeper into her ravenous pussy. Cursing him, crooning to him, she bucked and pitched, rolling slowly and hotly between bursts of savage motion.
“Coming, you bastard! Coming-on-on your big, hard cock, swept man Oh-hurry, baby, darling, sweetheart-come with me!
Furiously, he slammed her cunt, sledging his hard prick to the bottom of her surging pussy, pounding it home with ramrod action, in and, out, in and out in a blurring of flesh and juices her pussy went slosh! slosh! slosh! and just at the supreme moment, just when she shivered deep in the clenching thigh muscles of her long, sleek legs, Dallas came.
“Here!” he gasped. “Here, you hungry bitch here’s my come. Take all of it feel it jamming hot and greasy up into your pussy. Feel it Dee!”
She did. Dee sucked air noisily and dug her nails into his back. Her cunt grasped his prick as if it had many hot, slippery fingers, squeezing it toward the head, milking its final drop of semen.
Turning his head, Dallas fought for breath. This was one hell of a piece of ass. He blinked in the miniature sunburst that flashed into his eyes, and shook his head to clear it. Was the ceiling light so bright? Beneath him, Dee’s clinging legs grew loose and eased gently down his flanks. Her cunt rippled inside, fondling his embedded prick with vaginal tissues.
Ceiling light, hell!
Dallas jerked suddenly out of her pussy, and she said “not” in protest but he sat up and back on his heels watching the bathroom door snap shut. Cock straight out in front of him like a lance, he vaulted off the divan and hit the door with a shoulder.
It hung back with a crash, and knocked Selena Johnstone ass over heels into the bathtub. Her fine legs flailed the air: one shoe falling off, her sensible nylon panties pinched together to expose the handful of shaggy pubic hair.
The camera she had been holding bit the rug and skidded into the wall. Selena screamed something, and as Dallas grabbed for the camera, he saw the open window behind the tub. It wasn’t much of a window, just a slit really. But it was plenty big enough to drop pictures to someone waiting outside.
She glared up at him as he stood holding the camera. Struggling, she wriggled from the tub and sat on the edge of it, tugging down her skirt. For the first time since he had known her, Selena’s hair was a mess.
She said, “Damn you, Dallas Bradburn. You hurt me I’ll be a mass of bruises and taking my camera won’t help you now. That was the last picture, and I made damned sure to get your face. I dropped the film outside, and there’s enough of it to get you fired.”
“Dee,” he said, conscious of his nakedness and his drooping cock only because she was. “Is she a friend of yours?”
“She’s my niece,” Selena snapped “You might dredge up a shred of decency and at least wrap a towel around yourself, you’re disgusting.”
“I ought to slap the shit out of you,” Dallas said. “And let you see how disgusting that would be.”
Her eyes narrowed. “I’ll scream and Dee will swear you attacked both of us, you-you satyr! My niece-she didn’t expect it to go so far, but you you’re so animal, so brutal…”
He slammed the camera against the wall. Pieces of it flew around, and Selena flinched. He said, “She enjoyed being fucked. That’s more than you ever did, and I’m sorry as hell for you, Selena. Your niece is a hot, loving female, but you’re a loser; you always were. You think life happens in a test tube.”
“Get-get out of here!” She cried, her face flaming.
“When I’m ready,” he said. “First tell my why Selena. Why, damnit? Because I wouldn’t cut my hair? Did that piss you of so much?”
She was white, swaying on the edge of the tub, her hands clamped on the cold metal, looking colder than the metal itself. “I did this because of what you’re doing to-to all those bitchy little girls. To those children, damn you, those disgusting, awful, snickering little bitches who would do it all day and all night if they had the chance. They’re like beasts, always swinging their tails and making their breasts stick out without bras, and-and-you! You couldn’t wait to copulate with them given the opportunity. You exchanged them for me-when I had already given you my love, my clean love. I-I thought we would be married and have healthy children that could be raised in a fine, intellectual atmosphere But no, you had to betray me and take up with those filthy little bitches! That’s why I helped destroy you, Dallas Bradburn. So you wouldn’t pass your filth along to other trusting, decent women.”
Her voice rose shrilly, and her lips were peeled back from her teeth. Into the hissing void he said, “Selena, I said I was sorry for you. I still am, but it’s the feeling I’d have for a snake with a broken back. You should be put out of your misery.”
He walked from the bathroom, and saw Dee sitting on the divan with her blouse pulled around her hips. She looked small and shaken. He picked up his shorts and put them on, and she whispered, “I-Dallas, I owed Selena a lot. She helped me when-when my mother died, and even got me the job-in the drive-in. I owed her Dallas.”
“Sure,”-he said, found his tee-shirt and pulled it over his head. Selena was working for either Sladermann or Collins. The detective, probably; Collins wouldn’t stand out in an alley waiting for film to be handed out.
She tried again, “Dallas-I-IT was real for me, I swear.
“You like to keep the light on,” he said, and stepped into his pants Putting his back to her appealing nakedness, he sat down on the divan and got his socks, his shoes Selena came from the bath, her composure recovered, icy now, virtue vindicate. “Don’t bother the girl Dallas. She has already sacrificed herself to you. If you persist in harassing her, there’s always a rape charge …”
“Screw you,” he said. “Do you think that film will prove rape? Or a very close and cooperating friendship?” He stood up and took his jacket from the back of a chair. “Dee-I can understand why you felt-you had to go along with your auntie, but I don’t dig the reason. But do you know what the real tragedy is? Not losing my job, because I don’t think I will. The real sorrow is that you opened up, probably for the first time in your life you really put it all up front and fucked the way you wanted to. Wasn’t it different for you Dee? Was it better than it ever was for you before? It was good for me. It was great for me Dee.
So I have to thank you for that much and say goodnight.”
He was at the door when her voice reached out to him. “Dallas! I-I won’t let them hurt you, I swear. Believe me, I won’t let them. And-and it wasn’t phony.
It wasn’t. I did always have a crush on you when I was in school, and I did have a perfect date tonight. And I-oh hell, I’d have laid you even if she didn’t tell me to. It was fine for me too. Honest, it was, because like you said-I let myself go. I was real with it and I made it all the way. For the first time, I made it right on to orgasm.”
He stepped into the hail, and she said more softly, “Don’t you understand Dallas? I came.”
The poor, sweet bitch, he thought. Some of Selena had rubbed off on the girl.
They had set him up for blackmail, they thought He was certain that was what Selena had in mind. No longer however, because the mere threat of exposure would work with Selena. Would she turn the pitiless glare of publicity on her own niece just to strike back at him as the woman scorned? He didn’t think so.
She was making the mistake of putting him into her own frame of reference.