Techno-Communism Convention

Novosibirsk, Siberia
Marins Park Hotel

The flight to Siberia had been long but uneventful. It was probably the last time that President Xi and Chairman Zhang would travel together before their part of the global plot to remove the US and NATO as world powers went into full swing. This would definitely be the final time the two men would meet with President Petrov and his two closest advisors, Alexander Bortnikov and Foreign Minister Lavrov.

It had been risky for Petrov to leave Moscow; NATO had been carrying out a number of deep strikes within Russia. They had nearly killed Petrov during the first couple days of the war when the Americans bombed the military headquarters building. After that close call, his security service was now moving Petrov to a different location every couple of days.

President Xi looked out the window as his vehicle sped through the old Russian city. It was beautiful seeing the old Byzantine architecture and the blending of both Asian and European cultures. Then he watched in disgust as they drove by signs for McDonalds and Coca Cola.

The morally corrupt Western culture has permeated the fiber of every nation,” Xi bemoaned to himself. “Well, that is about to change. Soon, it will be the Chinese and Russian influences that will permeate the world.

The Kortezh limousine slowed down and began to pull into the Marins Park Hotel, and several security personnel immediately began to fan out to protect the approach of the vehicle. While they pulled up to the covered front entrance, one of the security guards moved forward to open the door for the leaders of China, and proceeded to guide them into the building. As Chairman Zhang stepped outside, the crisp cool air of a Siberian autumn hit his face, causing him to momentarily shiver.

Once the group entered the hotel, they proceeded to walk down a hallway until they reached a conference room that was flanked by additional security personnel. It was very dangerous for President Petrov to be anywhere outside of a bunker. If NATO knew of his presence, they would most likely try to assassinate him with a cruise missile or one of their fancy stealth bombers.

As the leaders of China entered the conference room, President Petrov smiled and walked up to them, shaking their hands. “It is good to see you both. I am sorry we are not able to hold a formal State dinner for you. However, as you know, NATO is very intent on trying to kill me if they get the chance,” he said with a smile and a slight laugh.

The men laughed at the craziness of political assassination during a war. Not since World War II had another world power tried so hard to kill the other warring party’s leader — as if a war ends with the death of the leader. After a few pleasantries were exchanged, the men began to take their seats.

Knowing their time together was limited, President Xi opened the discussion. “I will admit, I was skeptical that your plan to seize Ukraine would work. However, it seems that your forces caught NATO by surprise. As a matter of fact, we did not believe the American technology to be nearly as far behind as your forces have demonstrated.”

Xi continued, “The speed with which your forces were able to remove NATO from eastern Ukraine was incredible. We are also impressed with the S-400 air defense weapon and the S-500 ballistic missile defense system. I am exceedingly happy that we purchased so many of these defensive systems from Russia the past few years. The Americans seem to be impotent in stopping them.”

President Petrov smiled at the compliment, and then responded, “While the Americans have spent nearly a trillion dollars on a stealth fighter program, we have spent a fraction of that on building systems that can defeat it. The new Lenovo targeting software is absolutely incredible at being able to examine both the heat, and air displacement of a stealth aircraft — it’s as if they have no stealth system at all.”

Petrov lifted his cup of tea to his lips and took a small sip, savoring the flavor before swallowing. “Defeating America and NATO, while challenging, is not insurmountable. Look at America now; we have so thoroughly distorted their media and news agencies that the public no longer believes anything they say. Our social media groups have taken the term “fake news” to a new level, dividing the public in the NATO member states and America to the breaking point. Instead of being unified against us in this war, nearly half of the American people are sympathetic to Russia.”

The Russian president leaned forward to make his next point. “Xi, this is our time. America and the Europeans have never been weaker (both economically and militarily) than they are right now. Now is the time to strike.”

President Xi nodded. He didn’t need any further convincing. A mischievous smile curled at the corners of his mouth. “When we return to Beijing, we will issue the orders to start our part of Operation Red Storm. The Americans and Europeans will never know what hit them when we annex Southeast Asia and the Korean Peninsula is once again united.”

It was time to introduce the world to techno-communism. They would spend hours discussing the details, but the cogs had already been set in motion. The men behind Red Storm would soon be the only true leaders of superpowers in the world.
