2. What Church was left in Ethiopia?
3. What Church was left by St. Thomas?
4. Which apostles left writings?
5. Who alone survived to hear of the destruction of Jerusalem?
6. How had this been foretold?-John, xxi. 22.
7. How did the Jews bring punishment on themselves?
8. How did they misread the prophecies?
9. How had our Lord predicted their self-deception?-Matt. xxiv. 5-11.
10. What Roman was sent against them P
11. How was he called off?
12. What warning was thus given?-Luke, xxi. 20, 21.
13. How did the Christians profit by the warning?
14. How were our Lord's predictions of fearful sights and signs from Heaven fulfilled?
15. Why was the city more than usually filled?
16. Who was the Roman general?
17. In what year did Titus besiege Jerusalem? 18. How had the Jews called down vengeance on themselves?
19. How had our Lord mourned for them?-Luke, xiii. 34.-xix, 41.
20. How had St. Paul mourned for them?-Rom. ix. 2,3.
21. How had the manner of the siege been predicted?-Deut. xxviii. 52.
22. How had the dreadful famine been foretold?-Luke, xix. 43.
23. What was the state of the city?-Deut. xxviii. 53-56.-Lam. ii. 20, 21.
24. How was the entrance effected into the Temple?
25. What had been the intention of Titus with regard to the Temple?
26. Why could not the Temple be saved?
27. What condition was the city found to be in?
28. What prophecy was fulfilled?-Matt. xxiv. 2.
29. What became of the treasures of the Temple?
30. What became of the Jews?
31. How had their dispersion been predicted?-Deut. xxviii. 64-68.-Ps. lix. 11.
32. How have they lived ever since?
33. What warning does St. Paul give the Gentiles?-Rom. xi. 18.
34. Why were the Jews so utterly rejected?
35. Who were accepted in their stead?
36. How had the acceptance of the sons of Japhet been foretold?-Gen. ix. 27.