LESSON VIII. 1. Where had the greatness of Joseph's children been foretold?

A. Gen. xlix. 25, 26. Deut. xxxiii. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.

2. How did Jeroboam forfeit these blessings?

3. What warnings did he receive?

4. Who overthrew the house of Jeroboam?

5. What kings reigned next?

6. What city did Omri make his capital?

7. How had the site of Samaria been made remarkable?-Deut, xxvii.

8. What was the difference between the sin of Jeroboam and the sin of Ahab?

9. How was Ahab influenced?

10. What prophet warned him?

11. What proofs were given that the Lord is the only God?

12. Who were the chief enemies of Israel?

13. What was the fate of Ahab?

14. Who became prophet after Elijah? 15. Who executed judgment on the house of Ahab?

16. How long was the house of Jehu to continue?

17. How did Joash disobey Elisha?-2 Kings, xiii. 19.

18. What prophets succeeded Elisha?-A. Hosea and Amos.

19. What was Hosea's prophecy of Redemption?-Hosea, xiii. 14.

20. What was Amos' prophecy of Redemption?-Amos, ix. 11-15.

21. What was the end of the house of Jeroboam?

22. Who were the two allies against Judah?

23. What generous action was done by the Ephraimites?
