Which explains (sort of) where Ben is now.

Okay, Chon doesn’t know exactly where Ben is now, which, with severed heads bouncing around the blogosphere, worries him a little, but—

—the boy does have a tendency to take care of other people’s business instead of his own. Ben has what they call a social conscience. Very aware, progressive dude. Chon likes that about him, but

—bro tends to houdini for months at a time, saving some group of people from something. Wells to prevent cholera in the Sudan, mosquito nets to save kids in Zambia from malaria, observation teams to keep the army from slaughtering the Karen in Myan-myan-myan-mar.

Ben spreads his wealth.

Call it what you want

The Ben Foundation.

The Hydro Institute.

Dope Delivers

Green Is Green

Chon tries to tell him just send the money, let the cash fingers do the walking, stay and take care of business, but Ben is a hands-on kind of guy. Money isn’t enough, he says, you have to commit your heart, soul, and body. Ben puts his money where his mouth is but also his mouth where his money is, so

—every few months he washes back up at Table Rock with


—malaria and/or—

—Third World Heartbreak—

(with which Chon is familiar)

—and Chon and O take him down to the best doctors at Scripps and then get him well until he finds another cause and then it’s—

Gonzo again.

Off to rescue kids with tiny arms, big eyes, and

swollen stomachs.

Now Chon tells him via e-mail that he has a problem right here at home. He forwarded the video clip not to hurt Ben (he hates to hurt Ben), but Ben has to know that there is bad shit happening here.

People being turned into Pez dispensers.
