Chapter Seventeen

The hours began to run together as I let myself slip deeper into depression. It killed me knowing I was missing so much and unable to remember any of it. The isolation of my apartment, Emma avoiding me, and the loss of any memory of her was like my own person prison cell. I was locked away from my own mind, and my heart screamed for me to make it right. I was in physical pain from her absence.

She had made it clear that she needed her space. I could deal with a little time. I had all the time in the world, but I couldn’t handle forever without her in it.

As the days bled together, I was becoming more like a caged animal. Little slivers of the real me began to show through, and I began to hate myself just as much as she did.

I drank to numb the pain. I drank to make time slip away. None of it dulled the ache in my chest. How was it possible to be so physically attached to someone who was a virtual stranger? I was more and more convinced that the loss of memory was more my own doing than that of the accident.

I spoke to the doctor, and all he could offer was for me to talk to someone. Opening up might trigger something from my past. If I could identify what it was I was running from, I might be able to bring myself to face it. I was running from myself, and spilling my secrets to a stranger would not make it better.

The one person willing to talk to me, and who seemed privy to those secrets, was Allison. I turned my phone over and over in my hand as I thought of calling her. I typed out a quick text and hit send before I could talk myself out of doing the right thing. I was willing to lose it all forever, if I could have Emma.

Can I see you?

I stared at the screen as I waited for a response.


Emma had once again made it clear that she had moved on with her life. Leaving me stuck in my own personal hell to lose my mind.

I tossed the phone on the floor in front of me as I stared out over the twisted sexual devices that filled the third floor. I sank to my knees, my hands gripping in my hair.

Pain. Pain is what drove me, and now I was getting it back tenfold. I was being made to suffer for my sins, and I was my own warden. I stared off at my phone on the floor.

I grabbed it without over thinking my decision and called Allison.

“I didn’t think you would ever call,” She purred.

“I was…indisposed.” I said as my eyes danced over the devices in front of me. “You wanted to talk?” I didn’t want to discuss my accident. I only wanted a few answers.

“I’m sorry.” Her tone changed from confident to weak and regretful.

“If forgiveness is all you want, you have it.” I said through clenched teeth as I tried to remember.

“Nothing is ever that easy with you, William.”

“Things have changed.”

“You’re going to feed me the I have changed line? People like us don’t change. It’s who we are. It’s how we survive.”

“I want you to forget who I am. I have.” I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to force the throbbing in my head to subside.

“You want me to forget what it feels like to have your hand around my throat while you’re inside of me?” Her breathing grew heavier, and I hated the way my cock twitched from her words.


“You are who you are, William. That will never change. You may try to hide it, but it will always be there, under the surface, begging to come out.”

“Allison, if you come near me again, or Emma, I will cause you pain that you will not enjoy.” I was shocked by the anger in my own voice and by how much I meant those words. I hung up the phone and took a deep breath.

It was time to escape my past and move forward. I grabbed my phone and slid my finger across the screen. That is when I saw it. My key to freedom. A tiny green circle pulsed on the screen. I clicked it, and it pulled up a list of updated locations and a small map.

I looked up the number to a local cab company and had them take me to the last location.
