‘Do you want to go public with this?’

Helen was on her phone, pacing back and forth outside Sharon Jackson’s house. Gardam was back at base, supervising the investigation into Naomie’s call history, digital footprint, police records, known associates and more. It was important they worked closely together on this one, so Helen had stepped outside and called him straight away.

‘I don’t think we have a choice,’ Helen replied. ‘It’s already gone lunchtime. If she’s planning another attack tonight, then we’ve only got a few hours to stop her. The eyes and ears of the public are our best resource at this point.’

‘Have we got a decent photo?’

‘I’m sending one through to you now. If we can line up media liaison, so they’re ready to go public with it immediately -’

‘I’ve got McAndrew drafting a press release now.’


Helen took a breath. The last couple of hours seemed to have passed in a flash and she suddenly felt tired.

‘How sure are you? That it’s her.’

‘She’s our best bet. She has deliberately inserted herself into the investigation on three separate occasions. Two phone calls, plus a positive ID after the second fire, which succeeded in sending us off on a wild goose chase with Richard Ford. She may not come across as capable of much, but she’s been instrumental in how this thing has played out. I think there’s a lot more going on under the surface than we give her credit for.’

‘Ok, let’s do it then and see if we can bring her in before nightfall.’

Helen rang off and, gathering herself, marched back towards Sharon Jackson’s house. Finally, the net was closing.
