The following are the principal effects of Lunar eclipses when falling in the decanates of each sign.
First decanate.-Fevers, incendiarism, firing of woods and forests, and dryness of the air.
Second decanate.-Pestilence.
Third decanate.-Causes abortive births, incommodities, and dangers to women.
First decanate. -Death and diseases among cattle.
Second decanate.-Death of some queen, and a scarcity of seeds, and barrenness of the earth.
Third decanate.-Chief effects will be manifest among snakes and creeping things, which will perish by the million.
First decanate. -Threatens incursions and rapines or enemies.
Second decanate.-Brings sudden motion of armies, and the solicitation of private and public bodies.
Third decanate. -Causes death of some illustrious and renowned man.
First decanate. -Excites and stirs up wars.
Second decanate.-Causes grievous exactions, intolerable tributes, taxes and such like burdens.
Third decanate. -Brings death to the female sex; sudden destruction and miseries.
First decanate. -Brings the sudden infirmity of some king; or the death of a great man.
Second decanate.-Journey of the king, and mutation of things.
Third decanate.-Stirs up the people and armies to new attempts at sedition and insurrection.
First decanate. -Causes sickness and infirmities to the king, and various seditions and discords among men.
Second decanate.-Brings damage to councilors and scribes, and the like.
Third decanate. -Causes diseases among human beings.
First decanate. -Provokes furious storms of hail.
Second decanate.-Pernicious to everyone.
Third decanate.-Threatens the death of some renowned and illustrious man.
First decanate. -It portends horrible thunders and lightnings and perhaps an earthquake.
Second decanate.-It dries up olives and fruits, and the air is contagent with fevers and pestilence.
Third decanate.-Brings the same, also sharp sicknesses, with many seditions, quarrels and slaughters.
First decanate. -Brings thefts and rapines.
Second decanate. -Brings destruction to horses and mules.
Third decanate. -Causes pestilence and many evils among mankind.
First decanate.-Causes conspiracies among men, and shows the lamentable murder of some excellent man.
Second decanate.-Brings frequent incursions and assaults of soldiers, robberies and captivities.
Third decanate. -Causes the death of some king, and also sedition.
First decanate. -Shows sickness of some king.
Second decanate. -It universally damages the seeds of the earth.
Third decanate. -Causes a change in all things.
First decanate. -Brings sorrow to the priests and to religious houses.
Second decanate. -Brings death to some great and illustrious person.
Third decanate.-Threatens robberies and promiscuous assaults and rapines, both on sea and land.