вж. http://www2.us.elsevierhealth.com/scripts/om.dll/serve?action=searchDB&searchDBfor=art&artType=abs&id=amic0355&nav=abs Conclusions: Evidently, the sharing of facilities in a high-risk HD environment for a prolonged dialytic age facilitates the nosocomial transmission of HCV infection. A significant decline of annual seroconversion rate from 6.8% to 1.01% (odds ratio [OR], 7.535; 95% CI, 1.598-48.89; P .005) suggests that a comprehensive, strictly enforced isolation policy for HCV-positive patients may play a significant role in limiting HCV transmission in HD units, just as it has in drastically reducing HBV transmission in these settings. (Am I Infect Control 2003;31:26-33.)
http://www.riscobiologico.org/bioinfo/congressos/anteriores/cong_17/cong_17.htm — Disinfection protocols were adequate for internal pathways of HD machines, however; equipment externally attached to machines (e.g., priming buckets) and other supplies used on chronically infected patients often were not properly cleaned and disinfected before use on susceptible patients. HD staff should strictly observe infection-control precautions specifically designed for HD centers.