
Writing may be a solitary pursuit but without the support of some very special people this novel would not have come to fruition.

First and foremost to ETJ. Your love and support means the world to me and so do you. A special thank you for all the extra things you do to make it possible for me to spend hours glued to my computer screen.

Once again, a huge thank you to Pam. You are truly a beta-reader extortionate and a great friend. It would not feel like a complete novel without your support and very able assistance.

A big thank-you goes to Jae, my critique partner. Your support and patience is greatly appreciated. You've been a great teacher. And a very good friend.

Thanks to Sheri for creating another wonderful cover.

Thanks go to Judy for copy editing.

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For Eleanore. You are everything a mom should be — and so much more. Happy 80th.
