Helen threw her coat and scarf down on the chair and turned to face her boss, who reclined on the sofa in her office.

‘DS Sanderson’s waiting for me in the interview suite, so I’m going to have to be relatively brief, I’m afraid.’

Gardam either missed or ignored the note of irritation in Helen’s voice. When he replied it was in an open and friendly manner.

‘Of course. Questioning Ford has to be our top priority. How sure are you that he’s our man?’

‘Pretty sure,’ Helen replied, without elaborating further.


‘Because he’s in love with fire. Because he’d know what to do. Because he was there. I think these fires have been fuelling his fantasies.’

Gardam nodded.

‘Do you think he’ll talk to you?’

‘Doubt it, but you never know how people will react under interview. Thanks to Meredith we’ve got a lot of evidence to lay before him and his lawyer.’

‘You heard about that. The Fire Service have paid for the best, so expect a rough ride.’

‘I can handle myself. I’ve done a few rounds with Ms Shapiro before now.’

‘I dare say you have,’ Gardam answered, once more breaking out into a broad smile. ‘Well, let me know how you get on. If she is being deliberately obstructive, I can have another word with Latham. Though the gloves might come off a bit now that we’ve got one of theirs in custody. Do the press know about it?’

‘Garanita was there ten minutes after we were.’

Gardam nodded as if he weren’t in the least bit surprised, then made to leave:

‘Let me know what you get out of him.’

‘Before you go, sir…’

Gardam stopped and, turning, walked back towards Helen. They were separated now only by the battered desk which Helen had come to know well over the last few years.

‘May I speak freely?’

‘Of course, Helen, say whatever you want,’ Gardam replied, a cloud of concern creasing his features now.

‘Well, you seem to be rather… present at the moment. And I was wondering why that was.’


‘You’re on my shoulder, sir. If you have any concerns about my work, then I’d rather you were up front about it -’

‘Of course not. You know I have a high opinion of you. This is a tricky case, but we’re making progress, so…’

He petered out and the pair of them stood there, framed by Helen’s drab office. Gardam was looking at Helen quizzically as if trying to fathom her, the ghost of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

‘Is it something else then?’ Helen found herself saying.

‘I don’t follow…’

‘Well, I mean that you seem to be very interested in my personal life – my relationship status and so on – and I’m not sure what I’m supposed to infer from that…’

There was a brief silence, then Gardam half laughed as the import of Helen’s words dawned on him.

‘You think I’m attracted to you?’ he said. ‘Dear God, Helen, is that what’s been worrying you? I’m a happily married man and, believe me, I wouldn’t betray Sarah for all the tea in China.’

‘Right,’ said Helen, trying to stem the colour that was fast rising to her face.

‘I’m sure you’re a lovely person, Helen, but it would be grossly unprofessional of me to think of you in that light and I can assure you that I don’t. The only reason I have been so… present… is because I’m trying to be supportive. This is a big case for you, for the team, and it’s my first major investigation as station chief, so…’

‘Enough said,’ Helen replied. ‘I’m sorry I raised it.’

‘That’s quite all right. You must never feel concerned about being open and honest with me. Trust is a two-way street, Helen.’

‘Of course. I’ll endeavour to remember that,’ Helen said quickly. ‘Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’d better…’

Helen didn’t wait to be dismissed, marching from her office and across the incident room as fast as she could. She just wanted to be away. She had embarrassed herself in front of her new boss, looking like a foolish schoolgirl in the process. But she had to put that behind her and gather herself. The investigation now stood at a vital crossroads and she had important work to do.

Richard Ford was waiting for her.
