Other Titles By This Author

All Gone – Lesbian: Mystery


DR. KODY GARRETT is a young veterinarian new to the North Park Animal Clinic. After the untimely death of her previous employer and mentor, she came to work for Dr. Herbert Donaldson. While she enjoys her work at the clinic, she has been less than happy with her new employer. His poor attitude and constant criticism has taken its toll on Kody. For the first time in the eight months that she has worked for the clinic, Dr. Donaldson is leaving Kody in charge of the clinic while he attends a medical conference. She is determined to prove to her boss that she is capable of the responsibility with which he has entrusted her. The young vet’s confidence is shaken when less than twenty-four hours after being left in charge of the clinic, previously healthy dogs begin to die unexpectedly.

BJ Braden is a seasoned Animal Control Officer. When she is called by Dr. Garrett concerning the unexplained animal deaths, her suspicions are immediately aroused.

Risking the ire of her boss, Kody teams up with BJ to solve the mystery of what they soon learn are a rash of animal poisonings in their city going back several years. Amidst their growing attraction to each other, they struggle to protect the animals to whom they have devoted their lives.

A new rash of poisonings sets the pair in high gear and eventually costs Kody her job when she defies her boss and continues to help BJ investigate the newest animal deaths. Kody’s life is further complicated by one of the veterinary technician’s growing obsession with her. The woman relentlessly tries to pursue a personal relationship with Kody. When Kody repeatedly turns down the woman’s overtures, she begins to stalk her.

Kody and BJ’s relationship grows even as events begin to spiral out of control. While dealing with the threats of the stalker, the two continue to pursue the pet killers and eventually bring them to justice

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Double Trouble – Lesbian: Romance


LITTLE DID KRIS know that the traditional first baseball game of the season played each April between the San Diego Padres and Los Angeles Dodgers would change her life. Tripping in front of the dark-haired Erin and caught ogling to boot, was only the preamble for the tall blonde, as both ended up splashed with beer in the stands and laughing good-naturedly about the accident and clean-up. So begins what is bound to open old wounds and make both women stronger as they find in each other a connection – love, lust, trust, kids and trouble times two – that will decidedly make their relationship a rocky one but ultimately worth every hurdle they overcome.
