
Blauer, Stephen, 1989. The Juicing Book, New York, Avery

Publishing Group, 176 p.

Bremness, Lesley, 1990. World of Herbs, London, Ebury Press, 176 p.

Conil, Christopher and Jean, 1993. New Tofu Recipes, W.

Foulsham and Co Ltd, USA.

Lamont, Heather, 1988. The Gourmet Vegan, London, Victor

Gollanez, 160 p.

Jaffrey, Madhur, 1981. Eastern Vegetarian Cooking, London,

Arrow Books, 544 p.

Pert, CB, 1997. Molecules of Emotion: Why you Feel the Way you Feel, London, Simon & Schuster.

Ramsay, Ray, 1994. Easy Thai Cooking, Wellingborough, J. B. Fairfax Press, 80 p.

Shurtleff, William and Aoyagi, Akiko, 1975. The Book of Tofu: Food for Mankind, Autumn Press, USA.

So Yan-Kit, 1992. Classic Food of China , London, Macmillan, 400 p.

Thorson Editorial Board, 1989, The Complete Raw Juice Therapy, London, Thorsons, Harper Collins, 128 p.

Wheater, Caroline, 1993. Juicing for Health, London, Thorsons, Harper Collins, 256 p.
