Helen marched across the street to her bike. She knew Mark was watching her from the window above, but didn’t acknowledge him. She wasn’t playing games – she just wasn’t ready for cheery waves or blowing kisses yet. Still it felt good to have his eyes upon her and she slowed her pace deliberately to enjoy it for a few seconds more.

She clambered on to her Kawasaki and turned the ignition. Her bike leathers and helmet were another form of armour for Helen, a space where she could exist alone and unmolested. But today, for the first time in ages, she felt she didn’t need it. That she didn’t have to hide from the world. What had happened with Mark had been unplanned and unexpected – which is probably why it had felt so right. When Helen had time to think, things often got overcomplicated and then didn’t happen at all. But today was just right. She wondered what Mark was thinking. Perhaps he thought she was odd – he wouldn’t be the first. Or maybe he found her intriguing. That was the best that she could hope for at this stage and she would definitely settle for that.

It was time to leave. The crazy fool was still watching, the curtain only vaguely hiding his naked form. For his sake as well as hers, she’d better go. So she revved the throttle and sped off down the road. As the wind whipped her body, she realized that today she was feeling decidedly unusual.

She was happy.
