Mundane Astrology is that branch of the Science which treats of the influence of the Zodiac and Planets upon Nations, countries, cities and divisions of the earth, and is the art of foretelling the chief events which will come to pass therein.
A figure of the heavens is erected for certain times-to be afterwards explained-and for the particular places for which the forecasts are required, and the longitudes and declinations of the planets computed therefor, exactly in the same manner as in the erection of an ordinary horoscope.
As in Natal Astrology, different influences are ascribed to the planets and the twelve divisions of the heavens, and to make forecasts from the various figures of the heavens is not a very difficult task.
The student should bear in mind the various testimonies of good and evil shown, and thus may read the good or evil
fortune of any particular nation or kingdom, the possibility of peace or war, health or sickness, dearth or plenty, in any particular part of the world for which the forecasts are required.
In addition to this, the transits of the planets through the several signs of the Zodiac have also to be considered, and the general condition of the various countries and peoples ruled by the different signs can then be ascertained.
A horoscope or figure of the heavens for the moment of the Sun’s entry into the sign Aries is taken as the basis or groundwork for all predictions, and this, together with similar figures for the entry of the Sun into the sings Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, corresponding to the commencement of each season, has the chief influence in determining the various forecasts to be made.
A figure of the heavens is also to be cast for each new and full moon during the year, also for all Solar and Lunar Eclipses, and all Conjunctions of the major planets, which are ♂, ♃, ♄, ♅ and ♆.
Some of these are subsidiary to the Ingresses-as the figures for the Sun’s entry into the four cardinal signs, Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are called-but the Eclipses and great conjunctions which are those formed by the major planets are dealt with separately, and have a very powerful and important influence on the destinies of Nations.
All of these are explained in the following chapters, which are expressly written for the student, and with careful study and investigation of the various rules and instructions given, accurate and reliable forecasts may be made with ease.