Chon’s going Sunni on them.


You don’t have bombers, missiles, and drones, so you come up with Improvised Explosive Devices. Plant them by the side of the road, hit the remote trigger device as the convoy comes by.

It takes Chon three days to build them.

Happy hours on the old dining room table.

“You’re not going to blow us up, are you?” Ben asks.

“We should be okay,” Chon says. “Unless the BC has a drone overhead or something. Then we’re fucked. But I wouldn’t use the TV remote for a while.”

Just to be on the safe side.

Ben asks, “What should I do if I hear you mutter, ‘Fuck’?”

“At this range? Nothing.”

A lot of existential questions will be answered just after the “Fuck.”

As in life itself.
