THE first house is the most important of the twelve, for in every mundane map it represents the People, the general condition of the country, state of affairs in the country, and in a general sense the public health.
If a planet is therein, its position and aspects should be carefully noted, but if no planet is placed therein, then the position and aspects of the ruler of the sign on the cusp of the house should be considered. This applies to all the twelve houses.
If a benefic be in the first house, it denotes that the general condition of the country and people will be good, that affairs will improve, and things generally connected with the internal condition of the nation will be satisfactory. If well aspected, or essentially dignified, the good will be all the more marked, but if afflicted, then the benefit will be lessened, and in that particular matter denoted by the house ruled over by the afflicting planet.
If a malefic is in the Ascendent or ruling over it, then much trouble is shown in the country, things being unsettled, health of the people bad. If afflicted by other planets the evil will be more marked, but if well aspected, the troubles will be mitigated to some extent.
The following are the general influences of Lunations and the planets in the houses, either at Lunations or Solar Ingresses.
The New Moon falling in the ascendant shows many changes in the country, much activity, and if well aspected many benefits to the community at large, according to the position of the planets making such good aspects. If afflicted it denotes much unrest and discontent, ill-health among the people, and affairs generally will be unsatisfactory. The position and aspects of the afflicting planets should be noted.
The Sun in the first house, well aspected, denotes a prosperous time for the country, many benefits to the people, improvement in affairs and success generally. If afflicted, it creates disturbances between master and man, and afflicts the health of the community.
The Moon in the first house, well aspected, denotes activity and changes among the people, some improvements to women and children, and slight benefits of a public nature. If much afflicted will cause illness, unrest, and discontent.
Mercury.-This planet when well aspected produces much activity, increase of trade and work, new enterprises among the people, and generally inclines to study and intellectual gain to the community. If afflicted, it shows much discontent, personal attacks, libel actions and much recrimination in the popular press.
Venus well aspected denotes a peaceful time, content and success in the country, improvement of work connected with the female sex. If badly aspected it shows want, vice and misery, trouble to the feminine part of the community, and indicates crimes against women and children.
Mars.-This planet is generally evil, bringing discontent among the people, strikes, riots, fires and incendiarism, crime and ill-health. If well aspected it shows military activity, a warlike tone among the people, and a general forceful and aggressive tendency.
Jupiter.-This is one of the most favourable significations. It brings prosperity and success in the land, plenty of work, is good for trade, and brings numerous benefits to the community at large. If afflicted it is not so good, and will affect the interests of the people according to the position of the afflicting planets. Thus if the affliction came from the seventh house it would disturb the peace of the country; if from the tenth house, through the Government, etc.
Saturn.-This is a very evil position, and unless favourably aspected produces much distress, discontent, want of work, loss of trade, poverty and general ill-health. If well aspected it will produce a steady progressive attitude among the people, more earnestness and perseverance, but it rarely produces much good.
Uranus.-This is another evil influence denoting strikes, rioting, violence, anarchy, turbulence among the people and outrages against authority. It is usually connected with strikes, assassinations, risings against authority, and all kings of rebellion and violent disturbances of the peace. If well aspected, it conduces to an inquiring attitude among the people, a desire for reforms, etc.
Neptune.-This is an unpleasant influence. It brings much agitation among the people, secret propaganda, socialism, vice, crime, suicides, and the like. It has the effects of turning things upside down, and causing much underhand and treacherous behaviour among the people.
If afflicted, it brings fraud and swindling, vice and immorality.
NOTE.-Special regard must be taken as to the strength or weakness of each planet, also the house where the affliction comes from, as this will show the nature of such affliction. The same with regard to the benefic aspects.