Then Ben sez—

“I think we should go on a little trip.”

He and Chon looking all conspirational. For two dope dealers, O thinks, they are amazingly transparent. She should have them teach her to play poker with them, take everything they own.

“We?” O asks. Like who is the we in “we”? The two of us—in which case, which us—or we three (kings of Orient are)?

“The three of us,” Ben clarifies. “New life, new beginning.”

“Are we going to Bolivia?” O asks.

“I’m thinking Indo.”

He knows this pretty little village on the ocean. The people are beautiful and friendly. Ben has put a clinic, a school, and a water treatment plant in this village. He has brought in cosmetic surgeons to heal children. The men of the village—small, slight men who wear skirts—carry long, curved blades and love Ben.

“Indo?” she asks.

“Indo,” Ben says.

“I’ll have to do more shopping.”

“Buy cool stuff.”

“I always buy cool stuff.”

“No, I mean cool stuff. For hot, humid weather,” Ben says. “And is your passport up to date?”

“I think so.”

She thinks so because Paqu keeps her passport in a desk drawer so that O doesn’t fuck up and lose it.

Or go someplace.

“Go get your passport, buy some cool clothes, meet us back here at five.”

“Coolie cool.”
