They had pored over every inch of land within a two-mile radius of the old hospital, but there was still no sign of Mark or Charlie. What they had found was fresh blood, in a corridor on the fourth floor of the hospital. Tests had subsequently confirmed that it was Mark’s. DC McAndrew was in tears and she wasn’t the only member of the team that was visibly distraught. Helen hadn’t realized until now how popular he was within the team. No wonder they hated her.

So Mark and Charlie had been tricked into the hospital, attacked and then taken elsewhere. There was no CCTV in the immediate vicinity of the hospital. CCTV on busy streets nearby had picked up numerous Transit vans in the area at about the right time, but which one was their one? Where had she taken them? There were certainly plenty of disused buildings and warehouses in the area. Uniform were already working their way through them, aided by the dogs Helen had demanded. They were canvassing every potential witness and passer-by and doing extensive house-to-house interviews. Anyone acting suspiciously would have their house searched from top to bottom – torn apart if need be. They had to find them.

Helen was gambling all on the idea that they would still be close by. Suzanne might have moved them elsewhere, but these were police officers who would be on their guard, a harder proposition than her other victims. She wouldn’t want to mess things up – surely she would play safe now. They needed eyes and ears – as many as possible – scouring Southampton, Portsmouth and beyond. Helen had already requested extra officers from neighbouring forces, pulled in auxiliary Community Support officers and cancelled leave for everyone at Southampton Central. But still it wasn’t enough.

There was one more obvious play to make. Emilia Garanita had got wind of the aborted raid on the former children’s hospital. Annoyed at not having been tipped off in time, she’d been plaguing Helen with calls, desperate to know what the raid was about and why there had been so much activity since. Were they searching for Suzanne? Or for more victims?

It was a risky move, but Helen had no choice. It was day four of their search and they still had nothing. So she picked up the phone and dialled her number.
