
Teymur R. Galimov

Metropolitans of Kiev and all Rus' between Russia and Horde (second half of the XIII century)

The presented monograph addresses the issue of the place of the institute of Kiev metropolitans in the Russian- and Church-Horde relations, which is so important in the indicated period. After having outlined a range of major problems, the author, based on a wide range of narrative sources, revealed the origins of the high socio-political status of the church hierarchy and demonstrates the diverse aspects of the connections of the Russian hierarchs not only with the princely family of Russia, but also representatives of the sovereign power of the Golden Horde. The results obtained by the researcher finally proved the significant role of the Golden Horde administration in the fate of the Russian Orthodox Church. Thanks to the will of the Horde khans, during the first century after the Mongol-Tatar invasion of Russia, the primary blow to the church organization was replaced by the receipt of exclusive rights of autonomy and jurisdiction in the face of princely power, the formation of significant benefits and the acquisition of Horde support, which contributed to the accumulation of enormous amounts of material benefits and land resources. At the same time, the changes that took place, in the opinion of the researcher, contributed to the canonical administrative reform with subsequent concentration of all power over the church organization in the hands of the Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia. In fact, the author of the monograph concluded that all of the above allowed the church to become a full-fledged and influential participant in Russian-Horde relations and to occupy an exclusive position: between Russia and the Horde.

This study is the basis for raising the problem of the degree of involvement of the Old Russian nobility in the composition of the Golden Horde elites, the final resolution of which, sooner or later, will allow to declare the extent to which the Russian lands belong to the Golden Horde, which it really occupied.
