‘I can’t do anything with her.’

Steve let Helen in, shutting the front door quietly behind her. Jessica was asleep and the last thing they needed now was an inconsolable toddler.

‘I’ve tried to talk to her. To get her to eat something, but…’

‘It’s ok. I’ll take it from here.’ Helen laid a comforting arm on his shoulder and quietly mounted the stairs.

Helen had been to Charlie’s house many times and knew exactly where to go. Ford had been released and had an eight-strong team tracking his every move, so once Helen had checked in with Meredith Walker, her first thought had been for Charlie. She had been keeping a close eye on the Simms family and, knowing her, would take the little girl’s death harder than most.

Charlie was lying on the bed with her face to the wall. She stirred briefly as Helen entered and, on realizing it was her boss, smiled a brave but washed-out smile. Helen smiled back, sitting on the bed next to her and pushing the door to. The pair of them sat in darkness for a second. Helen sought the right words to begin, but before she could do so, Charlie blurted out:

‘I’m not sure I can do this any more. I don’t think I’ve got the strength.’

Tears threatened. Helen let her finish, then said:

‘You’ve had a shock today. We all have. It’s horrible, too horrible, what’s happened. And there’s nothing wrong with feeling like you’re feeling now.’

‘She was doing so well, I was so convinced she was going to make it… What’s going to happen to the rest of them now?’

‘They’ve got a very long road ahead of them,’ Helen agreed. ‘But they have each other. And things will never look as black for them as they do tonight.’

There was another pause, then Charlie said:

‘I really wanted to come back to work. I wanted to contribute, but I don’t think I’m up to it. I could just about handle what happened today, but this? I’m a bloody mess. I can’t bear it for them…’

‘I know.’

‘I came back too early. I’m not ready…’

‘Do you think you ever would be ready for something like this?’

It was a good question and for a moment Charlie said nothing.

‘You can’t prepare yourself for tragedies like this, nor is there an easy way to deal with them. I’d be very worried if you were able to just shrug them off.’

Charlie looked up at Helen as she continued:

‘You’re a good officer because you care Charlie, not in spite of it. You’re the most determined, committed, honest copper I know. You won’t believe me, I know, but you are and that is why whatever you feel now, you mustn’t give up. Because you’re going to be one of the best police officers this Force has seen.’

‘Please -’

‘I mean it, so cry your heart out, cry all night if you want to, but I want to see you back in tomorrow fighting fit. The Simms family will need you and we will need you if we’re going to get justice for them. We have to bring their killer to book now.’

Charlie lowered her head, but didn’t fight back.

‘So please don’t give up on me, Charlie.’
