No shit it’s been done.

To Chon, for example.

When Chon was ten, his father’s partners kidnapped and held him for almost four months until Dad came up with the jack he owed them on a major marijuana shipment.

It wasn’t so bad. They took him to some ranch they had way the hell out near Hemet and he watched television and played video games all day and most of the night. Let him shovel down Cap’n Crunch and Coca-Cola. They even let him drive around on this ATV they had until he went Steve McQueen on it and nearly plowed down a barbed-wire fence in an escape attempt.

They took Penthouse away from him for a week. Seriously bummed him out.

Anyway, Big John coughed the cash and got Little Johnny back. With the words “See how much I love you? Four hundred K.”

Always nice to know your worth.
