
Seven Months Later

LAUGHING, JESS raced across the deck. Oh, she's going to make you pay for that. She pulled open the patio door.

"You better run," Kim called from behind her.

Jess dashed into the living room. The slap of her bare feet against the wood floor echoed in the empty room. She tugged her towel tighter around her chest as she made a break for the hall.

Rapid footsteps sounded behind her.

She glanced back and saw Kim hot on her heels.

Kim had a towel on as well, only hers was wrapped around her hair. The rest of her was gloriously bare.

Oh, man. No fair. Jess's steps faltered. Her momentary inattention cost her. Ah. Shit. Her feet slid on the freshly buffed wood floor, and she grabbed at the wall to keep from falling.

Kim was on her in a flash. "Got you now." She grabbed for Jess's towel.

Not yet you don't, but hopefully soon. Jess grinned. She was having too good a time to end the game now. She stuck out her tongue and let go of her towel. Jess sprinted naked toward the bedroom.

"You're going to get it, McKenna."

Jess threw her head back and laughed. Promises, promises.

As Jess reached the bedroom doorway, Kim caught up with her again. Jess groaned when a warm hand brushed over her butt. With one last burst of speed, Jess launched herself at the large air mattress in the middle of the room. She landed face-first and bounced.

Seconds later, Kim landed right next to her.

A brief wrestling match ensued.

"Wait, no. No tickling," Jess said, breathless with laughter. She rolled onto her back, taking Kim with her. Arousal flared at the feel of their bare bodies pressed together.

Kim sat up, straddling Jess's hips. "You give?"

Jess spread her arms wide. "I'm all yours."

A dazzling smile flashed across Kim's face. "That you are," she said. She planted her hands on Jess's shoulders and stared lovingly into her eyes.

God, kiss me already.

As if Kim had heard her thoughts, she leaned down and took Jess's lips in a searing kiss.

When Kim's tongue pressed into her mouth, a moan was torn from Jess's chest. Her hands came up and clasped Kim's hips. She whimpered in protest when Kim broke the kiss.

Kim sat back up and looked around the empty room. "Are you going to miss this place?"

Jess blinked, trying to get her brain working. She was much more interested in the feel of Kim's sex pressed against her belly. She shook off the sexual fog and gave Kim's question due consideration.

"No. As many good memories as we've made here, it was a place of hiding for me. Our new house will be a place for living. For us to spend our life — together."

That declaration earned Jess another soul-searing kiss.

"I love you," Jess said when Kim pulled back.

Kim caressed Jess's bare chest and belly. "I love you too, sweetheart."

Jess gazed up at Kim, her heart filled to overflowing with love for this incredible woman. Her hands stroked the tops of Kim's smooth thighs. It was hard to believe sometimes that they had met only a year ago. From their first meeting, Kim had slowly but surely turned her world upside down. And Jess couldn't be happier about that.

There had been some tough times over the past months. Jess had finally given in and seen a psychologist Kim recommended. It had been hard, but in the end, Sandy had been a godsend.

"What're you thinking about?" Kim asked, startling Jess out of her thoughts.

"About how amazing this last year has been," she gently squeezed Kim's thighs, "and hard too. For both of us."

"It has been a whirlwind," Kim said.

Kim's love and support had allowed Jess to contemplate things she had never dared dream of before. Just talk to her. You don't have to be afraid anymore. That was true. Jess didn't feel the need to hide her feelings or fears from Kim any longer.

"You know, I've been thinking," Jess said. She blew out a breath. "With the new house and everything..." Come on, you can do it. This was something they had never talked about. "Well, this place was small... even with just you, me, and Thor. But the new place is much bigger, so if we wanted to expand our family..."

Kim's brow furrowed. She stared down at Jess.

Great, Jess, she has no clue what you're trying to say.

"You want to get another Great Dane?" Kim asked.

Of course, she would think that. It's not like you haven't referred to Thor plenty of times as your furry son. Jess shook her head and smiled. "Ah... no. Puppies are cute, but I was thinking about something..." She reached up and tenderly stroked Kim's flat belly. "Or rather, someone else."

Kim's eyes went wide and her jaw dropped when she finally got it.

Disappointment shafted through Jess. She struggled not to show it. "It's okay. I just —" Jess's breath whooshed out when Kim landed on her chest.

Kim wrapped her in a bone-crushing hug.

Jess held her close, her heart tripping double time. That's a yes? Right? She wanted this so much, she couldn't help but be nervous.

It was several long moments before Kim released her and sat up. Tears glistened in her eyes. "You want us to have a baby?' she asked, her voice trembling.

"Yeah." Jess swallowed heavily. She didn't want Kim to feel pressured in any way. "I mean if you would even con —"

Kim pressed her fingers to Jess's lips. "Yes."

Jess's heart soared. "Yes?"

Kim nodded. The happiness shining in her eyes left no doubt.

Jess grinned. She waggled her eyebrows at Kim as she slipped her hand between Kim's legs. "Wanna practice getting pregnant?"

Kim groaned and her hips thrust forward. "Oh yeah. Practice. We'll need lots of practice."

The End
