The fourth house is another important division of the Mundane Map, and has rule over the land; and in connection with this we must take into consideration agriculture, crops, mines, minerals, the landed interests, mining royalties, etc. It also governs the Opposition party to the Government. The cusp of this house is taken specially into account in making prognostications regarding earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.

The Lunation falling in this house will bring into prominence the matters governed thereby. If well aspected it will strengthen the hands of the Opposition, and the Government will lose by-elections, and suffer loss of prestige. It will also benefit agriculture, crops, and the landed interest generally. If evilly aspected it shows bad weather, shortage of crops, and much trouble in agricultural matters. A Lunation falling in a fixed sign exactly on the cusp of the fourth house is a sign of a disastrous earthquake in whatever part of the world this position may occur.

The Sun in the fourth is favourable for the landed interest, and shows benefits to agriculture, and the like. If badly aspected it will bring much trouble to the Government, loss of elections, and many difficult questions to deal with. It will then be evil for agriculture and matters to do with the land. The Moon in the fourth, well aspected, benefits agriculture, but brings changeable weather. If evilly aspected shows shortage of crops, mining troubles, and is very evil for matters signified y the fourth house. Mercury in this house is not a very important position, unless well aspected, when it shows much activity in agriculture. If badly aspected it denotes discontent among miners, and an unfavourable time for agriculture.

Venus in the fourth is favourable, denoting fine weather, good crops, and success in agricultural matters generally. If much afflicted it denotes damp and unseasonable weather, and will adversely affect crops, and matters to do with the land. Mars in this house is unfortunate, denoting troubles for the Government, fires in public buildings, mining disasters and earthquakes. It will adversely affect land and agriculture generally. Building operations, and the property market, will suffer. If much afflicted the evil is greatly augmented.

Jupiter in the fourth benefits the land, landlords, agriculture, crops, and brings favourable weather. If much afflicted, and in a fixed sign, it may cause mining disasters and earthquakes, especially in those places where it is exactly on the cusp of the fourth house.

Saturn in the fourth brings obstacles and difficulties to the Government, and the affairs of the nation will not proceed smoothly. It causes bad weather for crops, and adversely affects agricultural matters. It denotes mining disasters, earthquakes, and depreciates the value of land, and disturbs property. If afflicted, the evil is very considerably increased. Uranus in the fourth is an especially evil influence, denoting serious trouble to water companies, and causes mining disasters, and explosions in public buildings. It is evil for the Government, bringing difficulties to them.

Land, mining royalties, and the taxation of land values are likely to be a source of much trouble under this influence.

Neptune in this house is a doubtful influence, but being malefic will cause trouble in all fourth house matters. It has special reference to all forms of socialistic agitation in respect to taxation of landlords, ground values, mining royalties, and the like, and if much afflicted will cause considerable trouble to the Government.
