The wine world is basically divided into red and white. (We ain’t gonna go far with this—wine types are almost as hateful as tweekers. Every great wine-tasting session should end with arsenic.)
The cannabis world is basically divided into indica and sativa.
Not to put too fine a point on it, indicas basically have a higher dose of CBDs than THCs and sativas have the reverse ratio.
Got it?
No, unless you’re a blazer you don’t, so some definitions (and no, there won’t be a quiz at the end because we’re talking about stoners here):
CBD is short for a substance in plants called cannabidiol. THC is the acronym of a substance in plants called tetrahydrocannabinol, aka Delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol.
Unless you’re Ben or Chon you don’t need to know this shit, but to understand Ben and Chonny’s you do need to get that the indica blends of cannabis—more CBD, less THC—produce a sleepy, heavy, tranquilizing kind of high. The sativas—more THC, less CBD—get your brain and genitals really cranking.
Or you can put it in terms of energy:
Indica = low energy. You’re going to flop on the sofa and fall asleep to whatever is on TV because changing the channel requires too much effort.
Sativa = high energy. You’re going to fuck your brains out on the sofa and then invent perpetual motion mechanics, or at least try to while you’re repainting the living room.
So just as wine connoisseurs will yap endlessly about this Merlot, that Beaujolais, grown from this or that fucking grape, stoners will likewise enthuse about different blends of indica and sativa—for their taste, their aroma, but mostly their effect. And finding the perfect blend of indica and sativa to suit the individual taste, that is the art of a master grower.
Just like great wine starts with the grape, great boo starts with the seed.
To wit, the White Widow.
The cannabis produced from the White Widow seed is the strongest in the world. The bud of that strain is 25 percent THC—the old Delta 9 is just about bursting out of it.
Expensive, hard to obtain, difficult to grow, and
Worth it.
So on Chon’s last tour of Stanland he came home with—
A bad case of PTLOSD
A burqa for O to wear on special occasions and
A bundle of White Widow seeds.