IT has been observed by Astrologers, from remote periods, that the twelve signs of the Zodiac have a familiarity with various regions of the earth, and Ptolemy in his Tetrabiblos discourses at some length on this particular subject.
Great changes and transformations have taken place in the world since then, and although modern experience
bears out what Ptolemy wrote, the know world is much larger than it was then, and additional countries have sprung into existence, necessitating a re-adjustment of the zodiacal rulership of the different parts of the world.
The following is the list of countries and places ruled by the twelve signs, and has been obtained from the most authoritative sources, and may be considered as correct.
Countries. -England, Denmark, Germany, Lesser Poland, Burgundy, Palestine, Syria, Japan.
Towns and Cities.-Birmingham, Oldham, Leicester, Blackburn, Florence, Naples, Verona, Padua, Marseilles, Cracow, Saragossa, Utrecht, Capua, Brunswick.
Countries. -Ireland, Persia, Poland, Asia Minor, Georgia, Caucasus, Grecian Archipelago, Cyprus, White Russia.
Towns and Cities.-Dublin, Leipsic, Mantua, Parma, Palermo, Rhodes, St. Louis, Aston-under-Lyne.
Countries. -United States, Belgium, Brabant, Lombardy, Lower Egypt, Sardinia, West of England, Armenia, Tripoli, Flanders, Wales.
Towns and Cities.-London (17° 54’), Plymouth, Melbourne (10° 29’), Bruges, Cordova, Metz, Nuremberg, Versailles, Louvaine, San Francisco, Wolverhampton, Wednesbury.
Countries. -Scotland, Holland, Zealand, N. and W. Africa, Isle of Mauritius, Paraguay.
Towns and Cities.-Tunis, Algiers, Amsterdam, St. Andrews, York, Venice, Berne, Lubeck, Magdeburg, Milan, Cadiz, New York, Manchester, Stockholm, Contantinople, Genoa, Deptford, Rochdale.
Countries. -France, Italy, Bohemia, Sicily, Chaldea to Bassorah, N. of Roumania, Apulia, The Alps, and parts near Sidon and Tyre.
Towns and Cities.-Rome, Bath, Bristol, Portsmouth, Philadelphia, Prague, Ravenna, Taunton, Damascus, Chicago (1st decanate), Blackpool.
Countries.-Turkey, Switzerland, West Indies, Assyria, Mesopotamia from the Tigris to the Euphrates, Crete, Croatia, Silesia, Babylonia, the Morea, Thessaly, Kurdestan, parts of Greece, about Lavadia, Virginia, Brazil.
Towns and Cities.-Jerusalem, Corinth, Paris (29°), Lyons, Toulouse, Cheltenham, Reading, Heidelberg, Norwich, Boston, U.S.A., Los Angelos, Maidstone, Strasburg, Brindisi, Bury, Todmorden.
Countries. -Austria, Indo-China, China, Tibet, Borders of Caspian, Upper Egypt, Savoy, N. China, Livonia, Burma, Argentina.
Towns and Cities. -Antwerp (21°), Charleston, Frankfort, Fribourg, Gaeta, Placenza, Spires, Vienna, Lisbon, Johannesburg (27), Copenhagen (1), Middleton, Leeds, Nottingham.
Countries. -Algeria, Barbary, Bavaria, Cappadocia, Judea, Jutland, Morocco, Norway, N. Syria, Transvaal, Catalonia, Queensland.
Towns and Cities.-Fez, Valentia, Frankfort on Oder, Dover, Liverpool, Messina (18), Worthing (7), E. Grinstead, New Orleans, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Cincinnati, Hull, Milwaukee (7), St. John’s, Newfoundland (2), Halifax, Stockport, Newcastle, Glossop.
Countries. -Arabia, Australia, Felix, Cape Finisterre, Dalmatia, Hungary, Istria, Moravia, Sclavonia, Spain, Tuscany, Moravia, Provence in France, Madagascar.
Towns and Cities.-Avignon, Buda, Cologne, Narbonne, Rottenburg, Nottingham, Sheffield, Stuttgart, Sunderland, Taranto, Toledo, W. Bromwich, Bradford.
Countries. -India, Chorrassan, Circan, Maraccan, Punjab, Afghanistan, Thrace, Macedonia, Morea, Illyria, Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Greece, Hesse, S.W. Saxony, Styria, Romandiola, Mecklenburg, Mexico, Lithuania, Orkney Islands.
Towns and Cities. -Oxford, Port Said, Prato in Tuscany, Brandeburg, Tortona, Constanz, Brussels, Fayence in Provence, Keighley.
Countries. -Arabia, the Stony, Prussia, Red Russia, Pt. Poland, Sweden, Circassia, Tartary, Lithuania, West-phalia, Wallachia, Piedmont, Abyssinia.
Towns and Cities.-Brighton, Bremen, Ingolstadt, Satzburg, Trent, Hamburg, Salisbury.
Countries.-Portugal, Calabria, Galicia, Normandy, Nubia, Sahara desert.
Towns and Cities.-Alexandria, Ratisbon, Worms, Seville, Compostella, Bournemouth, Farnham, Tiverton, Christchurch, Cowes, Regensburg, Grimsby, Southport, Lancaster, King’s Lynn, Preston.
Many predictions can be obtained by watching the progress of the planets through the different signs. Serious troubles are always shown in those countries ruled by whatever sign Mars or Saturn is passing through, the former causing fires, incendiarism, and insurrections. Cities governed by the signs these two planets are passing through are likely to be much disturbed, especially when the planet transits the exact degree ruling such city, as in the case of London, ruled by Gemini 17° 54’. In some cases the actual degree ruling certain cities is given, so that more exact prognostics may be made.
Uranus passing through the sign ruling any particular country will cause insurrections, strikes and rioting among the people, and generally disposes to Anarchist or Nihilistic outrages. The element of reform by either peaceful or violent means is resorted to. Witness the events occurring in India during the past few years, due to this planet being in the sign Capricorn, which rules India.
When benefics are passing through the different signs, many benefits will fall on the different countries and places ruled by such signs. Improvement of trade, advantageous changes in the Government, and general benefits to the country.
When the exact degree of a city is known, the degree on its meridian can also be computed. In the case of
London Aquarius 12° is the meridian, and it has been frequently observed that the transits of Mars over this degree have been marked with some serious fire or accident in the City.
The conjunctions of the major planets, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, in the different signs should also be noted, as these are most important, and prominent events are likely to follow such configurations.