FIESCO (as if coming from the palace). Three GERMAN SOLDIERS
bringing the MOOR, bound.
FIESCO. Who calls me?
GERMANS. Bring us to the count!
FIESCO. The count is here, who wants me?
GERMAN (presenting his arms). Greeting from the duke!-he delivers up to your grace this Moor in chains, who had basely slandered you: the rest this note will tell.
FIESCO (takes it with an air of indifference). Have I not threatened thee already with the galleys? (To the GERMAN.) Very well, my friend, my respects to the duke.
MOOR (hallooing after them). Mine, too-and tell the duke had he not employed an ass for his messenger he would have learned that two thousand soldiers are concealed within these palace walls.
[Exeunt GERMANS, the NOBLES return.