Chapter Twenty-five Liv Funny and wonderful.

“Typical, just as I’m getting on a transatlantic flight!” Jen says as she holds up a tampon. I roll my eyes in empathy then feel a pang of sympathy. It must be awful when you hope so badly that something will happen month after month and then you get the flat out no, in the airport toilets of all places. I can’t imagine the disappointment. I hope I never have to feel that disappointment. I’m not expecting to fall pregnant instantly, but month after month it must be awful, the hope building up and then crashing down. They’ve been trying for over two years. At least now they’re working on a solution.

When she emerges and uses the sink beside me, I casually ask. “How is that all going anyway?”

“Oh, you know, it’s going.” She smiles, it’s obviously a practiced smile. “It’s a lot easier since we know what the problems are. I’m ovulating like clockwork now and we are timing our attempts to coincide as precisely as possible…and the days either side too. I’m killing Scott in the process, mind you. I know it’s unlikely to happen, but the doctor said it couldn’t hurt to keep trying. Especially as we know I’m in full working order now and I’m keeping track. You never know, one of his swimmers might get lucky if we give it a helping hand.” She laughs then wrinkles her nose.

“It’s disappointing when that happens every month, but I guess we’re used to it. I won’t tell Scott it’s happened again just yet, I’ll wait until we are home. Besides, when I do, I see the look in his eyes, it’s dread more than anything, he makes a mental note that in a couple of weeks I’ll have him on call for days. The fun has well and truly left the building, he almost looks afraid!” She giggles, so do I at the mental image of Scott, running and hiding. I admire her strength for being able to laugh, when it’s far from funny.

I wish I could tell her that Danny is going to help them, but it’s for him to say not me. I need to let him do it however he feels comfortable. I just can’t help thinking there must be an easier way than the whole freezing thing. But the only thing I can come up with, would involve my new husband crossing a huge line with his best friend during our honeymoon…So freezing it is!

We meet the boys back out in the terminal. Danny’s parents flew home early this morning, but as we are only flying an hour before Jen and Scott, we decided to come to the airport together. It has been nice mooching around the terminal with them, but it’s time for Danny and me to go to our gate, so we hug them and say our goodbyes. We will see them in ten days, so it’s an easy farewell.

I buckle my seat belt and settle into my large, comfy seat. We are in Premium, so the seats are bigger and there’s more leg room, but best of all, the seats are in pairs, so we don’t have to share space with a stranger for hours. Danny flips through his magazine beside me, his wedding ring glinting in the light makes me smile.

“Don’t!” he says, snapping his magazine closed.

“Don’t what?” I frown.

“I saw you smirking at me. I’m excited about the house that’s all, if I want to look at an interior design magazine, I will. I’m comfortable with who I am!” He says, stifling a laugh.

I burst out laughing. I didn’t notice he was reading Living etc. I press my lips together to prevent a mocking remark escaping. He narrows his eyes. “I was smiling at your wedding ring, I like looking at it. God, touchy!” Then I can’t contain my laughter.

He’s so excited about the house. I’m relieved it was all finalised before we left because it would have eaten him up. It’s bad enough we are both thinking about Jen and Scott so much. I know it’s our honeymoon, but it’s dominating our thoughts. I’d not fully appreciated how much it was affecting Danny and since talking to Jen at the airport, now it’s all I can think about too.

I promise myself a little alone time with the laptop as soon as I can. I want to support Danny, but I need to know more in order to be of use. Until now I’ve just gone along with what he told me, but if we’re going to do this, then I want it to be together. I’ll always support him and he needs to know that now more than ever. He is taking a huge risk with our fledgling marriage and far from worrying me, it has shown me the faith he has in ME. He’s taken me at my word and believes that I support him in something many people would think of as unacceptable. Especially in this early stage of our life together. I’m going to show him that his faith is warranted. Wow, we’ve come a long way.

We’re offered champagne and then it really feels like our honeymoon gets started. From then it’s a whirlwind. Cancun is beautiful, we hardly see any of it though, because Danny’s parents have stumped up for the honeymoon suite in the most spectacular hotel I’ve ever seen, and… because they/the universe gave me Danny to share it with.

The food was fabulous, I must have gained at least a stone. I notice my jeans are tighter when I put them back on to travel, but this is no surprise, there was buffet after buffet. There were snacks and cakes and hors d’oeuvres…We ate on the balcony, in the bath in the centre of our plush suite, in the pool, by the pool (and it wasn’t just gratuitous eating that we did in all those places either). Danny and I have simply lazed in each other’s arms, for a blissful week.

We’d agreed to try and do more this week, in Cabo. Partly because his parents have assigned things for us to see, like the place they’re buying and the surrounding area. Of course we did this dutifully, but it isn’t our fault that they got us another insanely luxurious suite that we never want to leave.

“Come on, Danny.” I sigh as his arms fold around me and his warm breath stirs the nerves of my neck. “We have to get dressed for dinner.”

“Why? Let’s get room service again, I have everything I need right here,” he murmurs, pulling me closer.

“We haven’t seen the light of day today, don’t you want to get out?” My pale blue, wedding night underwear presses against his bare golden skin. I put it on for him because it turns him on, and on this occasion he can leave it on me and admire it. We’re going out for dinner…if he ever puts some underwear on!

“We did, we were on the balcony for ages and we went for a swim.” He softly croons in my ear as his hands snake their way over my body.

“Danny, sex on the balcony and then in the hot tub for three hours, is not seeing the sights!” I giggle trying to extricate myself from his grip.

“I saw some sights,” he smirks. “Now I want to see some more.”

I’m determined to go out tonight, but he’s making it so hard. I turn in his arms and face him. He’s impossible to resist. I gasp as his hand slips inside the delicate lace of my underwear and shudder when his finger brushes my clit. I kiss him, slowly, as his fingers enter me. I know we’re not leaving this room tonight, but I keep up the pretence for a minute longer. While I’m lingering around his ear, I whisper what I wish he could do to me if we weren’t going out to dinner. He moans, turned on by my explicit words, so I continue, telling him what I wish I could do to him. Then, what I say to him turns him on so much it almost gets him there.

I whisper. “Oh, screw it. Use me…don’t hold back, take what you need.”

“Oh God, Liv.” He groans as I sink to kneel at his feet.

I take him in my mouth, running my tongue all the way around him to ease my path. He sighs at first but as I move, his sighs become whispers, the whispers become moans. Then as I begin to accept him deeper and deeper, his hands appear, ready to do what I asked. To use me and take what he needs.

He is never rough, but I love it when he takes control. That first night we were together, it happened by accident, but the effect on both of us was amazing, it’s something he knows I love now and he doesn’t feel bad about it. He forces himself into my mouth, over and over again, while my fingers dig into his thighs. My hands give an indication to him of just how much I can take. Occasionally they twitch up, almost at the point of asking him to stop, but I never do. I can take it, but it drives him crazy, thinking I'm on the verge of begging him to stop.

I make that low throaty moan he loves and he gasps.

“Jesus, Liv.” He hisses. “Touch yourself.”

A thrill goes through me and I willingly oblige, sliding my hand under the soft lace of my underwear. He can’t see, but he knows I’m doing it. I moan to let him know I’ve hit home and he seems to lose control at the thought. Focusing hard on his goal, he uses long, slow strokes. I roll my tongue around him every time he almost withdraws and accept him back as deep as possible each time he pushes in. His jagged breaths tell me he’s getting close and my fingers bring a stifled moan from me that seals the deal for him.

“I’m gonna come.” He moans desperately. I simply allow him to use me to get there, I love it when he really lets go “Oh God.” He gasps as his body tenses, then releases into my willing mouth.

He shudders as he finishes. Looking down at me, he laughs.

I’m breathless and weak with need, but I’m happy on this occasion to make that all about him. It’s one in the bank for me later, not that we’re keeping score. Trembling a little, I stand and wipe away the tears he forced from my eyes with his deep thrusting.

“Can we go to dinner now?” I smirk.

“I don’t think you were finished.” He grins, trailing a finger along the fabric of my knickers.

“Later.” I say firmly, moving his hand away.

“No, now!” He demands, lifting me suddenly.

I shriek, “Danny! Put me down!” Which he does, on the bed, with a thump. He yanks my underwear to the side and sucks in my clit, before I know what has happened.

“Oh, God!” I cry as his fingers push inside me. He’s unbelievably talented, my husband. He takes me straight to the edge and holds me there longer than I can stand it. I’m begging for mercy within minutes as he relentlessly sucks and licks and occasionally bites. I hiss as his teeth once again close over what, right now, feels like the centre of my being.

“Danny, please…”

“Uh, uh.” He shakes his head.

“Please…” I whimper.

He sucks me hard again.

“Fuck! Please give it to me…please let me come.”

Then his fingers twist inside me and his free hand reaches up and pinches my nipple…and I’m gone. Shouting his name, I crash out of control into a mind-blowing orgasm.

Panting, I lay tangled in the sheets. Danny flops down beside me looking very pleased with himself.

“Ready to go to dinner then?” He laughs.

“Fuck you!”

“Hey! That better not be an empty promise.” He pulls the sheet over us and tickles me until I can’t breathe.

“Danny, stop!” I beg. “I give up!”

“Give up what?”

“We can stay in and get room service.” I giggle, his hands still making me squirm.

“Yeah!” He yells, fist pumping the air.

“You’re so funny!” I wipe a stray tear and lift the sheet to peep at him. He laughs and pulls me in, hugging me tight.


“Funny and wonderful,” I say, lovingly stroking his face.

“You forgot hot.”

“Funny and wonderful and hot.’ I correct myself.

“And virile, don’t forget virile.”

I raise my eyebrows. “How virile?” I ask as his mouth hovers over mine. He looks at me suggestively and then shows me. My God, he shows me.

I still can’t quite believe he managed it. It took him so long to build back up to it that I was completely wrung out by the time he reaches his second and I reached my fourth climax of the night. A record for both of us. Virile hardly covers it!

I’m actually aching from the things we’ve done to each other. I’m afraid to even calculate the number of orgasms. But if the average is once per new surface and at least twenty per hot tub, I’d say we were in the hundreds. Danny is behaving like we will never have sex again after today, I know we're staying ay Jen and Scotts but we don't have to stop, we just have to learn some restraint. I sigh as I cross my legs and feel the familiar tenderness from our overexertions this morning. Determined to have me while he still could, we had a lovely long shower. My fingers are still pruney.

Sitting in the departure lounge in Cabo, I hold his hand. I can feel the anxiety building in him. Heading back to LA to do his best to help his friends has begun to take its toll on him. The pressure he’s putting on himself is immense. Our flight is called and he gives me that ‘here-goes’ look as he stands and picks up our bags. His foot begins to tap as we push back from the stand and I touch his knee gently to steady it. I try to offer him a reassuring smile, but he’s lost in the tension. We’ve talked so much about it now, that I know his biggest fear is it never working. The odds are stacked against them, given the restrictions of time and distance and he just doesn’t want to let them down.

Jen wanted to pick us up from the airport, but Danny said we’d need a car anyway, so he has arranged a hire and we make our own way. I smirk at the Range Rover. Boys! It’s strange to be here again. Only five months since I fled, life looks a whole lot different cruising along the freeway today. I stroke Danny’s leg. He’s still tense, but being home seems to have settled him slightly and when we pull into the driveway at Jen and Scott’s and Jen bowls out to greet us, he visibly relaxes.

“Long time!” She teases.

It’s mid-afternoon on a Monday, so I’m surprised when Scott appears in the doorway to help us in with our luggage.

“What are you doing here? I was told you never stop working,” I say and kiss his cheek.

“Well, I don’t know how often I’ll see you two now, so I took a few days off.” He says and softly kisses me back.

“We’re honoured.” I grin.

“Come on, let’s get your things in the laundry,” says Jen. She had very helpfully suggested not packing too much for the long trip as we could use her washing machine. A genius idea and it prevented me from having packing melt-down.

“You’re a star!” I say, linking my arm through hers, leaving the boys to bring in the bags.

We round the corner into the open-plan living area and I’m stunned to find Max and Charlie relaxing on the large corner sofa.

“What the hell?”

Max laughs and jumps up and still holding his cold beer, he squeezes the life out of me.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, though my question gets lost, or ignored, amid the hugging and backslapping of our group. It’s obvious at once that I’m the only person not in on this surprise. I stand hands on hips, waiting for someone to fill me in and when everyone notices, they all laugh.

“Come and sit out in the garden, I’ll get you a drink and we’ll tell you everything.” Danny smirks.

“Hmm.” I huff.

I follow Max and Charlie into the garden and sit with them, looking between them, all I get are shrugs and grins.

“Okay,” says Danny, bringing a tray of cold drinks out, with Jen and Scott in tow. He hands them out and sits beside me. I look at him, waiting. He gets the message and spits it out. “I invited them,” Danny explains. “You and I still aren’t legally married and I wanted to put that right as soon as possible, so we’re all going to fly out to Vegas this weekend to make this thing official.” He shrugs. “I just thought it would mean more to you if our friends came too.”

I shake my head and laugh. “You are something else, do you know that?” I say looking at his perfect face. I lean over the arm of my chair and kiss him. I get up and hug everyone. “So this is what you meant by having plans?”

“Yeah,” he says lovingly, pulling me into his lap.

“It’s brilliant, thank you. And thank you guys for coming out here. It wouldn’t be the same without you.” I kiss the top of Danny’s head. I guess I’m growing accustomed to his constant surprises. It feels much easier to just go with the flow.

“Aren’t you going to fret about how I’ve covered us both being away?” Max teases.

“No!” I shoot back. “This is a new me, get used to it. You are the manager, I trust you. I’m relinquishing control.”

Max raises his eyebrows. “I’m very impressed.”

I did tell Max before we left for Mexico that Danny and I are trying for a baby and obviously once that happens, my Rottweiler-like grip on the business would have to ease. He knows he will be running the show, it’s why he’s on board. We’ve always been more of a partnership really and Danny and I are looking into ways to make it more rewarding for him, but I know he doesn’t expect it.

“Seriously though, is this it now? There’s nothing else you are keeping from me?” I ask Danny.

Danny really has to think about it. “Nope, I think then we’re done.”

“So no long-lost siblings I’m about to be reunited with? I’m not getting punked? This is really it?”

Danny laughs. “Yes, this is it, I swear. I’m done blindsiding you.” He strokes my shoulder.

“Good,” I say. I smile inwardly, the next time someone get blindsided, I can safely say it won’t be me and I’ll be the one holding all the cards…I can’t wait.
