Chapter Twenty Liv. Happy birthday, baby.

Okay, where is he now? I’m starting to get a little ticked off. Every time I turn around these days Danny has nipped off somewhere. What is worse is he keeps taking Max with him. I don’t mind sharing, but it’s getting ridiculous. Ever since our offer was accepted on the house, he has been running around like a blue-arsed fly. I don’t even know what he gets up to. It’s an hour here, a couple there, but it’s every day. If he's picking stuff for the house, I’d like to be involved. If he's meeting the solicitor, I should be there…If he’s freaking out, I should know!

He is fidgety, even in the evenings, he is constantly checking emails and sending texts. He’s not troubled, he seems happy and he’s being really attentive too. Our ‘baby practice’ is going well, he can’t keep his hands off me. If I’m not carrying triplets right now, I’d be really surprised! I’m not, by the way. But we are working on it. I’m impressed with myself for not thinking the worst. The potential meaning of the fact that he is missing a lot, sending private texts and being overly attentive in the bedroom, isn’t lost on me. But I have no doubts this time, it isn’t even a consideration. Danny is all mine and mine alone. I would just like to know what he is up to.

I run into Max locking up the store room. He looks really guilty.

“Hey, where’s Danny,” I ask, pretending not to notice. I cut him a little slack today, it’s my thirtieth birthday tomorrow and they may well be planning something. That doesn’t account for almost a month of this weirdness, but I’ll let it go today.

“Parking the car, I think.” He shrugs.

“Oh.” I mutter turning away. I catch Max’s look of ‘Phew-that-was-close’ and I round on him. “I will get to the bottom of whatever it is you two are up to!” He pulls a face, but says nothing and I walk away feeling satisfied. I just wanted to put the wind up him, not ruin a surprise.

Danny is walking through the back door when I cross the garden. He looks up from his phone and grins, shoving it deep in his pocket.

“I’ve been looking for you again!”

“Sorry, I had to go out, what’s up?” he says casually as he wraps me up in his arms, distracting me with a deep kiss. This is what keeps happening. If I show any interest in what he’s up to I get the disarming, full-mega-watt Danny.

“My mum’s here, she wants to take me out for the day. I just wanted to let you know.”

He grins. “Perfect. Have fun.” He kisses the end of my nose and lets me go.

Huh! I think as I walk away, nice, I’ll miss you too! I grab my bag and find Mum and Connie chatting in the diner. It’s nice that she has come up to see me for my birthday. I haven’t really seen her much since I’ve been back to almost normal. She is so sweet coming today so that I can have tomorrow with Danny.

“Okay, we can go.” I huff as I approach them.

“Everything alright darling?”

“Oh, yeah,” I say shaking my head to let her know it’s nothing really. “Danny is just very distracted with the house and stuff. I know he and Max are up to something, it’s probably my birthday present. But I’m hoping he will come back to me once this is all done.” I sigh. I haven’t told her he is also planning to fly to LA in a few weeks to donate sperm for Jen and Scott. He hasn’t even told them yet. Apparently he just wants to sort the house out first, but it sounds like an excuse to me. I think he’s leaving it to sink in a bit, to test how I really feel. But I know how I feel won’t change. I fully support him in wanting to do this and when he goes, I’m going to go with him to prove it.

Mum smirks. “Don’t be on his case about your birthday. You know he will want to spoil you rotten. Don’t you dare ruin it for him.”

“I won’t, Mum.”

I feel a tiny bit tipsy when I get home. Mum and Connie took me to a spa as a birthday treat. We had afternoon tea with champagne and then we ordered more bubbly and sat around by the pool lazily, knocking it back. I’ve had a full top-to-toe and I feel like I’m floating. Mum went to town treating me and after having the works, they insisted we all have our hair done. I feel a bit overdone for a night on the sofa with Danny, especially as I return home to an empty flat. I was expecting Danny to be home, but he’s obviously in the bar. I turn back around to go downstairs and find him, when my attention goes to the door.

Hanging on the back of the door is a garment bag with an envelope attached. Written on the envelope is my name in Danny’s writing. I reach for it slowly, not sure if I should have seen this before tomorrow. He surely wouldn’t have left it here if I wasn’t. I open the envelope and pull out a note on heavy white paper.


I hope you had a wonderful time at the spa, you should be feeling pampered and relaxed. I know I’ve been very distracted lately and I want to make it up to you.

Please put on this dress and meet me in the garden at 7pm.

Danny x

I read it again. Did Danny ask Mum and Connie to take me out today? Have I been played? Oh well, I had a great time and now Danny has bought me a dress and wants me to meet him. I wonder what he’s got in store? I carefully slide the zip down, revealing a flash of deep-purple silk. I gasp. The colour is beautiful.

I slide the cover off the dress and step back to admire it. It’s a fifties-style dress. Knee length, big skirt and nipped in at the waist with a belt made from the same fabric. It’s beautiful. The neckline at the front and back are deep V’s and I just know it’s going to suit me before I even try it. Danny is a genius!

I take the hanger off the door and go into the bedroom, checking my watch. I have half an hour and butterflies are forming in my stomach. I try to concentrate on what I have to do, instead of thinking about what is in store for me.

My hair is loose and falling in shiny waves thanks to the expensive blow dry, but this dress demands an up-do. I twist and pin and artfully arrange it so that the glossy tendrils are piled loosely on top of my head. Next I apply my usual smoky eye makeup and a hint of deep pink lip gloss, then I seek out my sexiest underwear, grateful that I showered at the spa as I slip it on. I pull out my glittery, beaded black ballet pumps. I sigh that I can’t wear the heels this dress probably deserves, but I hated them anyway and I’m not taking the chance now. Danny will understand.

With only a couple of minutes to go, I slide the zip up the side of the dress and fasten the belt. I turn to the mirror and freeze. This dress is perfect, just perfect. I bite back a tear thinking how lucky I am that he loves me so much. Then without another thought, I go to him.

The diner is pretty deserted when I open my door, but I’m too anxious to care. Opening the staff door to the garden I see Danny. I feel a thrill. He is beautiful. I take him in quickly as I walk towards him, he’s wearing dark grey trousers and a matching waistcoat, shirt sleeves are rolled up and his tie is perfect. His hair is kind of slicked over in a style he doesn’t normally wear, he looks like a casual movie star. I swell with fondness when I notice his black Converse. It’s these touches that make us perfect together, the fact that even dressing up doesn’t have to mean selling out.

He doesn’t take his eyes from mine, but I’m momentarily distracted by movement beside him as I round the corner into the garden. Max is there, so is my mum. It’s then that I notice that know every single face in the crowd filling the garden. I gasp and step back behind the protective wall of the diner, my hand goes to my mouth and my eyes return to Danny.

He beams at me. Chuckling to himself, he steps forward and takes my hands. “It’s okay,” he whispers. Pulling me gently out into the open again. The crowd erupts into a cheer as he pulls me tight to his chest. I can’t believe this, a surprise party!

“You look beautiful,” Danny says tenderly against my ear.

I blush. “Thank you for the dress,” I reply. “What’s going on?” I look to his face. He looks shy and happy at the same time. He is hoping I like this surprise, but he secretly already knows I will.

“Surprise!” He laughs as he releases me and turns me to see everyone that’s here.

My mum rushes forward and squeezes me. “Surprise darling,” she says with a knowing smile. Dave joins her, hugging both of us as I start to feel overwhelmed. Over her shoulder I see Grace, holding Mia and Andy clinging onto Matty’s little hand. I gasp and look back at Danny in disbelief.

The next few minutes are a blur as I hug my sister, kiss my way through the rest of my family and friends and then find that Danny’s parents, and Jen and Scott are also here. I didn’t realise I was crying until Max slips a tissue into my hand. This is completely overwhelming, what are they all doing here? I think I say that out loud to a few people, but no one really offers me an explanation. Then I’m passed back to Danny.

“What is everyone doing here?” I ask again, while Danny catches a stray tear with a fresh tissue.

“They came to see you.” He soothes. “Do you need a minute?” A glass of champagne is put in my hand by someone.

I need a week, I think to myself. But I shake my head. I breathe in deeply and let it out in a long, juddery whoosh.

“Okay,” he says, taking my hand. “Come with me.”

What I didn’t notice in the chaos and confusion, is that our modular stage that we have in the bar for live music, has been set up in the garden. Danny leads me onto it and I follow in a daze. I turn and gasp again when I see just how many people there are.

Danny casually takes a microphone from its stand and flicks it on.

“Good evening everyone,” he says, causing a hush to fall over the crowd. “Thank you all for coming and for helping me keep this secret.” He laughs. “Liv is not an easy person to hide something like this from, so well done for all the lies, but remember it’s not over yet!” Laughter ripples through the garden. I frown at that, but Danny carries on. Turning to me, he smiles. “Liv,” he says raising my hand to his lips. “You take my breath away.” He almost whispers. He says it just for me, but shares the thought with everyone via the microphone. Lots of people cheer and I hear a few whoops and words of agreement. I’m not shy, but this is beyond doubt the most embarrassed I’ve ever felt and yet standing here with Danny, I don’t want this moment to end.

“Happy birthday, baby.” Once again the crowd erupts as Danny picks me up and turns me around, kissing me briefly as he returns me to the floor waiting for everyone to settle down. He continues. “This has been the best and worst year of my life. I started the year thinking it would be just like every other…Without you.” He sighs as fresh tears spring from my eyes. “Then a surprise message from a good friend,” he smiles down at Connie, “changed everything.” He swallows back his own emotion. “From the very first time I talked to you again, I knew my life was never going to be the same. I’ve always loved you.”

“I love you too,” I sob. Some ‘ah’s’ come from around us.

Danny steps over to Jen at the side of the small stage and Jen hands him something. When he turns back to me I see it’s the crumpled jewellery bag from his kitchen in LA. I watch him hold up the bag. “Remember this?”

I nod. Unsure of its significance now and wary of its connection to that horrible day.

He looks into my eyes. “I asked everyone to come here today, to shock you into silence so that I could finally get these words out.” He laughs. “I’ve waited a long time for this moment, I hope it’s third time lucky!” He pulls something small from the bag. I watch it fall and then look back to him in time to see him sink to one knee. I gasp and my hands fly up to my mouth.

Steadying himself with a long breath, he finally speaks. “Liv,” he says sincerely. “You are the most beautiful, vibrant person I’ve ever known. I’ve loved you since I was six years old and I know I’m never going to stop, so please…will you marry me?” Then he opens the tiny box in his hand and shows me the most amazing ring I’ve ever seen.

“Yes!” I whisper. His eyes fill with tears and he jumps up to hold me. His lips press against mine and then several other places in the chaotic, emotional embrace. He picks me up again and holds me so tight. “Yes?” he whispers in my ear. Checking he heard me correctly.

“Yes,” I repeat, louder. I’m dizzy now and no longer aware of my surroundings. “Yes!”

Once again the place erupts, but this time the sound continues, whistles can be heard and I’m aware of some crying too. I know I am and Danny is having real trouble keeping it together. He sets me down once more and takes half a step back to get the ring, which he slides onto my finger. Oh my God, it’s perfect, it’s grey, or at least it looks it in this light, its beautiful and unusual, and huge! We both stare at it on my finger. I don’t know what to say, my hold on my senses left the building a while ago. I throw my arms around Danny’s neck.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

We descend the steps and into the waiting arms of first Jen who is sobbing, followed by Max, who is also very emotional. Then just as overwhelmingly as the first time, almost everyone here comes to greet us, offering their congratulations. I’ve no idea how long this takes but at some point a strong rum and Coke finds its way into my hand, the other hand never leaves Danny’s. He holds onto me like I’m oxygen. I’ve felt his love for me before and it was nothing like this, it’s as if he is finally free to show how he really feels, no holding back.

After some time talking to everyone, Danny turns to me and pulls me close. “Are you ok?” he asks.

I smile, shivering but not from cold. “I’m perfect.”

“That dress looks amazing on you.” He grins.

I look down. “I love it, Danny, thank you so much.”

“And this does too,” he says, lifting my left hand to his lips and kissing the ring on my finger. He sighs with contentment and holds me close, then I feel him laugh to himself. “There is one other thing,” he says and takes my hand again, pulling me once more up to the stage. I’m bemused, how can there be more?

“Um, ladies and gentlemen,” he says into the microphone, waiting for the hush to fall. “As you know, there is just one more thing. Thank you all so much for keeping this secret for me.” He turns and grins at me. “I suppose I should tell my fiancé!”

I’ve no idea what is going on as I just stare at Danny, helplessly.

“As you can imagine,” he explains, “it wasn’t easy getting everyone together in one place at the same time.” He waves a hand at Jen and his parents in particular. “So doing it twice would be damned near impossible.”

I nod as if I understand but I’m so confused.

“So I was hoping you would do me the honor of marrying me…” I frown, I’ve already agreed to that. He looks worried as he says the next word. “…Tomorrow?”

I blink. “Tomorrow?”


“I…But…” There are no words.

“Do you trust me?” he asks close to my ear.

I nod, this I’m certain of, now more than ever. “But…how?”

“It’s all taken care of.” He grins at Max. “Everything is in place. All you have to do is say yes.”

I look at Max. He gives me the thumbs up. I realise that this is what they’ve been up to for weeks, in secret, working hard on this whole plan. I couldn’t deny them this, either of them. “Of course I will,” I say. Danny once again swamps me in his relieved embrace.

“She said yes everyone,” he says triumphantly to the crown when he lets me go. “You are all officially invited!”

We once again dismount the stairs to rapturous applause, it’s getting a bit embarrassing. I have a million questions and before anything else comes up, I need a word with my husband-to-be. I get goose bumps just thinking that he is so soon to be my husband. But, intent on finding answers, I grip his hand tightly and pull him towards the back of the diner. Danny smirks as I punch in the code to the flat and lets me tug him through the door, misunderstanding my intentions.

Once in the relatively tranquil environment of the hall, I sink to the bottom stair, rubbing my head with my fingers, just taking a minute to readjust to all this new information.

“Liv?” Danny says. I take a deep breath, there is so much to ask I don’t know where to start and I’m really enjoying the peace for a minute.

“What’s wrong?” Danny drops to his knees in front of me. I’m still trying to formulate a coherent sentence in my head when he cuts in again, his tone more like panic now. “Liv, no, please…”

My eyes shoot to his in alarm, “What?” I ask, confused.

“Don’t back out now,” he says quietly. “It'll kill me.”

“I’m not backing out!” I’m stunned that he would think I could.

“But you look like you’re getting ready to tell me something really awful.”

“No! Not at all. I have so many questions and I just wanted a minute alone with you that’s all.” I stroke the side of his face. “I’m just a bit overwhelmed, it’s a lot to process.”

“You’re not going to tell me it’s off?”

“No way.” I frown. I suppose I did act a bit like that. “Sorry if I scared you, but it’s so calm out here I just shut down for a second.” I grab his hands. “I’m so happy, honestly.”

He studies me, sagging with relief once he sees the sincerity in my eyes. “I did it again didn’t I?” He sighs, joining me on the step.

“Did what exactly?”

“Blindsided you.”

“It’s becoming a habit, but I love you for it.”

“I’m sorry, I just get so caught up in how to show you just how much I love you.”

“You can stop now.” I laugh. “I believe you!”

He nods solemnly. “Do you still want to marry me?” he asks, his voice so small.

“More than anything.” I grin and look at my ring. “This is so beautiful.” It’s grey, I can see it properly now. I’ve never seen anything like it, I think that was probably the point. I never really imagined this milestone in my life, because I was nonplussed about all the usual girlie details. I couldn’t see myself picking table centres and things. But if Danny’s choice of ring is anything to go by, I think the wedding is in safe hands.

Danny runs his thumb across the ring. “I knew it was for you the minute I saw it.”

“When did you buy it?”

“In LA. I was going to give it to you at the party the night it all fell apart.”

“So I’ve left you hanging with a ring in your pocket…twice?” I sigh and touch my thumb to the tiny band on my right hand.

He regretfully nods.

“I’m so sorry.”

“Hey, it’s done now. We made it,” he says softly. “Just marry me tomorrow and I swear we can just get on with our lives. No more drama.”

“Are you sure?” I laugh.


“I love you so much,” I say touching his newly styled hair. “I like this a lot,” I tell him, leaning forward to kiss him. I pause before our lips touch. “You look lovely tonight.”

His sharp intake of breath as our lips meet fires up my insides.

“You look amazing,” he murmurs.

“You picked the dress. It’s perfect. Thank you.” I glance down at the fabric and realise with a smile that the colour matches my nails. I suspect that this was carefully orchestrated and it explains my mother’s enthusiasm for the shade when she was urging me to get my fingernails and toenails painted today.

“I’m glad you think I picked well.” He smiles. “Because I’ve picked you one out for tomorrow too.”

I giggle. “That answers one of my questions.”

“I know.” He smirks. “This must be killing you!”

I hang my head in shame.

“Do you think you could not ask me? Just trust that I’ve thought of everything.”

I take a deep breath, hoping I can do what he has asked. “I’ll try.”

“Tomorrow is going to be…just…it’s so ‘us’, Liv. I can’t wait for you to see it.” His smile is infectious.

“Where is it?” I ask, not thinking. Then I clap my hand over my mouth, realising my mistake. Danny gives me a raised eyebrow in disapproval. “Sorry,” I whisper.

He shakes his head, laughing. “Just one thing,” he asks. “I don’t know how you want to do this. I was going to stay at Max’s and have one of the girls hang here with you. You know, if you want to do the whole ‘not seeing each other before the wedding’ thing. But if that doesn’t matter to you, I could stay here. Your call.”

“I suppose, we should do this properly.”

“Really?” He chokes, trying to mask his disappointment.

“No, not really you fool!” I laugh. “Since when have I been the traditional type? Stay with me, please.”

“Wow, that would have made tonight the hardest night of my life!” He breathes a huge sigh of relief, but his desire shows through the bravado.

“I didn’t say I’d let you touch me,” I whisper, leaning in to kiss him.

“We’ll see,” he replies, grabbing the back of my neck and closing the distance. I groan as he claims what is his. Me.

Just then the door opens. “Oh! There you are!” Max exclaims. “People are looking for you. You’d better pack that in and get out here.”

I wipe my lip gloss off Danny’s mouth and smile up at Max.

“Everything okay?” he asks.

“Everything is perfect,” I reply.
