Our dad

It wasn't long before old dad

Was cumbersome — a drag.

He seemed to get the message and

Began to pack his bag.

«You don't want me around,» he said,

«I'm old and crippled too.»

We didn't have the heart to say

«You're bloody right it's true.»

He really took an age and more

To pack his tatty kleid.

We started coughing by the door,

To hurry him outside.

«I'm no use to man nor beast,»

He said, his eye all wet.

«That's why we're getting rid of you,

Yer stupid bastard, get.»

His wrinkIed face turned up to us

A pleading in his look;

We gave him half-a-crown apiece

And polished up his hook.

«It's not that we don't like you dad.»

Our eyes were downcast down.

«We've tried to make a go of it

Yer shrivelled little clown!»

At last he finished packing all,

His iron hand as well.

He even packed the penis

What he'd won at bagatell.

«Spect you'll write a line or two?»

He whined — who could resist?

We held his face beneath the light

And wrote a shopping list.

«Goodbye my sons and fare thee well,

I blame yer not yer see,

It's all yer mothers doing lads,

She's had it in for me.»

«You leave our mother out of this!»

We screamed all fury rage,

«At least she's working for her keep

And nearly twice your age!»

«I'd sooner starve than be a whore!»

The old man said, all hurt.

«Immoral earnings aren't for me,

and living off her dirt.»

«She washes everyday,» we said

Together, all at once.

«It's more than can be said for you

Yer dirty little ponce!»

At last upon the dooistep front

He turned and with a wave

He wished us all «Good Heavens»

And hoped we'd all behave.

«The best of luck to you old dad!»

We said with slight remorse,

«You'll dig it in the workhouse man.»

(He wouldn't though of course.)

«Ah well he's gone and thats a fact,»

We muttered after lunch,

And hurried to the room in which

He used to wash his hunch.

«Well here's a blessing in disguise;

Not only money too;

He's left his pension book as well

The slimy little jew!»

«What luck we'll have a party

Inviting all our friend.

We've only one but she's a laugh

She lets us all attend.»

We never heard from dad again

I 'spect we never shall

But he'll remain in all our hearts

— a buddy friend and pal.
