Travel Diary of Holly Caputo and Mark Levine
Jane Harris
We’re here!!!! The US embassy!!! We made it with minutes to spare!!!! Cal took over the driving after the Mobil station, and we practically FLEW the next few hundred kilometers.
Plus, he insisted on taking this different route, which didn’t go through the mountains. Which was good, since I forgot my Dramamine. We reached Rome at five minutes to twelve.
And now we’re here!!!!
I must say, this place isn’t at all like what I would have thought. I mean, inside, it’s kind of like my dentist’s office. There are all these chairs and people waiting and a glassed-in reception desk and you have to take a number (well, that’s more like at my butcher’s than at my dentist’s, but whatever). Our number is 92.
I have to say, the Modelizer is being much better about this than I’d thought he’d be, judging by his initial reaction in the car, when he finally woke up. I admit I kind of shanghaied him. I knew he wasn’t really awake when I made him get in the car.
Still, he’s taking it like a total sport. He hasn’t uttered a peep of anti-marriage propaganda all morning. Maybe the guy’s finally coming around after all.
Fat-bottomed girls/They make the rockin’ world go round—
Oh my God, I can’t BELIEVE that’s all we had to listen to the whole drive! We are heading STRAIGHT to a music store the minute we get out of here and buying another CD. I don’t care what. ANYTHING but Queen.
Although I have to admit, Freddy Mercury is totally growing on me.We are the champions, my friends
Ooooooh, they’re calling a number. 92, 92, let it be 92!!!!!! 28?
Cal just looked at me and went, “Looks like we’re going to be here awhile.”
Understatement of the year.
And all they’ve got to read is International Time magazine!International Time is like watered down real Time , which is already so watered down it’s like watching the local news, without the grisly power mower accidental decapitations.
I’m going to DIE.
But it’s worth it. It’s worth it for Holly. This is for her. And Mark. This is—
YES!!! Why didn’t I think of it before??? Since I can’t give them this journal—um, especially not now that I’ve mentioned Cal’s pheromones—I’ll give them this… the form that will allow them to be married tomorrow.
Genius. Total genius. This is MUCH better than candlesticks or something dopey like that.
Oooooh, they’re calling another number… 92. COME ON!!! Maybe 29 through 91 left already.
Wait. That’s not a number. The guy’s putting a sign up on the glass. What’s it say?