The Sun, Moon and planets have a special significance in Mundane Astrology, as they represent certain classes of the community in every nation and country. It is very essential that these should be carefully committed to memory.

The following are the different classes and particular matters ruled over by the planets:-

The Sun represents the King, Nobles, magistrates, judges and all persons in Authority and of Distinction, Cabinet ministers, and the like. The Moon denotes the common people, women generally, crowds, and all matters of a common or public nature.

Mercury governs the literary world, newspapers, publishers, ambassadors, trade and commerce, and the intellectual world.

Venus has rule over the female sex, artists, musicians, marriage, children, and births.

Mars denotes soldiers, surgeons, noted military and naval men, war, disputes, fire and incendiarism.

Jupiter rules the religious and judicial world, divines, judges, lawyers, bankers, merchants, etc.

Saturn has chief influence over elderly people, land-owners, farmers, mines, coal, and the produce of the earth.

Uranus has special influence over railways, societies and associations, gas and water companies, civic bodies, strikes, rioting, and the like. Aerial navigation and scientific discoveries come also under this planet’s rule, also explorations, anarchy and nihilism.

Neptune rules Socialism, suffragettes, the smart set, plots, sedition, fraud and swindling, all illicit undertakings, bogus companies, and all the lower and more degrading forms of vice and wickedness.

NOTE.-The particular house position of the planets must be taken into chief account in judging the above. For example: Neptune in the tenth would show socialistic agitation against the King and Government. The same planet in the twelfth would represent scandals and unpleasant events in connection with Institutions. It is essential that the house influence and planetary influence should be combined. This will be explained later on.
