18 19/20






Death of Agrippina (18 October). Death of Drusus. Suicide of Asinius Gallus. Quaes- torship of Gaius.

21—2 Building of castra praetoria.


Outbreak of war against Tacfarinas in Numidia. Germanicus sent to the East with imperium. Cappadocia becomes a province. Commagene also annexed. Germanicus visits Egypt. Death of Germanicus at Antioch (10 October). Death of Arminius.

21 Revolt of Florus and Sacrovir in Gaul.

24 Defeat and death of Tacfarinas.

26 (?) Pontius Pilate becomes praefectus of

30 Publication of Velleius Paterculus' history.

34 Death of Artaxias of Armenia.

Judaea. 28 Revolt of the Frisii.

jj (?) Death of Philip, son of Herod; his tetrarchy is taken under direct rule.

Death of Livy. Death of Ovid (?). Dedi­cation of temple of Janus (18 October) and Fors Fortuna.

Death of Tiberius at Misenum (16 March). Gaius Caligula acclaimed princeps (18 March), confirmed by the Senate (28 March). Death of Antonia the Younger (1 May). Claudius consul with Gaius (1 July - j i August). Suicide of Tiberius Gemellus. Illness of Gaius (autumn). Birth of Nero (15 December).



Death and deification of Drusilla (10 June, 2j September). Gaius marries Lollia Pau­lina.


Gaius divorces Lollia Paulina and marries Milonia Caesonia. Leaves Rome (Sep­tember). Gaudius marries Messallina. Gaius returns to Rome (31 August).



Murder of Gaius (24 January). Proclama­tion of Claudius (23 January). Birth of Britannicus.

Claudius proclaimed pater patriae (12 Janu­ary).


44 Aerarium transferred from praetors to quaestors. Claudius' triumph for conquest of Britain.

Pontius Pilate removed from his post for maladministration by L. Vitellius, gover­nor of Syria.

Herod Agrippa I given Philip's kingdom.

Trouble between the Jewish and Greek communities in Alexandria.

Herod Antipas deposed. Gaius visits the Rhineland (October). Conspiracy and execution of Gaetulicus.

Herod Antipas' ethnarchy given to Herod Agrippa I. Gaius in Gaul (winter). Prep­arations for an invasion of Britain. Out­break of rebellion in Mauretania. Gaius orders his statue to be placed in the Temple at Jerusalem.

40-4 Conquest of Mauretania and organization of provinces of Tingitana and Caesariensis.

Claudius' letter to the Alexandrians.

Conspiracy and death of Scribonianus.

Invasion of Britain. Lycia-Pamphylia made a province.

Death of Herod Agrippa I.

37 Dedication of the temple of Divus Augus-

41 Beginning of the construction of a new harbour at Ostia and of the draining of the Fucine Lake. Seneca sent into exile.

Ovation of Aulus Plautius for conquest of Britain.

47-8 Censorship of Claudius and L. Vitellius. Celebration of ludi saeculares.

'Marriage' and execution of Messallina and C. Silius.

Marriage of Claudius and Agrippina the Younger (t January). Extension of the pomerium of Rome. Seneca returns from exile and becomes praetor and tutor of Nero.

jo Claudius adopts Nero (2; February). Agrippina becomes Augusta.

51 Burrus becomes praetorian prefect. Nero given the title of princeps iuventutis.

5 5 Nero marries Octavia.

54 Death of Claudius (1 j October), accession of Nero.

5; Death of Britannicus.

56 Nero given the title of pater patriae. Aerar­ium transferred from quaestors to praejecti.

5 8 Rejection of proposal that Nero should be consul perpetuus.

Murder of Agrippina. Institution of Iuvena- lia.

Institution of the Neronia.

Annexation of Thrace.

Corbulo in the Rhineland.

49 Agrippa II given the kingdom of Chalcis.

51 Ostorius Scapula defeats Caratacus. Death of Gotarzes of Parthia, succeeded by Vonones and then Vologaeses.

5 3 Parthians take control of Armenia and Tiri- dates is appointed to the throne.

5 5 Corbulo appointed to an eastern command against Parthia and Armenia.

Corbulo attacks Tiridates and captures Artaxata.

Capture of Tigranocerta by Corbulo.

Completion of the subjugation of Armenia and appointment to the throne of Tigranes, great-grandson of Herod and of Archelaus of Cappadocia. Corbulo appointed gover­nor of Syria. Revolt of Boudica and the Iceni.

51-2 Dedication of the Triumphal Arch of Clau­dius, forming part of the Aqua Virgo.

54 Publication of Seneca, Apocolocyntosis. 5 5 Publication of Seneca, De dementia. 56-7 Dedication of the Macellum Magnum.

61 Nero divorces Octavia and marries Pop- paea Sabina. Execution of Octavia (9 June). Death of Burrus, retirement of Seneca. Introduction of maiestas charges.

Birth and death of daughter of Nero and Poppaea, deified as Gaudia Augusta.

Outbreak of fire in Rome (18/19 July). Victimization of the Christians. Reform of the currency.

6j Neronia held again. Conspiracy of Piso (April). Death of Seneca. Death of Poppaea Sabina.

66 Deaths of Thrasea Paetus and Barea Sora- nus. Conspiracy of Vinicianus. Nero mar­ries Statilia Messallina. Tiridates crowned king of Armenia in Rome.

Nero returns to Italy and while in Naples receives news of the revolt of Vindex. Death of Nero (9 or possibly 11 June). Proclamation of Galba as princeps. Galba arrives at Rome (autumn).

Otho proclaimed princeps by the praetorian guard (13 January). Murder of Galba. Otho defeated by Vitellius' troops at Bedriacum (14 April) and commits suicide (16 April). Vitellius granted imperial powers by the Senate (19 April) and enters Rome (June).

в.с. в.с.

Tigranes invades Adiabene. Vologaeses threatens Syria.

Caesennius Paetus sent to Cappadocia. Sur- 62 Construction of the Thermae Neronianae renders to Vologaeses at Rhandeia. (or possibly 64).

64-j Incorporation of kingdom of Pontus into 64 Destruction of the Domus Transitoria.

Galatia. 64-8 Building of the Domus Aurea, rebuilding of

the Circus Maximus and reconstruction of Rome.

65 Deaths of Seneca and Lucan.

Nero proclaims the freedom of Greece (? or 66 Death of Petronius. 67, see p.664). Conspiracy and deaths of the

Scribonii brothers. Corbulo instructed to commit suicide. Outbreak of revolt in Judaea.

Vespasian appointed as legate in command of the war in Judaea (February).

Vespasian reduces Samaria and Idumaea and prepares to attack Jerusalem. Revolt of Vindex in Gaul. Galba acclaimed by his troops in Spain (2 or 3 April). Battle of Vesontio and suicide of Vindex (late spring). Revolt of Clodius Macer in Africa.

German legions in revolt against Galba. Vitellius proclaimed emperor by the Ger­man legions. Revolt of Civilis and the Batavians. Vespasian proclaimed emperor at Alexandria (1 July) and then by the army in Syria and Judaea.

Second battle of Cremona (24/2; Octol Antonius Primus enters Rome, murde Vitellius (20 or 21 December) 70 Mucianus arrives in Rome (January). ' pasian confirmed by the Senate as prin Publication of the lex de imperio Vespas Domitian made urban praetor with imperium of a consul. Arrival of Vespa in Rome (summer).

70 Imperium GaUiarum of Iulius Classicus and Iulius Tutor. Petilius Cerialis defeats the Batavian revolt. Titus attacks and captures Jerusalem and destroys the Temple (August).



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3. provincial administration

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hi. Weaver, P. R. C. 'Freedmen procurators in the imperial administration', Hist. 14 (1965) 460-9

4. the imperial wealth

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5. the army and the navy

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6. the administration of justice

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