Martina pulled off her bra and thrust her naked breasts towards the other girl. Caroline – was that her name? – responded, licking her nipples with feverish, theatrical desire. Martina threw her head back groaning – and her eye was immediately caught by a dent in the roof of the van. How had that got there?

She’d done this so many times that it was impossible to keep your mind on the job. Whilst your body was bucking and cavorting for someone else’s pleasure, the brain disengaged and you found yourself wondering whether you could make it to the pub before closing time or whether you should go to Egypt on holiday or how much the other girl had paid to have her boobs done. It was amazing how mundane your thoughts could be really, especially when the girl – perhaps it was Carol, not Caroline – was going down on you. Martina moaned right on cue. The punters never guess of course. They are so consumed by the idea of what they are seeing – two large-breasted women devouring each other – that they don’t spot the tell-tale signs of ennui. Wouldn’t care if they did anyway.

Still this job was slightly different to most. Usually it was played out in front of a lonely businessman masturbating before his lesbian fantasy made flesh or more profitably in front of two rich guys who couldn’t wait to get involved. The lesbian bit was just the amuse-bouche for them – they couldn’t wait to get stuck into the girls, riding them in tandem, silently and mutually congratulating themselves on their wealth, imagination and depravity. They were tossers to a man, but they paid well, so those gigs were always welcome.

It was much rarer for a woman to hire two girls. Especially such a well-dressed one as Cyn. Rarer still for the woman not to get involved. Most women who hired female prostitutes were happily married, but sexually unfulfilled. Women who wanted the status and trappings of normal family life, but yearned to be touched by another woman. For them the show wasn’t important, but the contact was. But Cyn was different. This was her fourth time now and she’d never so much as laid a finger on them. Never touched herself either. Each encounter was the same – she’d pick them up in her van, drive them out to the New Forest and then watch as the two girls pummelled each other with strap-ons and more. They’d been a bit suss at first – was this some kind of pseudo dogging thing? – but actually she was totally harmless. Martina often wondered what was going on in that head of hers though. What was she getting out of it?

The final peculiarity was the payment. She’d established early on that Martina was a party girl, a clubber. And since then she’d never paid her in cash. Instead, she’d offered Martina drugs. She must have good access because the street value of what she gave easily outstripped the cash payment she owed. Somehow she must be getting them cheap – or free, lucky cow.

They finished – a frenzy of feigned mutual orgasm – then seconds later were slipping their clothes back on. Martina’s body was athletic and strong – she was tall for a girl – and Cyn ran her eyes over her form, before saying:

‘Something special for you today.’

Cyn held out a little transparent bag of pills. Martina took it from her for closer examination. It was full of large white pills with an eagle insignia on them.

‘Just in from Odense. I think you’ll like them. No need for an upper with these little beauties, believe me.’

Martina poured half into Caroline’s eager hands, then without hesitation they both popped one down. Unusual taste – almondy, sweet – then Caroline asked where they were going to go tonight.

Martina was about to brush her off – she was off to visit her sister tonight – but the words wouldn’t come out. She felt a sudden light-headedness. Martina swayed as if she’d got up too quickly, losing balance and coherence. She laughed and righted herself. Cyn was talking to her – checking she was ok – but already her voice was sounding muffled and distant. A hand was on her arm, which suddenly felt so heavy, in fact all of her suddenly felt heavy. What the hell was going on? And then there was Caroline lying prone on the floor of the van. How did she get there? What wa-

Then suddenly everything went black.
