The local probation service was based in Southam Street in what was once a school. Sarah Miles, an old colleague from the police training college at Netley, worked there and it was to her that Helen hurried now. She hated deceiving a good friend, but there was no other way. She couldn’t be transparent about her suspicions until she was absolutely sure. There would be plenty of time for explanations later. If there was a later.

She’d asked to see what they had on Lee Jarrot, a serial petty criminal who Helen suggested may have breached the terms of his probation. It was a mean trick to play on Sarah, and probably Lee too as he had to Helen’s knowledge done absolutely nothing wrong, but there it was. As Sarah swiped into the records department in the basement, Helen followed. It wasn’t allowed for non-departmental officers to be down there, but Helen often accompanied Sarah to gossip and chat. They were halfway to the Js, walking on and on past the endless lines of files, when Helen realized she’d left her mobile in the car.

‘I said I’d be contactable 24/7, do you mind bringing the file back up with you?’

Sarah rolled her eyes and carried on walking. She was a brisk lady who didn’t like to waste time.

Which meant Helen would have to move fast. Heading back to the entrance, she veered off left sharply. Her eyes scanned feverishly – where the hell were the Cs? Sarah’s clip-clop heels could be heard slowing down. She must be near to Jarrot’s file.

C. There we are. Faster, faster, Helen flicked through the files. Casper, Cottrill, Crawley… Sarah was on her way back now. Helen only had seconds left, when… there it was. In any other circumstances she would have hesitated to touch it, even the thought of it was traumatic. But now Helen grabbed it and thrust it into her bag.

When Sarah returned to the entrance, Helen was waiting for her.

‘Was in my bag all along. Honestly I’d forget my head if it wasn’t screwed on.’

Sarah Miles rolled her eyes again and the pair exited, Helen breathing a short, secret sigh of relief.
