Acronym Key

ASAP — As soon as possible

ASW — Anti-Submarine Warfare

ATU — Anti-Terrorism Unit

AWACs — Airborne Warning and Control System

BCT — Brigade Combat Team

BG — Brigadier General

BMP — Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty (Russian infantry fighting vehicle)

BTR — Bronetransportyor (Russian armored personnel carrier)

CAG — Commander, Air Group

CAP — Combat Air Patrol

CIA — Central Intelligence Agency

CIC — Combat Information Center

CID — Criminal Investigation Division

CJC — Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

COG — Continuity of Government

COS — Chief of Station

DAO — Defense Attaché’s Office

DCOM — Deputy Commander of US European Command

DDoS — Distributed Denial of Service

DIA — Defense Intelligence Agency

DNI — Director of National Intelligence

DoD — Department of Defense

DOJ — Department of Justice

EU — European Union

EUCOM — European Command

FBI — Federal Bureau of Investigations

FDC — Fire Direction Command

FIST — Fire Support Team

FSB — Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti (Russian intelligence agency that came after the KGB)

GRU — Glavnoye Razvedyvatel'noye Upravleniye (Russian military intelligence)

HARM — High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile

IBA — Individual Body Armor

ICS — Industrial Control Systems

IED — Improvised Explosive Device

IFV — Infantry Fighting Vehicle

IoT — Internet of Things (all devices that are network-enabled, including thermostats, cars, printers, etc.)

JDAM — Joint Direct Attack Munition

JIOC — Joint Intelligence Operations Center

JSOC — Joint Special Operations Command

LATV — Light Armored Tactical Vehicle

LLDR — Lightweight Laser Designator Rangefinder

LNG — Liquid Natural Gas

LNO — Liaison Officer

LT — Lieutenant

LTC — Lieutenant Colonel

LTG — Lieutenant General

MANPADS — Man-Portable Air Defense System

MBT — Main Battle Tank

MEU — Marine Expeditionary Unit

MG — Major General

MOP — Massive Ordnance Penetrator

MRAP — Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected

MRE — Meal-Ready-to-Eat

NATO — North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NCO — Non-commissioned Officer

NSA — National Security Advisor or National Security Agency

PFC — Private First Class

PM — Prime Minister

PR — Public Relations

PRC — People’s Republic of China

PV2 — Private 2

QRF — Quick Reaction Force

RPG — Rocket Propelled Grenade

RSO — Regional Security Officer

S2 — Intelligence Officer

S3 — Operations Officer

SACEUR — Supreme Allied Command, Europe

SAD — Special Activities Division

SAM — Surface-to-Air Missile

SAR — Search and Rescue

SCIF — Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility

SDO — Senior Defense Officer

SecDef — Secretary of Defense

SES — Senior Executive Service

SFC — Sergeant First Class

SHAPE — Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe

SINCGAR — Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System

CSM — Command Sergeant Major

SM-2 — Standard Missile 2

SVR — Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki (Russia’s external intelligence agency, mainly for civilian affairs)

Tbps — Terabit per second

THAAD — Terminal High-Altitude Area Directory

TOW — Tube-launched, Optically Tracked, Wire-guided or Wireless

WP — White Phosphorus
