The former, LOMELLINO, entering.
LOMELLINO (to JULIA, respectfully). Pardon my boldness, gracious lady. (To GIANETTINO.) Certain affairs which cannot be delayed--(GIANETTINO takes him aside; JULIA sits down angrily at the pianoforte and plays an allegro.)
GIANETTINO (to LOMELLINO). Is everything prepared for to-morrow?
LOMELLINO. Everything, prince-but the courier, who was despatched this morning to Levanto, is not yet returned, nor is Spinola arrived. Should he be intercepted! I'm much alarmed--
GIANETTINO. Fear nothing. You have that list at hand?
LOMELLINO (embarrassed). My lord-the list? I do not know-I must have left it at home in my other pocket.
GIANETTINO. It does not signify-would that Spinola were but here. Fiesco will be found dead in his bed. I have taken measures for it.
LOMELLINO. But it will cause great consternation.
GIANETTINO. In that lies our security. Common crimes but move the blood and stir it to revenge: atrocious deeds freeze it with terror, and annihilate the faculties of man. You know the fabled power of Medusa's head-they who but looked on it were turned to stone. What may not be done, my boy, before stories are warmed to animation?
LOMELLINO. Have you given the countess any intimation of it?
GIANETTINO. That would never do! We must deal more cautiously with her attachment to FIESCO. When she shares the sweets, the cost will soon be forgotten. Come, I expect troops this evening from Milan, and must give orders at the gates for their reception. (To JULIA.) Well, sister, have you almost thrummed away your anger?
JULIA. Go! You're a rude unmannered creature. (GIANETTINO, going, meets FIESCO.)