The second house of the Mundane Map has special reference to the financial condition of the Nation, the revenue, national exchequer, stock exchange, banks,

commerce and trade. At the Sun’s entry into Aries it affects the Budget in Parliament. Any planet that may be in the house, or the planet which rules the sign on the cusp of the house, whether a malefic or benefic, is the significator of the national wealth for the period of time ruled by the figure.

If the ruler of the second house be therein, or in its own sign, well placed and aspected, then the period will be favourable for the nation’s wealth. If a malefic be therein, then the period will be unsatisfactory.

The lunation falling in the second house depends upon the aspects thereto. It will produce changes in financial affairs, but if well aspected shows increased revenue, improvement in the national exchequer, and a more prosperous time for stocks and shares, especially gilt-edged securities. If evilly aspected, it will cause heavy national expenditure, financial and bank failures, and losses on the Stock Exchange.

The Sun in the second house, well aspected, is favourable for the revenue, denoting increase of receipts, and a brighter outlook generally for the money market. If afflicted it denotes great waste of public revenue, increase of taxation, and heavy expenditure.

The Moon in the second house shows great fluctuation in the revenue and on the money market, in stocks and shares, but if well aspected shows an increase of receipts in the Exchequer, and improvement in the financial conditions of the country.

Mercury in the second house denotes changes in financial affairs, and, if well aspected, gains in trade and commerce, benefits to the revenue thereby. If badly aspected, it shows losses through fraud and theft, and a good deal of sharp practice in the money market.

Venus in the second shows increase of receipts, and if well aspected will denote many benefits to the nation in a financial way. If evilly aspected, it denotes heavy losses, waste of the nation’s finances, and is bad for banks and commercial affairs.

Mars in the second house shows losses on the Stock Exchange, panics, bank failures, and, though not denoting a diminution of the national revenue, denotes an enormous expenditure and waste of public money. Military affairs will require large amounts of money, and the revenue will be seriously affected in this way.

Jupiter in the second is the best influence, denoting a large increase of receipts, improvement in the national finances, success in banking and commercial operations, and may denote a lessening of taxation. If afflicted, it shows heavy expenditure, bank failures, and panics on the Stock Exchange. One the worst aspects to Jupiter is a square or opposition of Mars, especially in financial affairs.

Saturn in the second house is very evil, denoting a poor revenue, decrease of receipts, financial stagnation, depression in securities and financial circles, and general want of activity in all money matters. If afflicted, it will make the evil much greater, and cause heavy depreciation of securities, but if well aspected it gives a steadying tone to the money market.

Uranus in the second shows unexpected losses and equally as unexpected gains to the national revenue, according as the planet may be badly aspected or the reverse. It denotes financial crashes, strange and unlooked-for occurrences in the stock and share market, and much uneasiness generally in financial circles.

Neptune in the second denotes fraud and dishonesty, losses to the revenue through illicit undertakings, theft, sharp practices, and everything underhand and secret. If evilly aspected it acts more forcibly.
